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Everything posted by Ink

  1. Nice to hear the problem is solved!
  2. Captain, please check email. lets continue our conversation there
  3. Captain, unfortunately daily server maintenance is required to keep servers healthy
  4. Please try to reinstall GPU drivers from scratch (using a program like Display Driver Uninstaller), and also MS redist packages (2013, 2015 and 2017) from this site: https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/help/2977003/the-latest-supported-visual-c-downloads Also, please send dxdiag file to ink@navalaction.com open Windows Command Prompt (press Windows + R), then type: dxdiag Then click on Save all information button in the bottom right corner
  5. Patch is up: animal baits can attract limited amount of animals Grass Bait fixed ammo lost when gun put to camp fixed typos fixed wolfs are a bit more dangerous now
  6. Captain, could you please clarify what antivirus you use and that you checked the game is not blocked by the antivirus?
  7. The game requires online connection to be played, perhaps once the game is available on Steam there will be some offline options, but we cannot guarantee it at this moment
  8. Captains, issues related to tutorial is under investigation
  9. Under investigation
  10. Patch is up: New grab mechanics - qte removed, now based on enemy health. By default enemies 33% of health and below are allowed to be grabbed. % can be increased with skills Founders naming feature enabled (in SOCIAL tab) - for now all Founders can create up to 2 enemies Crafting SP rewards Player camps can send patrols now (select Patrol from camp menu, don't forget to give some weapons to them) Traders are improved and has way different goods depending on biome 2 more upgrade levels for camps (up to 30 warriors) More melee attacks added TAB menu right after loading freeze fix Corrupt save games are fixed Improved colliders of trees and objects Disband when warriors are doing their stuff fixed Horse dismount to tree fixed Natives wrong phrases fixed Fast travel and camp interaction now allowed when overload Predators are more dangerous now Barter window position fixed
  11. Rain is in the list to-do, but no ETA at the moment
  12. Patch is up: Empty world after save game loaded fixed Trees colliders improved Head collision enlarged Small native settlements fix (loot-lists, available commands) Improved melee attack Minor fixes here and there
  13. Captains, the release window is this week. We are going to post more info tonight
  14. The problem will be investigated on Monday
  15. The player was also informed in-game
  16. No extended maintenance was planned. Both servers are live
  17. As the first workaround please be so kind and ask him to check that router/software is not blocking ports 7770, 8089, 5672, 5222, 8080, 21020-21036, 7401-7600 for the game, also turn off all programs which use internet heavily (like torrent programs, netflix clients), disable antivirus, turn off k9 web protection filter or similar to that filters
  18. https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caguairán https://www.wood-database.com/tiete-rosewood/
  19. Patch is up: Unstuck added to SOCIAL tab Horse won't die during fast travel now Founders bow can be redeemed every 2 hours now Neutral native camps will have items and weapons now Interrogation turn-around bug fixed F11 and Escape menu auto-kill in cutscene fixed Bow aiming animation on horse improved Horse taming (uncontrolled wild horse) bug fixed Updated prices of Cole 1852 Frontier, Cole 1848 Army, Cole 1873 Navy
  20. Thank you for pointing it out - this is already fixed
  21. The bug is fixed, will be live within next hotfix
  22. Проверим завтра, спасибо will be checked tomorrow
  23. Right now you cannot settle in a cleared fort, but this feature is in the list to-do
  24. Will be fixed in one of the next patches
  25. Hotfix is up: Horse damage decreased Trees colliders fix, should prevent animals and humans being stuck in them
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