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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. Awesome log entries love to see it. There's one vital information missing... Location. ( our entries versus xebecs actually end the other way around. as an example a 2v2 princes against xebecs ended with 1 xebec sunk and 1 xebec retreating in haste... but we will compile our data for comparison) Our Locations were never in a Zone, but roving "aimlessly" in the OW and chance encounters. I think this might be important regarding comparison of results. By the way, you didn't read all. Test, report. She is being developed same as any other ship. Urban myth that she is Le Kraken means nothing. What will not change, i am "afraid", is her competence working the wind.
  2. Discuss the game and the captain and the ship, not the persons and their lifestyles. I, personally, don't care if this is National News. So EVERYONE tone down your speech arguments. Many thanks.
  3. NA is not wrong. It does not mimic historical events but then we are not reenacting. We are reinterpreting what might have been if.... with the toolset of the historical age. Alas no captains struggles even close to what logistics were back then, so let's not nitpick. Please. Still I stand my ground regarding the Xebec hence why we must show and test her to the limit, to show the devs what exactly is wrong. That's the difference between crying wolf! and showing what us wrong. The testing.
  4. Area control + equipped bow guns > Area control + no bow guns Area control + no bow guns is equivalent to bow guns equipped.
  5. Closure rate. That's all Area control is about.
  6. That's how i thought the mechanic would work when was implemented. If I equipped no bow guns ( even if i have th gun ports ) I would be considered with no bow guns, hence Control would work. Good suggestion.
  7. We talking about such difference in construction ( and purpose of build ) that it silly being brought up. Xebec must be what she was. Light, fast and dedicated. And suffer what she must.
  8. I am sure is the coding. 3D models are "easy" to do. Coding all the rigging is the difficult more time spending part. Along with the Hull for damage calculations, ship vitals, etc.
  9. Thanks @z4ys Those are some "dangerously" thin ribs 😮 Do you have the planks ? Even shot at an angle i have no problem imagining a couple of them getting shattered.
  10. Model all ships with their values. Model broadside weight. If a frigate is stupid enough to engage a SOL and make a mistake, then let the frigate feel how devastating a SOL broadside can be. Constitution should be a menace for smaller frigate models, but as any other ship not unbeatable but a great challenge. I do sail her, but totally aware of her having fallen behind all this recent mumbo jumbo.
  11. Guys, we moving the discussion of the ship... ... to non ship. Please, someone post the structural models of the Requin. The ribs, keel, etc. That alone should be a good starting point to discuss, for example, her ability to deflect high weight shot.
  12. Question: - how many points is a ship worth in the PB, when sunk ? Its own BR value or is there a fixed amount ?
  13. Repairs at it is now has a secondary, more "important" mechanic. Hold weight - which the repairs and rum also contribute to - which translates itself in ship handling, acceleration, speed, etc. A complete reversal to the limited repairs means all ship handling must be done, and for NA that is a lot of recode - all lines in the ships, all canvas sheets, roll, yaws, etc. Having endured both system I have absolute no preference, as both have their merits. Most important is what Crusty points out - more casualties. But the "cargo based" repairs also influences abilities of ships for long cruises survival ( but i think not many do these anymore ). Neither of the systems has proven its worth regarding the willingness to fight being superior to the need of escaping battle. Whatever reward the average NA proves that safety is paramount, hence more running and win by successful escape than trying to win by combat.
  14. None , unless you keep on making one up. I simply stated that no mechanic will ever replace social interaction, which is the best gameplay motivation. I reckon we are facing off across a fence here.
  15. Yes. Correct. I simply noted the social aspect of multiplayer to be very rewarding and that no mechanics will ever replace it, but hey, that flak was as dense as my last sortie in Kuban. o7 Carry on. I'll make a suggestion to be awarded marks everytime I press sail, because... why not
  16. Absolutely and a choice to be respected same as a player asking a clan buddy to escort. That's a player choice not a mechanic. How a mechanic that brings a stranger to escort you is better than asking a buddy to escort ? Ain't nobody got time that shizzzzz.... right ? Same thing if you think about it.
  17. @Fenris Do not assume whatever I am thinking. Read exactly what is written. No mechanic will ever replace social get along. That's a fact. Thanks captain.
  18. She tanked the spanish line in montevideo. Like the vic did in trafalgar. Straing to break the line and to hell with caution. Given the "scaled down" rates of ships i'd say she was a tough but to crack. Her pacific roving campaign was pretty glorious as well. nerf/buff mmo style feels like fleas all across the wood...
  19. Not in agreement nor in disagreement, nor referring to loss or not. Pointing out the specific rule of DLC as i felt needed given a less than clear statement. Not implying anything else than that. Just a much needed clarification. I must also note that the DLC ships can be used in both servers, Caribbean and PvE. Thank you.
  20. If they redeemed it, sail it and lose it. They will have to wait until they can redeem a new one. If they sail it, survive all the battles, return to port and the timer to redeem another runs out, yes. Please be clear on your explanation not to cause unnecessary confusion whatever the issues you see with the product.
  21. There wasn't a Tutorial 2 years ago that explains the present day mechanics. Silly as it sounds a lot of things changed in 2 years of Early Access and heavy development, thankfully. Strange as it may sound the mechanic is exactly the same as Boarding - point camera to enemy ship. And that was alreayd like that 2 years ago. I am certain the adaptation to the new mechanic is as flawless as initiating a boarding. The only major difference being if you are downwind from the sinking wreck and cannot make way there. In that case, is on you and not how the interface is presented. Welcome back captain. Ask all questions you feel the need to have an answer fot. Certain things might feel the same but have different ruling mechanics.
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