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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. Overcome the pain. If your "captain" dies. Delete the character. Create new. That's ultimate full pain pvp. o7
  2. you can do that yourself already. 1 ship, 1 life. On death you delete character and create new.
  3. No pyramids will be allowed. You are warned.
  4. 10. Redundant threads will be locked. Please use search find information you want to discuss. A lot of threads on the same subject delay the development and wastes resources causing lots of good ideas to be lost. Please keep discussions regarding a topic to a single thread. Use the original Q&A thread please. Appreciated.
  5. 10. Redundant threads will be locked. Please use search find information you want to discuss. A lot of threads on the same subject delay the development and wastes resources causing lots of good ideas to be lost. Please keep discussions regarding a topic to a single thread. Use the original Q&A thread please. Appreciated.
  6. Can you please share position screen and contents screen please. Thank you.
  7. If i'm not mistaken is one of the control mechanics explained in the tutorial.
  8. Rotate camera to look dead center of the enemy mass. Adjust slightly as needed. Message should show up.
  9. It is a good one and hopefully more diverse and opposed views will always be shared there. I think it is more acknowledge own mistakes and less the rewards. But, if the reward mechanic promotes retention all good. Mistakes will be made, over and over again. By the same players, from Midshipman to Rear Admiral. In the end it is personal time spent on a hobby but that requires the player to understand what he is signing up for. There are situations that will happen, frequently, in the OW that the newcomer is not aware. And I think we must work on that.
  10. Must instil that willingness to overcome the "gear fear" and especially the love for the sail and OW encounter combat into the newcomers. Maybe many are "wronged" by disparate and erroneous advice ? Maybe the newcomer should have to pass a Kobayashi-Maru exam first ? o7
  11. You mean the "invasion of zone OW battles because we can enter for 10 minutes and enemy is totally blind" ? Right 'oh, right 'oh. OW chance encounters is one thing. Purpose "smashing the blind noob" in the zone is... "part of the game" I guess... But hey, it is what it is. Battles open for extended periods because "friends would be able to enter and always help". I am glad that approach is working as intended.
  12. Someone might get hurt while running through the house, and tripping on something, coming to the PC because the BEAT TO QUARTERS !!!! started... 😎
  13. Reckon community as a while can take note. Every day we add 1 post with the mission of the day. Eventually the pattern shows up. Simple I have no clue what the rotation is. I just use it as a beacon of where not to go raid trade.
  14. El Xaveco Hundido The Prince's Keel Rageboard Hostel
  15. Correct Crusty. The BR is also used to verify if the ship ( or any upcoming not yet in game ships ) is eligible to enter the Port Battle, but also as a "fighting value" in the OW. The mix of both is what I feel is not correct. Given the new additions, the values should be reviewed. That is all. Not trying to change a fundamental design element which has proved itself a good feature, just bring it up to date to the new realities. A up to date BR will also, by consequence, affect not only the order of battle in shallow ports but also in deep water ports. Also in the open world attack mechanics.
  16. No worries Crusty. The game can be very eclectic at times, especially because there's too much information to process. You are truly right in the assessments, that it shouldn't be the BR but the ship architecture. Alas, like any good wargame, some part of the rulebook might not be perfect. Sometimes due to constraints from other rules that give way to that specific one. Other time simply as a "token". One of the exercises we liked to do in the club was to find the real value of something to put in the table, was just theory craft in the end but everyone had interesting approaches. Many went with the lethality values - mix of troop training and equipment, others went with more focus on morale and capability of withstanding the engagements ( stamina and moral ). Others went as far as calculating the values of raising the troops, training them, arming, deploying in the campaign etc. BR is flat. It rules entry to PBs and capability to engage in the Open World. A ship with 80BR cannot successfully attack a ship of 500BR, one on one. Message of "BR too high" will show. Hope it clears some doubts regarding why BR is used. What we discuss here specifically is how to improve that rule to accommodate the new ships and, who knows, any future ones.
  17. Have you noticed there a specific mechanic linked to the ship BR regarding a ship entering or not a shallow PB ? That's where the line in the sand is drawn. Thanks.
  18. This one Mystique. A half xebec. Not a full xebec. Just half.
  19. My bad then. Hope it is better now. Now everything makes sense. Thumbs up.
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