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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. Can you illustrate them here please ? btw, for those that missed it
  2. Talking generic mods that fit.... oh c'mon...stop nitpicking
  3. Battles are 90minutes 300m at 0.1kn closure rate will take a bit of time, but will catch up battles are not 15 minutes, so we have time to let the wind work and get closer, inch by inch. 750m as is now is perfect. If you have separation speed and it increases you will get away in no time.
  4. What do the mods and skillbooks do to the indefatigable ?
  5. And not a bit boring. We know we sign up for a lot of sailing. Glad we could be part of your gameplay Jim.
  6. The combat simulation still great. The life in the west indies during the grand age of sail might be lacking. Ghost, there's enough "leeway" liberty to keep each on of us entertained, and it is come down to the player to "imagine" his/her own naval career to make up for the lack of a "career" system - which never was, so we have no comparison. Sail safe, come check now and then or at least have a look now and then to the streamers.
  7. admin posted it somewhere about that idea and development.
  8. Closure and separation rate. Control definitely simulates this. Imagine the 2 ships start at 1000m. If after a while one has the other in control, means they are 750m apart. Closure rate means there's enough time ( battles are designed for 90 minutes ) to catch up. If separation rate is high, control will never happen.
  9. General ruleset would be - no bow guns ( not by gun ports ) equals Control. That way the choice is the player's.
  10. We will not agree on that one. Not a single bit.
  11. Go to PvE server, enter a OW battle with a buddy, both state in chat you allow green on green. Test. Or in PvP server, ask a guy from another nation to meet you somewhere remote, fight and test. You are a smart fellow. You will manage to survive.
  12. Let's test the up-gunned version. I am glad to have a new ship to test in earnest. Not only to throw into ganks, but to conduct appropriate testing. She might prove, after intense testing, to be a bit off. Same as happened to other ships since Sea Trials. First iteration of the ship, let's get her underway. @admin question, will her speed and heeling be considered in the increased weight gun deck or is her basic speed already base considering the full 24 pounder setup ?
  13. ??? why da feck was i summoned for ? What am i looking at ?
  14. @admin and anyone knowledgeable of such things. Why is the Diana so nicely low in the water but the Trincomalee and L'Hermione and Le Gros Ventre stand so high ?
  15. You notice the difference when vanilla ships, nothing on any slots of any kind. Especially on firepower.
  16. Right click player name - Report.
  17. Individual player owned flags is planned.
  18. Zones were introduced after Nations lost all ports except capital and a lot of waves were raised. Interesting enough the phenomenon is fairly "recent" when compared to the trail carved since EA went live. Let me share a couple things. - 3 pvp servers, 2 full and a third almost full. Despite the durabilities, the ships were hard to build. there were no buildings, no outposts. Crafter/trader captains had to sail to every port to gather the stuff OR attack OW AI traders to steal crafting materials / capture ships to break down for materials. - BUT the whole point is more to >> we all knew there was no safety, we learned to play accordingly and expect danger. The timer to enter battles was extended everywhere but it was no guarantee of help. Also, after a while, people started misusing those same timers to warp from battle to battle with an invisible cloak. I remember being dutch captain and chasing these guys until a fellow finally managed to record how they did it. The solution was awesome - 2 minutes, no invisibility. Better yet was the insta close what you see is what you get. - point: a certain amount of players will never play as intended and will game the game, messing up a lot for the rest. - conquest flag design worked great for a while, and healthy wars were fought. Sweden was reduced to Capital only, twice. They rose twice from the ashes. Then a full drive of "abuse", "exploit" and "win by all means" arose and the Flag system went to "garbage". NA RvR was never the same after that. - point: conquest flag system became so poluted by misuse that it became impossible to return to a healthy conquest. - Several systems of trade were tested. The most interesting was both the real distribution of goods by proper geographic regions AND the regional crafting bonuses ( conquest was by region ). Alas the commitment needed at logistical level proved to be too much for a lot of players and the fast flowing conquest could mean that naval bases would be lost. Players and clans with no fall back plans did get caught in an incessant moving of warehouses and resources. All this to say: - we knew we had no safety anywhere. we played accordingly. - zones are misguiding and with a RoE that is weird. Albeit many players advocate the battles always open, the proof is that it doesn't work. Attackers in the zone are aggressive, opposite to the majority of players that populate the zone - they inhabit the zone because they are not aggressive enough. PvE server is excellent for what you propose. It is a calm place to learn the OW mechanics ( apart from PvP tags, etc ) and the combat flow.
  19. I see no one acting elitist or even wanting to eradicated the solo player. What I read is other players indicating that playing Solo is nowadays a much more challenging choice and with no access to port battles, given the Clan based Conquest system. The discussion being somewhat healthy and well conducted and several venues of approach to the "new solo play" being presented. Game has indeed changed a lot in many regards. Solo does not have a say in Conquest. That is a given and is not going to change. Make a clan just for 1 player, then have the clan in the other clans friends list is the solution.
  20. 2 guys is a team. Granted sometimes is hard to have a fellow that has the same gameplay style, and play at the same time, and that has a attitude to match . true that. But sometimes just takes a slight bit of effort to begin a great little group, a handful of fellow that share the same age of sail experience in NA. good luck out there.
  21. Oh we tested something slightly similar time ago. Missions were never in the "home region", you'd select the region for the mission and the region was never the one you were in nor the capital one IIRC
  22. Okay sir, was just an idea and how some have done it. In truth we've came a long way since the "first entry first served" of flag days. Conquest is now Clan + friend Clans based. No more "abuses" as before ( alts taking slots, entering with odd ships, etc). All responsability fall on the shoulders of the clans. It is the price we pay for unintended gameplay by many back in those times. Another solution is for you to make a 1 man clan. Some players do that as well.
  23. Maybe...if all ships leave the circle unattended the circle control meter starts dropping...
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