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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. Again... You are a lowly captain in a navy. You should receive whatever commission is given to you by the Navy and yes it might simply sitting in a barge in some god forsaken backwater for your entire career. Maybe actually be at half-pay with no ship assigned if there is no war going on. Your nation cannot build big ships in the caribbean. You, as a unknown captain must rely, again, on Europe and whatever the Navy tells you to do. You do not chose. At best you get yourself a cruiser brig for your entire stay in the west indies. You have no cash at all but must pay your crew allowances or risk mutiny. You may use prize Money for that but All Money must be sent first to the navy board which then will judge if you actually receive any prize Money at all. Actually the admiralty might get it all due to your actions being subpar - your achivements not being met. Players with rear-admiral rank get 3/8 of all your prize cash. In the end you must not command more than a single ship ( yes, no slots for ships at all ) up to rear-admiral rank, and upon hitting flag captain you must do whatever another rear-admiral player tells you to do. Deal ?
  2. Simple: - to join a ongoing battle you need to be outside the circle. You will spawn at distance relative to battle initial spawn. - tag a opponent is the same as before. Only limitation is the tiny circle, you need to be out of it. It represents the minimum distance for relative spawn in battle. No need for a phd, just half a brain and reading the FULL notes on the system.
  3. 4 minutes would be just an extension for the "coastal guard" ships to come and aid if they feel the inclination to do so. Works both ways though.
  4. When I said "more resources needed" I meant more "variety of resources needed for manufactured parts" for assembling a ship. Artificially will make labour more precious even while making specialization a real thing instead of the "slavery for LH" that is happening in some places. At the end it will make war fleets really exceptional and a national achievement.
  5. Crafting system has to move forward and rely even more on multiplayer rather than "single". More resources needed, more diversity of parts and more important than all, cannon foundries - yes, cannons being built by players -and- imported from europe. Increase Labour hours, okay sure, but at the same time expand the system as to step forward to a multiplayer/NPC hybrid economy.
  6. Right'o, then I understand and nod in approval. What put me off laughing was that the conversation when from the Conquest fleets to corsairs fleets menace in what is perceived as safe zones, lol just lol. Carry on.
  7. Yes. Interesting how several engagements result in the same area if the numbers and BR allow it due to spread of groups. Some tactics of hitting the periphery of the fleets are being developed with good results. Pretty much like a pack hitting a herd. The frigate level keeps the same to be honest, no change, everyone always gets in the circle. Biggest change is now that the relative positioning which totally rocks despite the odd side effects. I agree on the timer, could be extended to 4 minutes and see how it goes.
  8. Depends where they are, how is the heeling acting on them etc You can effectively counter heel and buy time for your crew to fix leaks.
  9. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/164592561352498031/ It is one of the best model making artworks out there. The water is a masterpiece
  10. Even in the 1860's the mortar shell ships on Hampton Roads did next to nothing due to that lack of accuracy. Just to have a comparison to RL. From what people been reporting it might be on the spot.
  11. Have no issues running it with a 7900 series.
  12. - log entry - Ninth day of March, Year of Our Saviour Two thousand of sixteen Stranded... After the smuggle runs into Dutch territory things got a bit confusing for this simple privateer. Got a message from one of the contacts of the Charleston ring, a fair madame now providing her services in Saint Nicolas, to meet in Mortimer Town. For those that do now know it, Mortimer Town is the most absolutely anarchic and free port in the Main. The true capital of the smugglers, pirates, mercenaries and debauchery. Flying some national colours at large of the town is a death sentence and as I brought the Hyena into port I could sense all these unwashed and raspy voiced captains, which for some reason always prolonged the use of the Rs when speaking, judging me, my ship and my crew. One even asked why would I be commanding such a lowly vessel. I simply ignored the question and pat his shoulder telling a story about a buffalo and a pack of hyenas but given his facial expression I am sure he did not get it. I put all the detail in order with the madame and passed along a order of acquisition for a mutual contact for some specialty built carriages which I personally saw build according to some novelties proposed by my crew which I have been using to a good deal of success. Apparently, because it is impossible to keep this things secret, someone asked for a large order and we supervised the building, the shipping and the delivery. All good. There is a small detail we...forgot to implement in the carriages. Better safe than sorry. After all this I got drawn into a flotilla of like minded captains. From intercepting Royal Navy patrols and Continental Navy privateers, with spectacular success we then moved down to Jamaica. And here things got bad. After a initial successful campaign in which we managed to subtract the Royal Navy off two ships, a super frigate and a fast interceptor, I got trailed by a coastal guard ligt frigate which we proceeded to sink anyway but the damage was done and I had to leave the flotilla and manage to strand the Hyena in a nearby chain of islands. We are proceeding with the repairs as fast as we can but also have to manage the water and food. The Island is nothing more than a nipple in the middle of the sea so there is no water Spring nor any valuable food for a full privateer crew. Let's hope we can set sail back to Saint Nic before our reserves get too low and the season changes and the winds turn into hurricanes. Freebooter Captain Hethwill Eskeath stranded on the Nipple Island aboard the privateer Hyena
  13. Sure. I don't mind the challenge. But, for good measure make sure that the caribbean nations are correctly represented. Curacao and Cuba being the spots to build anything close to a ship of the line. All frigates and above must be imported from Europe. Deal ?
  14. The real question is... what are you going to spend it on. Because gold on its own is meaningless.
  15. PvE existing for a reason as valid as the PvP hence the option we have to play in a PvE environment or a PvP environment. Mind you I, personally, do not even care if my docks are removed from the free towns. It won't change the fact that any corsair, privateer and pirate can and will buy even NPC ships and go about their business and do exactly the same. Actually a bunch of buddies can supply me a ship on the fly at any free port and need no dock. Log in, ship is there, do the deed, back to free port, log off. It will have no effect to those that make a living with attacking enemy shipping. We simply will have one ship in the port.
  16. what's the blue screen error code ?
  17. Players have more options than the AI no matter the upgrades. Also the AI doesn't always have exceptional and MC upgrades. Actually their Marines numbers is often Common and sometimes Fine. I have yet to see an AI with copper plating ( they always move slower ) and with Lightweight Ropes and Blocks, which is easily checked with the raise/lower sail speed.
  18. Not having to take a bath day in day out. Using as many ARRRRs as I want. And overall having a laugh when preying on national playgrounds. You can almost hear the mooooo mooooo while the cattle runs before the pack.
  19. I understand your concerns and do approve the suggestion with the mentioned changes. What I do not get is why a nation can't have a peaceful area. It is supposed that you fight for it at all times and closing of Free Ports will change that. A group will simply teleport to outpost and buy NPC ships or buy them crafted by a smuggler. Won't change anything regarding your concerns. Safety level will remain the same.
  20. What is the purpose of this suggestion ? I could understand the limit to 1 ship, plus the one you are sailing, but closing a free port to all non trader ships ? For what purpose ?
  21. Last evening the combats I was present ended in 2 captured ships from players. So capturing ships is an option. On PvE server I guess there is little need or problem with shipbuilding overall. But sure... give PvE server the love needed, just leave PvP the way it is at the moment.
  22. Do not overclock it. Use window mode. To bypass your safe mode now you will have to uninstall the ATI software suite and the device, then install again.
  23. Sure. Actually one of the issues, which I tested is to bypass the circle itself to gain position and this is a less than desirable side effect of the new setup. I would, taking on the original suggestion, step the timers with shrinking circle marker instead of expanding. No idea how hard on the code it would become if there are a dozen battles open in an immediate area.
  24. Can be tested, sure. In all honesty I feel comfortable with the previous system and the new one, so testing yet another in the near future would be nice.
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