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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. This collection of suggestions refers to: ---- Nations must be shaken by the fear of dissidents and rebellions ---- The lenient and somewhat social status of Nations might be shaken by groups not wanting to go along with the flow, as we have seen before and will see in the future. The options at the moment is to change nation or to go free mode with the black flag without any problems to the original nation except the loss of a member. What if that actually hits hard in the established flow of a nation ? These suggestions make sense after a map wipe given the necessity for neutral ports and initial nations expansion. >>>> As we have it, all Ports, after conquered, are assigned a Lord Protector. Nice and dandy. Suggestion #1 - For healthy distribution of power amongst a Nation's clans and organizations >>> any player status as Lord Protector to a maximum of 3 ports. Now that we have established various interests across the realm, with ports being under the protection of different Lords, we can move onwards. Suggestion #2 - Lord Protectors themselves can only craft flags against other Nations from their own Protected ports. Exception for Flags aimed at Neutral Ports, these can be crafted from anywhere. This will enable a more diverse and elastic expansion while relying on a solid social and community driven Nation. A Naval Action Nation must work together and not be reliant on one or two big clans or two or three Lords only. Eventually the Nation will expand, wars will be fought and treaties will be signed. Council meetings, consortiums, accords, meetings of lords, and all that stuff that some people love. >>>> But... what IF one group completely condemns a resolution and really wants to rebel ( basically changing nation ) ? What then ? Suggestion #3 - Loss of a port due to rebellious Lords Port will change to Neutral when a Lord Protector changes nation resulting also on a return to default state of Conquest regarding the Port. ______________​______ Think the game as a whole without concerns for this or that nation nor considering your own interests. Read, connect, think and improve. Let's discuss.
  2. Oh it can be much more than that, only depends on a fresh lookout to how to implement them. As an example some of the upgrades can be linked to an added need of supplies, like marines, extra crew, monkeys.
  3. How is it working IN GAME at this very moment ( I can't get into the game @ the office ) ? That would be as good as the Devs statement.
  4. Thanks, but I am still confused given a return to old prices has nothing to do with teleports and cargo and vice versa *shrugs*
  5. You present a poll for two changes that are not related.
  6. Was testing the 6 pounders thoroughly and I am pleased. Used them in a Surprise, full complement of long 6 pounders and gladly had the opportunity to shoot at all types of targets, from cutter up to the Ironsides. It does its job against the light timbers of sloops and brigs. It was more than adequate against another Suprise although the 9 pounders of the adversary forced for more smart wind usage, so the 6 pounder is not as effective anymore. Against a sturdy Frigate it starts to show the lack of punch and on the Ironsides it does very very little. Will test the mediums later today.
  7. This is where compromise must be found. We have tested a few systems already with mixed feeling to the PvP servers population. We, as a whole, must look to what is the better experience and not only to our own personal experience.
  8. I am an EU player and I wish to see a Conquest system adapted for all timezones. Port Conquest windows must/need/should be set as we have now but replicate automatically 2 additional windows, -6 hours, +12 hours ( add discretion mechaninc not to overlap with maintenance ) Simple, effective and good for everyone.
  9. Oh oh, as a carrier fan this is opening the pandora box The quality of the OP video is top. Would love to find a good documentary about the Revolutionary/Independence War privateers. Nudge if anyone has a hint.
  10. We all agree this type of tests are needed. It had its merits but, overall, it was very intrusive to the groups.
  11. I bet everyone in the affected servers will have a fresh start except for XP. I strongly disagree with a split. I like my worldwide communities to play together. The PB system has to evolve to include all, split is not a option in our modern world.
  12. So they do not die after 8 days at sea ? *wink* *wink* As I see it doesn't need a boost effect ( unlike Rum !!! ), it's survival kit in itself and a planning tool for your sorties.
  13. Then think about the ALTs in enemy nations. They can and will and did do it. That's is why the Devs implemented the safe zone. That is the simple reason. Admin even asked, you want it and be safe from mischievous players or disable it and deal with it.
  14. Nope. Teleport was introduced to solve the Stuck players which is still a necessity. Therefore teleport to nearest port/last visited port should solve the Stuck issues without any further issues.
  15. The system featuresTwo warning with the Confirm button in two different places. It is interestingly effective given I missed the turn into Pirate at first because of the second confirmation window having the affirmative choice on a different place
  16. My perception is actually that PvP had a massive increase. Before most pvp'ers had to jump mission makers, now there is always hunting and counter hunting even from groups that previously were always herding AI. And I do not stick to one place it happens everywhere. Might be placebo but there's always action in the open seas. What is true is that the Conquest fleets were mauled but that was to be expected with a more interesting application of top ships when it matters, when it counts, and not a mindless grind of "free" SOLs to throw into PBs.
  17. Nearest port should do the trick, no ?
  18. excellent sir.
  19. Freebies will never help anything. Now... ( as before if you were all into pvp without concerns about AI herding ) Players will pvp, pvp need ships that need to be assembled, ships that need materials that other crafters build, that will be sold for cash won in pvp. It is a nice cycle.
  20. While I agree there must be changed having the AI fleets jump them will drag you all in, so it opens way for a far more dangerous situation if you want to move Conquest fleets out.
  21. Thanks for the patch. I am very curious to get my hands on the 6 pounders. Guess the AI rank and modules tuning is another good thing overall.
  22. What ships were the pirates using ? FYI as long as the BR is not on the limit of 1.5 more ships can pile in. The only quirk to the system is that if the rating is still 1.499999 you can throw ANY ship to the battle to reach 1.5, even a top BR. Plus that story is not truthful regarding the invisibility. It was tested and there is no way it can happen. Your friend simply did not see them and any buddies did not see them. Your friend got tagged into battle by one enemy. Then other enemies came out of port, waited for timeout invulnerability and then joined. Your friend had no one around to help. Good riddance for another SOL sailing on its own. It really happens a lot more than you think. Back to your suggestions of the 2 minutes timer. I was suggesting this as well BUT now that I think more of it I am against it. It will unbalance the status quo between the hunting parties and the hunted - which is the very foundation of OW pvp - resulting in even more strange situations and chain ganking.
  23. What twig said. Wreak havoc at the moral score and it is as good as killing crew, actually might be better. One good trick is to provoke a crew shock prior to boarding and then board. It will be a tremendous result right in the first round. You need specialized humans like marines and boarding parties to enhance the swordfighting and musketry or else you are always working with minimal values with very little bonus margin.
  24. We humans can do it as well. Some AI ranks do it consistently if they have preparation and morale to spare.
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