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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. Aim at a point, full sail, go afk. Semi-auto-pilot. Do we need more ?
  2. Too many ships is the disease of many. Crew management ( allowance, supplies, prizes and half-pay ) needed. Free Ports spaces in docks should be hired with continuous pay for stationed ships. Teleport with anything in the hold ? Nope.
  3. You can't be ambushed by invisible enemies hiding on battle screen. It reduces the ganking possibilities using mechanics other than sailing out and pursuing prey. You will always be jumped by enemies in a group, there's no way around it. Now if you see them you can counter them and that is a good thing. What does that has to do with semantics ? Ganking is not stopped. Odd mechanics abuse for ganking was. Now you and your buddies will always see the enemy before they attack.
  4. The serious folk usually do it like: - buyer puts the materials and cash in trade window - seller puts the crafted ship in window - aka. trade of materials for crafted ship - works a charm for both with no scam possible Unless you add a CRAFT button to trade window, which basically turns the trade window into a common pool of resources, there's no way around it. I would let it be, for the time being, on the player's hands. Scammers will be named amongst the community
  5. Mind you the system was not devised to stop ganking. Please read the notes again. The system was devised to STOP the invisible flotillas ambushes. That is the start and end of it. I agree with an open system as we had before, but to protect the Devs from all the reports the invulnerability timer must be increased to 120 seconds so to prevent Result screen camping, which apparently was the biggest motif behind the changes.
  6. Ah yes, think this one is buried deep in the old threads.
  7. Despite this one being dated from the ACW the sound is well caught and quite scary. Given the camera angle is somewhat at the height of a infantryman it gives a good account of the crack and whistle of the shot. This one features a nice Napoleon and the destructive power at close range. Nice slow motion and impressive results. Post more regarding gunpowder age with sight and sound
  8. I like the social aspect of labour hours bargain or slavery. Having a system replacing it would take a bit away of that bazaar feeling
  9. Interesting enough I always get 3 to 4 spaces with gold, live oak, french wine, silver, etc in good quantities, from 30+ to 60+ from traders with a strong escort.
  10. Attack the Traders with a strong escort ( ex. 2 mercuries, 1 niagara, and privateer ) for more cargo, usually 4 slots with good numbers and precious items.
  11. Propaganda. That is not even backed by numbers. The truth, hence forward known as the TURTH ( a old M&B adage ), the TURTH is that pirates make so much noise and clatter all around, attack fast and everywhere that they would seem thrice their number.
  12. Well, in a nutshell, you have the Dutch Soviet Republic, with their awesome labour hours prices Then you have the French corsairs sailing all over the map ( always a welcome sight and good allies when jumping brits ) and having a new launch port in San Domingo south coast. No idea what the Swedes are up to but some of them might be very DRUNK for sure.
  13. Swedish Chef in representation of the Danish
  14. Yeah Twig, could be. At the moment is a bit ridiculous to sit in front of a capital and just troll. One of the things I would like a lot is the tagging circle to be 25% smaller.
  15. I am not a fan of it mind you, but regarding the "victimized players" I bet there is much less complaints. The post battle screen is a secondary issue, and saying someone only needs 1 - 5 mins break after two hours pursuit and combat is nothing short of irreal. But onwards, My suggestion is all about post battle timers. Make it 121 seconds invulnerability * keep the 20 secs invisibility * so no one can join a on going battle thus removing any result screen camping. Bascially they will not be able to join any battle already opened. What is impossible to do is save the victims from any group materializing in the middle of the sea and be open to attack after the cooldown. We have to think together on how improve and not only to defend this or that form of pvp. The capital protection zone, from what Admin said, is all about ALTs dragging fleets into combat and making them lose time. Some of the solutions for exploit problems resulted in odd side effects in the pvp experience.
  16. Sure, but how to solve the "oh no ! I was jumped by gankers hiding on the result screen" situations ? That is the main thing and despite myself not resorting to less gentlemanly mechanics I know for a fact it is the norm, or it was, until changed.
  17. Photoshop, but GIMP is okay as well. I simply love the diorama and will stick with it. If you come across a more french ship diorama would like to see it and see if it fits.
  18. I've seen too many fleets of 6 to 10 guys running away from similar forces. I am sure they could fight.
  19. I think the idea is not to be intuitive by BR calculation but intuitive by task force engagement. As you can drag everyone into combat at start there is no BR interference. The present system, despite any shortcomings and confusion generated ( because many folks refuse to read the notes ), is excellent to pick off stragglers and attack the edges of enemy formations. Much like a real thing.
  20. Again... You are a lowly captain in a navy. You should receive whatever commission is given to you by the Navy and yes it might simply sitting in a barge in some god forsaken backwater for your entire career. Maybe actually be at half-pay with no ship assigned if there is no war going on. Your nation cannot build big ships in the caribbean. You, as a unknown captain must rely, again, on Europe and whatever the Navy tells you to do. You do not chose. At best you get yourself a cruiser brig for your entire stay in the west indies. You have no cash at all but must pay your crew allowances or risk mutiny. You may use prize Money for that but All Money must be sent first to the navy board which then will judge if you actually receive any prize Money at all. Actually the admiralty might get it all due to your actions being subpar - your achivements not being met. Players with rear-admiral rank get 3/8 of all your prize cash. In the end you must not command more than a single ship ( yes, no slots for ships at all ) up to rear-admiral rank, and upon hitting flag captain you must do whatever another rear-admiral player tells you to do. Deal ?
  21. Simple: - to join a ongoing battle you need to be outside the circle. You will spawn at distance relative to battle initial spawn. - tag a opponent is the same as before. Only limitation is the tiny circle, you need to be out of it. It represents the minimum distance for relative spawn in battle. No need for a phd, just half a brain and reading the FULL notes on the system.
  22. 4 minutes would be just an extension for the "coastal guard" ships to come and aid if they feel the inclination to do so. Works both ways though.
  23. When I said "more resources needed" I meant more "variety of resources needed for manufactured parts" for assembling a ship. Artificially will make labour more precious even while making specialization a real thing instead of the "slavery for LH" that is happening in some places. At the end it will make war fleets really exceptional and a national achievement.
  24. Crafting system has to move forward and rely even more on multiplayer rather than "single". More resources needed, more diversity of parts and more important than all, cannon foundries - yes, cannons being built by players -and- imported from europe. Increase Labour hours, okay sure, but at the same time expand the system as to step forward to a multiplayer/NPC hybrid economy.
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