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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. No. It messes with the controls. Happens to all Unity games on my end, have to unplug all flight setup including track ir.
  2. Logoff should be present on BS. I am fine with how it works now. Gives me the chance to go for half an hour and back. Or take a quick 10 minute break and then back. Hell, even 5 minute break and then back.
  3. Ah ! The crew went to the nearest tavern to celebrate the thousand souls harvested.
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  4. As a normal viewer ( and i must say I reviewed the match 3 times full length not counting the actual match ). . was a great fight from both teams. mistake were made by both and decisions were costly by both ​ In the entire tournament I've seen the following: Team A extends one ship to repair or survival duties. Team B judges the wind and separation. Team A leftover pair keeps trying to gain local advantage. Fight continues. ______ What happened in all other matches apart from this last one: Team A extends one ship for repairs and survival while the other pair either shields the wind or tries to engage with local superiority. Team B judges wind and separation and mostly decided to regain the upper hand against a different target. ----- What happened in this match !? Team B judged the wind and separation and decided to go for a sure BR kill to equalize. Team A pair chased Team B keeping them under fire ( essex on trinc ). Was a bit a looney toons situation where dog chases cat chases mouse. In the meanwhile the repair pulled by the remaining Trinc was smashed by the chasing Essex from the port side quarter which was really costly. Leftover 5 minutes, kiting of 2 v 1 with damaged being done to both hull and sails. Final vectoring was against the wind. IMO no way the Cerberus would smash both ships. Result was walready 400 -200 by then.
  5. Oh no... I voted a good hanging, somehow I need to see one once in a while to remind myself and the rest of the crew what expects us at the end of the line... but, as appropriate all the crew voted and by majority you are to be set free.
  6. That pattern is suited for a Pickle, not that apartment block.
  7. Teams, judges and streams, in the majority are family men and women and hard working labour force and students. Add timezones, from -6 up to +12 and you can undertand the logistics. 1 week is not enough especially to the group stage. TBH everyone is doing a hell of a job and communication is top level.
  8. OOC (( Amazing line ))) The crew of the Hyena votes not guilty.
  9. This sort of artistic implementations, same as farmland, plantations, shore villages, etc would add a lot of life to the already great world and coastlines.
  10. aka. war on trade, the most important activity during the age of sail pronto. Means more importance on open sea attacks on traders - corsairs, trade raiders and pirates; means maybe clans start setting up convoy routines (?) instead of expecting their poor crafters to brave the distances alone and get mugged (?), smugglers will start to be attacked on sight and for sure Alliances will become as important as volatile due to trade Exchange needs. On top of that Socialize perk will be reviewed and therefore disabled. I am very very very pleased with the deployment of changes. The crew is merry.
  11. Mediums are dangerous and do eat away structure better than longs. They have a rough falloff. They can be a good compromise for a cruiser frigate and they take down rigging faster than the longs, due to reload and will snap masts almost as good as carronades. And you still can fight outside the carronade efficient range. IMO all gunnery has too high accuracy at range, the grouping of shots is quite dense ( maybe I am totally wrong and hope lieste and the other gunnery crews can say something about it ) Ship is moving up and down and still our aim point and cannonade registers the "click" position and not the thoroughly movement of the ship, heeling, etc.
  12. What you propose is already done by players using one or two sessions just "hanging around" and see what kind of traffic moves about. Many have a solid knowledge of different trade routes and know for certain what kind of cargo is being hauled. They know when to intercept and when a ship is going empty and will return full... It is a playstyle and doesn't need, IMO, a specific spyglass mechanic. Requires time and dedication and not a "win" button. Also, ships did not flew the flag all the time.
  13. - Connie is roughly 60m length, most OW "close combat" I see occurs at 3 connies lengths - the 180m mark. - name disappears at 750m Train your eye for different guns, forget the gimmicks.
  14. Give them a dark room for vendettas.
  15. We, that meaning me and the crew, have cast our choices regarding the present situation and it is in the best interest of all here assembled that the votes was almost unanimous regarding the immediate release of the captain Fox. Many of the crew of the Hyena has been subjected to the same horrid conditions in their original line of work and fate decreed that many decided for a merry life aboard a freebooter vessel, where any man of any race, religion and political belief can cohexist in harmony and danger. I suggest therefore that the sentence to be forfeited and the captain be given the option to find his own way.
  16. Great ! A return to 9.8 combat style with wooden walls and iron men please alongside the 2 circles RoE to test. Perks giving character but not being the decisive factor. We agree on many points then.
  17. A Navy officer with opinions !?!?!? Unless of course you are already a freebooter or a Navy officer of the France Revolutionaire...I would go with mere suggestions.
  18. As Pirates we can join any nation in a open battle, we go into the join circle we want and join. For nationals can not join pirates. They could before on the offended side only. Meaning many would attack each other to run from fights. Nationals did this as well with the smuggler flag. Now everyone everywhere is in the same level play...it seems.
  19. The gun spacing in L'Océan looks quite spot on with the rolling broadside tempo.
  20. I agree with that, but i would love the infamy
  21. You can also make your own gameplay without safety nets, without capital, without buildings, forcing yourself not to use teleports and damn me for not doing it, you can force yourself to have only ONE ship ever at a time and only change if you capture or buy one at a free port. You know that right ? You are not forced to play Pirate as a nation.
  22. Or keep the rudder at positions, untouched, and have the finest control using only the yards. I like the possibility of customizing controls though
  23. Ah ! As usual family banquet will take precedence over naval formalities Have fun and hope to hear great tales.
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