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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. IMO, as a newcomer, and after selection a nation, the sequence should be: 1. Explore the User Interface. Bring any doubts into Help/Nation/Global. 2. Try a battle against an AI trader. Test the combat controls, adjust as needed. 3. Establish the first Outpost in a Free Town - this means taking the first long voyage and open a way to play with the delivery system. 4..... ( fill in what you feel like on 4 and all topics after that ) I am sorry but I am not seeing a newcomer making runs of 50k unless he has some lazy and lousy clanmates which are not themselves ready for a full pvp environment. And yes, I mean it with ALL meaning of pvp. My motto ? A trader has no rank. He's neither a newcomer nor a veteran. He's a trader.
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  2. There is a safe zone for new players. PvE server is excellent for learning mechanics, approach the combat with good rythm and overall grasp a sense of how big or small the open world is. PvP safe zones were already established correctly before: - fleets up to rank 3 - capital green zone Was more than enough for a smooth transition. Responsability of new players getting along with the whole pvp environment falls into the shoulders of the players already in the pvp.
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  3. Will be exploited if it is freely used. If anything that mechanic should only be available only when the "beginner" is on its own and the battle is closed. But overall I am against "more bots"... there's fleets, there's social, there's roaming npcs... and you gentlemen still suggest more interference.
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  4. "The only good stunty is a dead stunty, and the only thing better than a dead stunty is a dyin' stunty who tells yer where to find 'is mates." just saying...
  5. We need less than 5x the BR difference to tag. Wasn't the 1st rate fleets protected by that rule already ?
  6. I'd take a share of the 30 million as a bounty, proportional to the amount of durabilities i'd exact from the culprit. Meaning 6 million per dura. Deal ?
  7. True it does give a hand to some players due to the invulnerability bubble of the combined BR. In combat !? Have yet to see the bots being useful in anything but covering a retreat. Again in a trade raid ( and this time we had the BR to prevent the invulnerability bubble ) - 2 privateers, 1 mercury brig, 1 light frigate renomee versus a indiaman and 2 frigates fleet. The bots were not useful at all and were left on bad wind all the time - easy to do as their routine is equal to OW NPCs. All three ships down. A full fleet load of crew lost. It adds a lot of complexity in a pvp environment for sure
  8. For 5% - 10% it might better, per slot used, be a maintenance regular pay each X days. It would remove the slot limitation but put some pressure on the shipwright "companies" and on the "flag squadrons".
  9. Meanwhile on the far side of the world a brave Enfant du Roy corsaire and a pirate faced the odds versus a RN squadron. One subpar frigate captured due to RN retreat.
  10. Won't disagree. With the current upgrades system and the general aversion to loss on 1 dura for all rates that idea is a utopia.
  11. Will always be my favourite brig. Can take wind like a Mercury can't and will spell death ( 1v1 ) to a speedy Snake given guns placed low and snake high waterline. Once it was introduced back in ST I never touched a Snow again since then. I find it quite capable.
  12. Well, everyone loves a good hangin' Let the dastard dance to the four winds !!!!
  13. Keep the duras make them more realistic construction amounts. Check the Constitution construction values, parts, etc. And compare it to what we have in game. The same way you can check the Leda class Trinc and compare it to how we have it in game.
  14. I prefer the opposite somehow. Keep the durabilities but make the ships 4x to 8x harder to build from the 4th rate and up. 7th/6th, as it is. 5th rates, 1.5x to 3x depending on models. 4th, 4x. 2nd 6x. 1st 8x. Not labour hours multiplier but amount of materials.
  15. Good idea. Actually why don't the community award MVPs for each of the streams ? It is hard for judges and streamers to do it due to affiliations.
  16. True that. I was thinking of after the wipe, to promote moving the "naval bases" out of the Capital and towards the different conquered regions.
  17. I am not mistaken when I say one of the aims of the world is to promote captains to move away from the capital waters. I'd do the opposite. 1 ship at capital, 3 at ports, 6 at regional capitals.
  18. The Essex looks so nice in the Sicily pattern... Any lynx/privateer/pickle patterns yet !?
  19. make no mistakes, ww2ol is and was groundbreaking game. same as NA. both have shortcomings... ( and don't tell anyone about timers in both )
  20. Oh no, not every coast is even remotely the same. ( but I like some of your ideas for world eye candy ) enough of off-topic #nofleets
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