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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. Making sure the resources don't fall into raider hands !?... Good fun. Half an hour sail, chat with the buddies. Mission accomplished. Next stop hmmm... some place where players don't find fun escorting their nation traders
  2. Perfect. Was the RoE 2 circle idea ditched or shall we have a chance to test it ?
  3. Act as deflector and tighten the jibs. Main issue most players have is when they get dead on wind.
  4. I agree. Join battles from where you stand - extended join disc. Sail up at instance time scale speed to the action spot in the distance. The same way this should be always enabled the "control" should be always enabled. The closure rate is fast and should overcome any need of shooting to tag.
  5. Hence why I, and many others, wish to test out the RoE with the 2 circles and overextended area of battle and open(?). Gives an area of operation and the correct speed to "fly" towards the engagement It is not the Socialize per se but the deployment it brings as the ships come from afar and spawn on top of the combat.
  6. I sail alone half the time into the lion's den. Don't come up with your excuses mister. You liked Social because it was comfortable not because it was good for the game. A always open big circle with maximum spawn distance will do the same trick if ever gets implemented. I bet my lazy bum nothing will change in yer mindset.
  7. Ultravis, I will quote one of our fellow players. Back then they were quite gallant and gentlemanly towards each other... and they were actually trying to kill each other. Think about it when you come up with your "victim" bullshit. You are not a victim, you are a volunteer. It is a hobby, no one is forcing you to anything. Get a grip mister.
  8. It is a hobby !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A HOBBY ! Get a grip on your analogies mister.
  9. Yes. No doubt there. Was just stating the obvious
  10. True story. There I was, taking a break on the east approach of Willemstad, sipping good Guinea blend coffee and playing liars dice with the captain's daughter ( i'm the captain !!! ) when out of the mist a flock of white appears - Sail 'ho ! - the crow boy shouts and point towards the Fort Oranje route. As I raise the spyglass the rigging teams are already making her move, a beautiful pickle sloop named Goshawk although the armateur ​left her with the original sand burst primer color. A snow trader with a mercury brig escort - All hands on deck men, we catch the bean before her passage ! - and we set on the attack. The mist was helpful and the wind was a trap. The hollander tried all the tricks to no avail. In the end, upon surrendering its ship to us ( me and the 59 crew ) he let loose the following - "I'm tired of this shit." P.S.- Was full cargo haul prize.
  11. ... thing is that now I picked up a nice new personal quirk, which comes very handy in all situations of life including Naval Action, as I avoid to say the S. word.
  12. Portugal main ports should be Lisbon as capital port and naval base, Setúbal deep water, Lagos as naval base, Tavira and Faro as trade/fishery, Faro can be shallow. Madeira/Funchal and Azores/Terceira/Angra do Heroísmo must be included.You cannot make the Euro map without Madeira and Azores as they were absolute strategic ports for all major nations. All other ports can be ignored but if more ports must be included then add Viana do Castelo ( main northern seas trade for europe, mainly wines and textiles ) and Póvoa de Varzim ( main fishyard in the north )
  13. Veterans cannot disregard the true helping of the newcomers and on the PvP server, regardless of many being PvErs. There is a true risk of, anytime and anywhere, any ship being intercepted by raiders and most are not prepared to cope with it and they embrace defeatism right from the start of the battle.
  14. I hope they succeed and I can act as - anti-pyracy consultant- and help them out. There is much more to keep those salty waters safe than gathering a squadron and sailing out. My fee is modest - information.
  15. A Pickle named "Ghoul" After a successful sortie on the southern reaches of Jamaica, alongside other nations privateers I was intercepted, willingly, by a Royal Navy frigate... I was using a fleet for BR tagging ( to make sure no trader has the silly invulnerability bubble ) but after engaging some rigging damage sent it away losing one in the process. Then it came down a one on one...
  16. I can help you test your "time of response" any time you wish in the evening western europe times. What's the group Tag ?
  17. But they can't run away With the proposed 2 circles RoE that Admin posted a while ago it will be like social but with appropriate engagement distances is exactly what you are saying.
  18. I maintain my position. A career officer cannot be a Navy post at the same time he is a Armateur and a India Company CEO. *shrugs* Officer are our specialization choices. I think it bring a lot to the game. Wish to change career ? Dispense with the officer. Hire a new one.
  19. Two is more than enough to cover navy and maritime - combat and civilian. Make your choices please. They count.
  20. No. You are mistaken. Your own standards veil your judgement. A lot of players do not want or wish to go beyond 5th rates. All ships are to be played and loved. 1st rates are sort of easy to get by. Playing alone might be an issue, pumping 1 every 5 days maybe. With 3 friends it is a factory of 1st rates. There's no real problem with them. Just maybe too many of them and might need a revamp on crafting, same as some of the others. The crafting doesn't compare to RL construction and equipment values.
  21. 750k dividing by 14 RN officers.... ... oh my.... the Naval Board will archive the matter and cash in the bounty.
  22. RoE are always changing and no rules can cover all. Hang tight and spam your nation chat instead of cursing here. They are to blame for not carrying a expedition to attack the enemy in front of your capital...
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