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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. Well, it is now officially tommorrow the 19th, talk like a pirate day.
  2. Given the amount of personalities we might need to put the "duel cage" to good use and
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  3. Pirate Jesus saves all. There's no more pain, no more strain, just a wonderful blue world all around and good uncompromising fun.
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  4. I want the big circles. Even it comes down to one good battle per evening. Your snake brigs idea is nice. Can't count the times we've just fooled around with the schooners out of showcasing how miserable the Socialize perk was *shrugs*
  5. Borch, you have a point regarding some of the less gallant exchanges of opinion BUT the timers have been tested and test-exploited to exhaustion. The 2 minute timer is indeed, as yet the best timer compromise to players that do not sit at port. End of. No one is dismissing new Rules of Engagement and we are all willing to test them. Anything except extended timers because, let me turn on caps, IT HAS BEEN TESTED, and it doesn't work as intended. The exploits are massive even if anyone asking for them cannot see them.
  6. I do not trade. I do not craft. I steal resources and sell then at half prices, I win some token gold with combat, I cover all expenses by far and buy crew at 500 gold. What are we talking about here ? We better be clear about the issues or else we will be sharing how easy and how hard the game is based on our personal choices and playstyles. Oh ! Maybe that's it... choices.
  7. Absolutely. For that reason this image should not exist....
  8. - Sail ships according to your rank. - Don't overextend command aka. don't use fleets - Do transport good in safety - plan transports in group with friends For testing purposes we are making money a lot and you still say it is too little. I wonder how you'll react when we go to proper credible economy based on victories and not damage done.
  9. Aye. Last 2 days been acting "normal". Got myself a brawler Belle and just sail about looking for trouble at any rate. Coastal defenses sailing in big groups and leaving gaps in the trade lanes. So a group of 6 warships engages 2 pirates. Taking equal numbers, the other 4 pirates are free to jump the traders left on their own because there's no warships around given they are all "ganking" or "exacting revenge". It is all part of the game and in the end everyone has fun. If we lose 2 ships in a revenge combat but prize 2 full traders while the escorts are busy I'd say the Pyrate brotherhood wins. Sorry for the banter but nationals, as a whole, can't free themselves from the "revenge" mindset. Losses are part of the game. It is how you minimize the losses of the nation that matters, not your individual record. ( unless you are a pyrate )
  10. It would become a Monopoly game. Some of us have large amounts of millions done without trading or crafting. Imagine if we actually did trade and craft.... I'd simply dry out any Capital at my choosing by forcing the prices I wanted simply because I had the cash.
  11. The 2 minutes RoE going away and new RoE to be tested with the new 2 circle idea ( search admin threads for details ). A huge area of combat. You choose if you want or not to participate. I love the idea because - and read this aloud 3 times - you must be at sea. You must be deployed. You cannot be at port.
  12. Fine with as long as the player supports the costs of all the ships in the convoy, plus crew, plus the convoy must the identifiable, such as - "under patronage of (player)"
  13. Not faster. Sails unfurl quicker. Stack with Lightweight ropes and blocks and you'll be underway sooner than not which is an edge on a tight spot.
  14. That's a compromise which makes sense. Seen people quite annoyed at countrymen bringing bots to the fights and telling them non stop to order them to retreat.
  15. Yes. Actually I should be able to engage any trader vessel with any ship.
  16. I see sails in the OW. I click them, I see they are trader vessels commanded by players. There's a few of them. Then I see also bigger ships in tow, they look like cruisers and heavier frigates. I click them and oh! they are also commanded by players. Aye. Have seen it more that a dozen times in PvP1 in Dutch, British, Pirate and US territories. Did not see any need for a pop-up as they seemed to have their convoys organized Am I missing something ?
  17. Ah yes, true that and we've discussed it back in the thread when the cargo spaces were changed. The cargo limits are greatly enhanced in traders and warships alike. LGV being an example, smuggler Cutter being another P.S. - actually a trader Lynx could almost be seen as similar to a Lady Maryland. Although i'd like to see more individual designs.
  18. All ships are valid. Just not for all players. I see where you want to go with this -but- I defend the designs. The Fair American is a generic one, same as the brig snow and any of the schooners, hence we have them in two design types. It is not the same ship at all. It is also true that older designs of frigates and cruisers have been re-purposed for Indies careers as indiamen and guineamen, but we do not have that luxury in game.
  19. There are. They are extremely rare but there are some schooner brigs Pirate NPC fleets. A while ago Admin said something about AI aggressiveness... one might wonder.
  20. I do not gank but I lurk and stalk prey. The shiny valuable kind. The ones you should strive to protect
  21. Why would any vet go around seal clubbing is beyond me.
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  22. A magnificent fight. Both ships using medium cannons. Got lessoned. A big Salute to the opponent captain. A spectacular end. This one will stay in memory and will be telltale in many taverns and port lodges. Candle Bay is where it all started. Where the crew decided that it was time to move apart from the the Nation interests. Now we, the Captain and crew of the Hyena of Coquibacoa, return in earnest like carrion, delivering pressure on a shrinking territory and fat trade. I keep feeding of the trustful traders in the south. These unescorted, uncaring, and suddenly out of options type of traders make for easy fast income while at the same time denying them the resources and all the labour hours spent. Trade wars are coming.
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