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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. That's very exaggerated But I truly get your pont
  2. Just trying to see where and how the line in the sand is drawn from your own personal perspective. Not implying anything. I really dislike killing traders just for mission counters. I would "kill" to return to no reward by killing trader, but rather the capture of the resources themselves ( patch 10 ); but we are way way way beyond that now, so no spilled milk on my part. Warships though are warships. Get ready for War or not at all.
  3. If truly 1 ship ( no fleet ), then they spawn back at outpost or wherever they want, hence the situation does not occur.
  4. But you see, if it is another player sinking the fellow, then in counts. Doesn't count same player sinking same player, hence sailing in a squadron.
  5. Maybe instead of... "Green C is this and that and whatnot" ... the veteran could just say... "hover you mouse over it. You can do that over most game elements for some explanation, including of what that green C is. If after that you have question, just shoot." Major difference.
  6. Actually yes. Three newcomers my gaming group helped to get in the game did diss War server and went to Peace, before launch, like 4 months or so ( they got the game in a previous sale ). After full release they are back on War and sticking to it. Guess they did good and learning the overall picture of map/economy/combat in there. Is a meager count, but exceptions prove rules.
  7. Pffff... can't remember exactly but was way before game full release, but was as surprised as you are but I like the commitment. Player choice to fleet or not to with the benefits and problems it carries.
  8. Correct. You convoy with warship buddies and they will appreciate the opportunity to battle the raiders. DLC or not.
  9. Okay. Point taken. How balanced ? ( remember, it is a multiplayer game not a fundamental solo game )
  10. Thank you for the explanation, i think we all got it Again, there's no immunity on War server. Plenty of suggestions have been given to you. Some groups of players always sail their traders in convoys, in proper age of sail fashion They play a couple hours a day and they make a "event" for themselves. Sometimes they get hit by raiders, other times is just peaceful crossings. What do you want really ? C'mon. Be honest. Being jumped by 8 DLC or 8 Snows is zero difference. Both are totally and readily avaliable. Actually the Snow even more than the 24 hour DLC as any raider can buy a Snow anywhere, anytime, whenever it needs it. Actually what if the raiders are in trader ships themselves ? Will you ask for immunity against "trader vessels" ? Not pushing your idea aside, just asking you to review it in a clear sense of where your issue lies. Yours. Not anyone else.
  11. Is about having immunity versus DLC ships, or is it about anything else ? I think everyone understands but not necessarily agree, and all of them have been kind enough to offer suggestions to overcome the possibility "loss of trade business to dlc ships". There's no immunity on War server.
  12. I merely observed that same household ip is not shared accounts. Personally, being a spy is okay, but admitting it should have consequences. I rather remain innocent and think every single player i see is a "unique player" but also get dumbfounded how so many know about as many being alts of and, as a crowd, taking it as natural behaviour or approach to the game. Granted it can be simply a game culture thing, a hobby exposure concept or maybe a competitive measure. All good. But still, in my own individual NA player viewpoint, assuming alt'hood - especially cross nation - should be ground for "legal seizure of property, goods and any other assets the subject may consider his, and put under the care of the guard while at the same time the individual in question be destitute of all rank or nobility titles". Regarding Port Bonus cost. Too low IMO. But the investments are done. Bonus themselves though could be reviewed ( and I hope they are ) as they can stack up pretty nice with the rest of the mmo items ( books and modules ).
  13. Incorrect. My family plays several games through Steam Family and XBox live through the same ISP ip connection. They are each a singular account, no sharing, albeit different hardware signatures ( PCs and consoles ). P.s. - leave mortal disease analogy out of here please. I know you can use better ones. Is really distasteful. Appreciated a lot. Really, a lot.
  14. Pufff of dirt outside the fort. Easy to see by the spotter. Mortar team - Mortar + assigned spotter ( which may well be the brig shield )
  15. @Seawolf7 can you provide any links to the books or official archive documents where to find the flags and orders you posted ? Thanks a ton. They are really striking looking and a most important part of the Med. I'm going through some focus on the Med naval and would love to know which books to add to my personal library.
  16. Suggestions are always good, just a word of caution - not everyone perceives the "problem" or even the existence of "the problem"; which is the very start of the suggestion. ( and then evolves into "how can you not see it!" and argumentation of how to one isn't a issue and to the other is the major issue... and the suggestion gets lost. ) It might be a individual issue with the PZ but definitely not a general thing for everyone. As with everything, it can always be improved by any means the developers see necessary. What is fact is - Those that like the PZ go there. Those that don't like it never go there.
  17. Topics were merged. Please post in the correct boards ( one of the threads was in Legends, the other in someone else's thread and unrelated )
  18. Solomon's Law works best in this case. There's no room for oddities. Take port for nation, port is for nation AND ruled by that clan.
  19. Easiest fix of all - remove possibility of Open to All status from port ownership options.
  20. Zero correlation. Same could be said of failure to tack on purpose and our fishtail moves but hey, don't nitpick.
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