On Global you will need to sail. Don't get this the less positive way, I mean it. Depending on what you want to fight there's always traders criss crossing. On top of that there's mission runners around the "naval bases" that are not even capitals, just focus points of clans. As usual you see hostility being risen and you know there's something going on there.
But at the same time that you need to spend some time sailing, patroling, roving and hoping a sail shows up on the horizon, the hordes of captains sallying out of port to invade a battle is way way less common, by a lot.
In a daily basis of raiding we had one occasion of the battle being invaded by captains sallying out of nearby port. One. And was right at Port Morant.
I starting to appreciate the sweet spot of 300 - 400 steady numbers more than the peak 1000.