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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. Also related to the "materials for ship building" although non-AI ( due to non capture ) but true boost from player ships
  2. Boost still depends on wind apparently, can be as low as 38 give or take.
  3. There's no comparison Rather throw the cash to all DCS planes that I'll never use than to fund SC. But hey, here we are, in the open world of the west indies. Looking more to the Xebec and the Prince ( eventually... ) than to the Pandora.
  4. Absolutely. Not now but when engine gets upgraded, would be nice to have her for a cruise.
  5. The 14.9 was reached in angles that were not there before due to peak keeping linear due to top limit. This could be tested easy with the Pickle, Renomee and others. P.S. - Not many ships did, back in the day, reach 13 knots let alone 14 ( is a lot of difference when you are using wind alone )
  6. A National Board in game is sorely needed so players that do not follow the forum and do not pay big attention to Nation chat do have the latest updates. In my point of view NAP/NEUTRAL is the same. I advocate for Trade Protection measures outside a open war. Any ship flying a smuggler flag is a "outlaw" by the maritime standards.
  7. Announced to be released with game release. Meaning no ETA as yet but the roadmap looks good. Best bet, wait for the Unity 5 upgrade then take a deeper breath
  8. I do not see the need to have a belt of police holding out the crowd when you make the speech unless it violates the rules set to use the forum If there were no alternatives, by all means, I'd support it. But there's enough communication channels out there so diplomats can get together and discuss. Clan thread are open, nation council thread are open, diplomat names are there. It is easy to reach them through the forum private messages or in game by private chat. All "serious" politicians will get their paperwork done and reach out, band together in some comms and then and only then post the public announcement on National News board. P.S. - You have no idea of my playstyle Koltes sir but this you can know, I will tell you - I play honest. I like being underdog. I like challenge. Been working so far.
  9. National Diplomacy can be treated through private channels away from Naval Action umbrella. National News is public announcement posters. They can de defiled by rotten tomatoes and bad eggs.
  10. Make repairs more heavy. Make them count. The present mechanic is okay, it is just masts and canvas sheet are too lightweight in game, same as panks and frames...
  11. In my opinion, at Conquest level, there needs to be a clear distinction between player/clan and Nation. And it has to be on the root. From achievements versus active population in given nation split across the 14 days. A small populated nation, with a high degree of achievements, should, naturally be much more well regarded as a Nation, by the NPC European Powers than a ant farm. But I digress. The why marks exist and what do they try to "simulate" is not correctly reflecting the player actions in favour of the Nation. Instead they are totally at a individual level. Victory in Conquest could, for example, boost production and trade goods for X amount of time in the national capital. Or other more... generic National rewards, and not individual.
  12. Yes. The risk while PvE'ing hostility doesn't compare one thin hair to rising it through PvP, that is correct.
  13. Or just sink not-your-alt but actually enemy ships in their regions ? Let's simply forget all the players that do not use alts, right ? I was totally cool with the Conquest Marks to the Lords. We had to gain points to enter PBs, hence half way done there. Now if they were awarded once per week instead of once per day and having the Map winner get the extra Conquest Marks on top, would it be nice ? What a donut of doom...goes round and round.
  14. PvP gives hostility points, or am I missing something ?
  15. Funny enough, and not spending any sarcastic remarks, I envision the "knowledge" or "permanent" possibility in superior gunpowder of having the gunpowder tied to actual having to have the specific gunpowder in the ship, same as Carpenters / Northern actually need repairs you know
  16. - 1000 points hostility combined achieved during the 7 days / 1 victory cycle
  17. No many are willing to take the initial hardcore survival mode to make Spain great again.
  18. Well, it is the hardcore survival mode for any player wanting to put itself to the test and live of the land. Respect to both independent states, Iroquois and Dave.
  19. Nation is plural. Captain is singular. Nation receives marks. Captain receives mark. Hope it clears it up.
  20. Let's stick to the point and wait for a response.
  21. Was a good one. Indeed Dutch were out for head bashing Brits definitely will come back. It is not only a matter of... house cleaning but also of... international love making Also the development bullets are seemingly out of date with the latest hotfixes, but can be excuses given the production time it may take to do these.
  22. Finally ! * grabs coffee, closes email, phone in dnd mode,... *
  23. the only and original BLACK pyracy truest form, not wannabes How's the Gorgon handling ?
  24. Just takes one good day of OW RvR non stop fights during an entire evening for a player ( or players ) that spent months in a corner doing missions and trade to become blood lust beasts. There's no coming back. Also the truth is, it must be a balanced outcome, both defeats and wins, and even defeats must be felt like a proper contest and understood. Not the usual stomp. While many play for filling buckets of grief ( for some reason unintelligible to some of the older gamer generations ) others play for good sense of fun and disregard ego-rants with a passion. Play fair. Play honest. Every battle is different. In one everything works out. The next one everything goes wrong. Keep learning.
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