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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. Wow... that was unexpected. A ton of mechanics to explain one mechanic Yep. That's NA for us. A web of things where you touch a string and everything else shakes. Good one but that wasn't my question, maybe I did not make it in the correct form. So let's start small. What is the benefit to be in a company ? Can a individual player access all game content if not in a company ?
  2. I just want to understand the benefit, to all players, new and old, of the suggested system Be it players in big clans, small clan, big "companies", small "companies, and individual players.
  3. Got it. Clan focused "end game". Then why not take it one step further and make it so clanned players can only interact with clanned players ? apart from chat and clan management for invites/kicks. That would eliminate the pesky individuals from interfering.
  4. It is a faux war. Prussia did its part raiding swedes as best as we could with great combats and fairly good captures.. Yet waiting for a united offensive. In the meanwhile, red letters enemy, white letters friend. snappy salute.
  5. Okay. How do non clan players fit in ? Totally unaligned ? Who can they help ? If they can do everything what is the "strategic" purpose of clan ?
  6. Ah yes ! Have the correct radius of zones plotted if anyone cares to make a overlay. So, center your drawing circle tool in Las Aves port ( south map ). Enlarge circle until it covers the island to the west slightly away from the shallows. That is the extension of the zones. Copy paste layer and apply it to PvE-Server map ( uncapturable ports are the only ones with nation flags ). Done.
  7. Interesting. So, the "nation" would be only "chosen", after clans have decided to unite and declare it ? ( hypothetical question as the system doesn't work like this. It is "individual" base choosing nation. )
  8. ...and the PvP lord said.... "Attack thy neighbor." And He saw that it was good. Less wind, less way, more fight.
  9. I agree, there's no way of meta-game and that's fine. It is true that players like the loot and all that and they can refit any basic ship into a more "personalized" item by usage of knowledge and refits. I agree on that. I made the suggestion though, in regards of the overstacking that is possible. As opposed to limit speed to 15.5, simply make it that the player can still go 17, but he must forfeit other options when choosing the sails & masts / hull & structure / knowledge slots.
  10. While it is great to have drops and loot and all of the kinky rewards for doing something...anything... it is no secret that the overwhelming stacking leads to odd problems and odd solutions, such as creating abstract envelope limitations like in the speed. So my suggestion comes in the face of all types of stacking. Speed is one but there's more and to absurd results. It feels like the old colour equipment cards twice worsened... While we all don't like to have our "toys" messed up with we might try to understand that the game "isn't us" but "all of us". So - permanent refits > keep 3 slots but have them type specific - 1 for sails or masts , 1 for guns or crew, 1 for hull or structure - knowledge - 5 slots max by type - 1 for sails or masts , 1 for guns or crew, 1 for hull or structure and 2 non-specific ( control, prepared, etc ) - max %% bonus in any characteristic for any unique "epic gear" piece = 0.02 or 2%
  11. And Penetration stacking. And boarding stacking. And... and... oh wait. Maybe the best would be to remove envelope limits but - permanent refits > keep 3 slots but have them type specific - 1 for sails or masts , 1 for guns or crew, 1 for hull or structure - knowledge in same fashion - max %% bonus in any unique "epic gear" piece = 0.02
  12. Hmmm... guess the potential speed versus the flip of the yards might be a interesting thing. Those sharpest turns into the eye of wind always looked freaky.
  13. Game tends to be polarized in that regard; Dedicated PvP'ers will orbitate towards one another and form communities, small or big. They will roam and sweep and most of the time won't come to face each other ( and even turning tail more times than not ). Even popularized pvp nations avoid clashing with each other somehow, with some notable examples. Of course many promising pvp'ers will try to emulate the veterans examples, hence why leading by example is important. If a cadet is trained for gank sweeps all the time, well, he will grow up into being a very effective organizer of gank squadron ( maximize modules and knowledge per ship - high pen demaster, high speed tagger, high boarding, etc - to make the complete sweep squad ). But very nice battles through the entire weekend evenings. Many screenshots were shared in global but very few make it up in here.
  14. Interesting approach. Could you please illustrate the suggestion with a example and stating the how to, what for and why would that be? Thank you.
  15. It is a thread to show battles and rp propaganda a bit, not ego fencing ?
  16. It is a Wargame and a PvP server Anything else other than sailing out and fightin is moot. Very good fights being shown in this thread. ( WTB pvp new nation please ! )
  17. Yes, that's true, the admiralty left a big dose of liberty of decision to the captains. That's why so many rose fast, due to their cunning and bravery, but we do not have that commodity. Any ships can beat against the wind within a useful timeframe while many ships back in the day did attack 1 by 1 while the rest were still trying to come about and check their options. But you can easily find these examples, of one versus many ( 1:5 and more ) on its own accord. One being still during Napolenic reign and other during 1812. Yet another is even more famous. With a british home fleet engage a allied fleet, with bigger numbers of ships and guns. Career enters and what is expected of captains at any given Station back then A mission for a Irish Sea captain wouldn't be similar to the missions given to Captains stationed in the Indic for example. In the end the game doesn't simulate that, so expect a coin to always fall on one side is a bit too much.
  18. Not entirely false nor entirely true. The RN captains ( base for many of the game mechanics is RN ) were expected to engage and prevail against superior ships. But there's too much in between and we cannot really look to history given we do not have a Navy/Naval career system.
  19. PvP is pvp, whatever wanted, unwanted, etc. Expectations are too high sometimes. There's one rule - red letters is enemy, white letters is friendly. Once you click sail, a lot can happen, whatever OP ships. Good fights everyone. Win today, lose tomorrow.
  20. I like how you pick up the idea and ramp it up. My initial focus was to determine how "important" a town really is in regards, not only to the naval power, but also to the economical viability. The weaker the economy ( measured by tax ), the easier it is to provoke attacks ( hostility gain per action ). A big booming town like Cartagena, as expected, and credible even from a historical point of view, would be a hard nut to crack and each action would provide less gain per action. ( pvp related hostility gains should always be the same )
  21. you tell them, someone wants to kill my privateer corsair snow brig in some other thread just by looking at it
  22. Actually, from all the extra sounds suggested that would affect OW actions, this is the one that actually can make sense. One thing, the "being in the zone" depends on the tag target position, not the attacker.
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