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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. Bit offtopic, sorry for that . But numbers do not fluctuate at euro 6-hour stretch from what i've seen, very steady. There's a weekly pattern though with wednesday being the weakest, weekends being surpassed at high tide by some week days, mainly tuesdays and thursdays. Legends apparently had no influence given the players may be looking for different experiences. Played NA until 0100am. 167(?) when I left. Went to Legends for 1 hour. 44. At 2200 was about 150.
  2. Earth is round, sorry. I specified that during Euro prime time there is enough action. I wish more american continent crowd would play. Maybe they don't want to play NA !? ( not even legends at american times by the looks of it... )
  3. Combat News say otherwise. Even dismissing the PB casualties the amount of "someone did sink" is very pleasing for the amount of players during the WEST to EAST timezones Euro evening hours.
  4. We had this very very real a while ago. It changed once the map was wiped for port clan control conquest mode and zones introduced. The supply lines PvP was very very real and a true playstyle for the non RvR oriented privateer communities. Human problem again got in between and blocked success - mass concentration of pvp oriented players in some nations while others struggled against the constant non stop raiding, which led to a tiredness.
  5. We might need this... "Tag enemy - sink it immediately - get all loot" - 1-click/button
  6. Not a bad proposition. I would like to see catastrophic rig damage when ramming occurs ( to the rammer ) or when hitting shallows full force. Also having the gallants suffer from sharp angle winds during a turn. Get out of battle in jury rigs, for example, and pray that a buddy tows you out to the nearest port. Let's make ship recovery a nice feature connected to realistic outcomes and not just a very convenient one.
  7. Modules fused into crafting options dropdown boxes added - planking, structure, guns/crew, masts/rigging, national/generic. Store ships with assorted crafted mix. Done. Grab any ship from store. Order you favourite ship from a crafter. Get out there and fight. ( not that shop ships atm are bad, they are good enough to rove with a couple of buddies and showing no mercy to whomever crosses the horizon )
  8. The argument is good in the present Repairs mechanics. Granted. But, the realtime communications will play the biggest part on a always-open scenario. The reinforcements will, hypothetically, and especially given most combat occurs at one or other nation territorial waters ( such is the nature of the wargame ), stay outside the battle instance and receive real-time reports from the inside on the condition of the ships and will jump in when the balance of damage done ensures victory when it would be a defeat. But, given the viability of the suggestion, a second tier of OW instances could be done to balance the roving kraken squadrons - any battle where one of the sides sums up either 6 ships ( or more ) or 1000 BR at the 1:27:00 timer the battle instance then becomes open all the time. If neither of those conditions are met, then it stays as is ( or reverts to WYSIWYG ). Further note - Objective of the PvP game is to ensure no fighting captain is sitting in port waiting for something to happen. Exactly what a always open scenario would promote.
  9. Fan of the previous tested big circle RoE WYSIWYG.
  10. What do you mean ? The dividing the several tasks in several cruises across several playing sessions ? Of course it is done. Every day in so many games. No rush, just appreciating the experience. Reckon some are marathonists and others are sprinters. Oh boy, how to have choices is great
  11. I know. As I said, it is a player concern, that time you break down, and it is a player concern if he wants to do ALL of that in one session.
  12. Time is never a problem. How to invest time might be. Any developer does develop a game with a "experience" in mind, not time. That's a player concern. Only thing we know is - a battle may last 90 minutes.
  13. People need to go out and fight, that's how we solve the PvP issue. Us. Players. Not mechanics alone. Whatever mechanics are put in place, if players do not want to fight... well... they don't Players dumped the 1-less-dura ships. Not in fights, but broke them, gave them away to newcomers, etc. PvP is reward in itself for many players, forget the gamey xp/cash stuff, but the bulk needs to feel that PvP was rewarding gamewise, with XP, with gold, with capturing a good ship, with having their combat victory renowned. There's a inbalance between both activities when, for example, XP granted can be so reduced in PvP.
  14. Well written breakdown. Thank you.
  15. Correct and approved but... ( always a but... ) Seemingly a lot of clans been cracking heads, from frigate engagements up to SOLs, both in OW and in PBs. Easy to spot at all levels, from ingame - by being there or combat news - or out of game just by peeking here and there on the various streamers spread across all the natio Granted, there's a very high tide at post-dinner euro times and then, at around 1AM zulu time it falls back to a economy runs relaxation. Not bad at all for robbers at sea.
  16. That's a personal choice Captain. Why not have six of them of different models and builds ? That's some other player choice.
  17. Sit down with the fellows on comms. Everyone grabs a drink. Discuss the next couple hours cruise. Decide origin and area to roam. Sail out, a small squadron ( wing ), 4 ships, can break down in groups of 2. Find enemy shipping. Kill without concerns for mercy. Carry on. Fall upon a Indiaman convoy which promptly escapes back into zone. Decide to go away from the zone. Find another enemy. Sink without any concerns for mercy. Return to convoy position and try to stage a chase. Fail due to wind not being favourable and squadron split across a fairly large sweep area. Sail back to haven. Fairly good life&death life in the age of sail simulation, took 2 hours and a half total. Cannot get any more simple than that.
  18. Make it like Storm of War server for Cliffs of Dover. Career mode. When the pilot dies your career gets reset. After all... death is definitive. No free lunch.
  19. Easy for a entrepreneur to get hold of the daily produce. because of fixed spawns of the rare woods
  20. Ships did gain safe distance to conduct repairs and, under honour ( an age before the modern notions of total war ), return to combat. Others instance the ships didn't even have time to do that, such one sided combat and so violent the first dozen of broadsides.
  21. When trade had to be conducted everywhere... and things were "rare" ( between "" because they weren't, they just had to be picked up somewhere, far away, and trade raid was a real danger)... the uproar was big... ... then capturable ships came back... ... still not enough.... then higher mission rewards and cheaper shop ships... still not enough... ... now everything is accessible within the Zone, with some notable exceptions.
  22. I like sims and history. Did skim a few MMOs and wouldn't consider WW2OL a mmo even , more like a persistent arena wargame, but project entropia was one of my majors, nowadays changed name, and I have as much fun in Arma as in Elite Dangerous as in NA ( maybe more in NA tbh ). NA brings the sim, the historical, the self made rp and the mmo into one package. PvP is a facet of the accumulation of it all.
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