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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. Guinness Book of Records for most reasonable post.
  2. Modules are the devil, not duras. Make everything at max 1%(and similar) inside the crafting options ( a lot of options). No drops. Everything open. Build any ship at your heart desire.
  3. Even in no loss, arena games people avoid fighting like they avoid the plague. We cannot find scapegoats on mechanics when humans use the mechanics to enforce/avoid fights. Maybe, just maybe, there's this idea of the "holy grail of pvp" ship, which is true. All kinky modules and refits and whatnot... Maybe, just maybe, if those options, in very tiny degrees, would be a integral part of the ship crafting and accessible by all... ... wouldn't change human mind but at least the way the ships are built and equipped would be more streamlined and not forcefully linked to "loot drops". I know a lot of MMO players like those drop mechanics though, but i come to think at the moment we are more of a mix of ego-shooting and historical crowd in healthy doses of pvp and pve in the pvp servers. Duelists got Legends, which is a fine product. Time to move on and deliver the persistent world more "meat". We got the bone and sinew already.
  4. Redii, I think you misundertood and really took it the wrong way. If I am not mistaken Des Moines refered that the wipe would never be a wipe - fair for everyone new and old - and if we keep even xp we start ahead already.
  5. I won't disagree. This last changes for the clans to guide the management of port - upkeep and taxes - is nice. Maybe it could be enhanced and even make the coastal defences part of that system. Even Naval Bases as a extension, a proper "preparation for war" supply system to keep Battle Squadron at a ready state... So many can be done The essential question remains - why conquer a lot of ports when everything essential ( not elite ) can be acquired within the zones ?
  6. There's place for everything in the PvP server. Zones are just another mechanic. Actually it must be seen the other way around. PvP server has player versus player also, on top of the social and economy, whereas PvE server has no player interaction other than socializing and economy. I will agree on something though - everything that anyone needs can be found within the Zones - and in this little factor resides one of the issues raised. A crafter does not need to move further away when fir, oak and teak can be found inside a zone. Same with Iron and Coal and Hemp. At the same time Missions can be conducted inside. On top of that geography of some homelands do make them odd. But, to answer Slim's question - I do like 1 server has it all philosophy. So yes, and taking RL examples, the warriors will protect the village so that farmers can produce good in safety. A village will always have more farmers than warriors.
  7. Finally got to really practice with the new wind on a 4th rate. Everything feels nice except the "swivel effect" when holding on spot during a tack ( beautiful how now we are able to hold on downwind ). Feels like the ship has no keel, that there's no mass underneath, and she just skims and swivels. A full 90º - 180º - 270º turn takes half a minute it seems. While all the different sails feel good on the wind the side force effect on the hull is wicked odd and I hope some of the maritime savvy fellows here can help. Would be faster for the ship to simply be blown aback to go through or how fast does she turn when held in place ( if at all ). Overall the new proportions of sail plans versus hull mass feels good. Is just that "rotation" that feels really odd.
  8. Maybe they don't want to fight you specifically ? After all, pvp is a social thing Out of jokes, majority didn't read the new nations decriptions and immediately selected it due to RL reasons or because their communities changed. And the subject is diverting from a suggestion to player issues, both are incompatible as code mechanics are blind to human concerns. What you suggest could have been done with career system, but we have sandbox, we make our choices without any entity to answer to in case of failure or success. Environment activities are integral part of the sandbox.
  9. Sorry man, I can't gank in Legends. No way i'm going there
  10. One of the nice memories of a pvp encounter is EliteDelta under RN colours hanging tough at the helm of a connie against PG Monkey and myself, in schooners. We did have to salute him and abandon the idea after he showed extremely great defense and ship & wind handling. Great lesson on how to handle a big ship versus faster and more nimble ones. ( silly enough the Renomee that was with us was miiiiiiiles away and refused to come close to help, but won't name the dastard )
  11. Absolutely ! Next assignment, as punishment, is on a coastal Brig making routine inspections for smuggle cargo.
  12. Interesting that some of us know of captains that never reached top rank simply because all they do is pvp. Interesting enough they didn't use xp redeemables and do it all again. As many here have said, there's more than meets the eye. I came to find that the best captains out there are usually the most quiet in game chats, very friendly types, and are really proefficient on handling all ships, not only the quirky ones. Maybe Mallachy is up to something here, maybe we should look to his idea as something worth to have a PvP Missions type of thing, based on proper historical assignements and, in case of failure, rank is lost, property may be lost, etc...
  13. You discussing Reinforcement Zones or the whole game ? Not following your rant Captain.
  14. @Peter Goldman Thank you for clarification. Not familir with the Legens chat and I assumed it had same functions as Naval Action. Legends players should request, en masse, a report/ignore functions then
  15. Captains, Do not defend toxic chat EVER. Your personal standards are your own and the rest of the world is not forced to take up with it. The internet is not your friend. If you want to go toxic, please do that to your friends and family, not us all. @GreatTimo Do report offenses.
  16. Captain Zoidberg, whatever we say you surely have it the wrong way GL do care and has their tools. Some times perception is not the truth as data tells different stories. Wild example - 1000 players - 500 are afk'ing in port. How many are playing ? For you it is 1000. The data says 500. Your perception is wrong. I know I make this mistake all the time :\
  17. While I see where Pete's main concern is - entire stretch of Carolinas and Georgia under Protection, blocking any attempt at pyracy true form - Archaos also points out the sad truth of the moment. Trade is a shadow of what it was a while ago. With trade being lower profit compared to even attacking a OW npc and with fairly good ships being "summoned" by use of marks what else is there ? Only purpose built ships, which woods can all be found in every Zone or ships of the line special woods, which make up for a tiny tiny part of the trade shipping.
  18. Let's be honest, shall we ? You want a real fight everytime, you don't go to KPR.
  19. @Slim Jimmerson If they want to rove in such a strong squadron... They go fight the strongest nation in PvP. Not the weakest.
  20. Not referring to any specific universe, EU or Global, Slim, so let's not discuss that. Archaos, damn right you are. But in a NA history sense GB has always been the sleeping giant. Although they did police the world once they are in deep hybernation at the moment. *shrugs*
  21. I do. You will find the threads about them if you search. But regarding the agregation of pvpers... In truth it is tiresome if you love going out and get into trouble and most of the nation doesn't. Eventually you will make a new character or use the papers to join some nation who does. So polarization happens.
  22. Defeatism takes over ? Insecurity ? Wanting to deny the opponents something ? Who knows... Leaving the prolonged campaigns and nation tour in privateer vessels and returning to frigate/heavies level is like having to learn again ( feels great). Shop ships are good enough to sink opponents ( takes a bit more work than a purpose built ) or to be sunk. The effect of a large hunting squadron is "scaring" most into port, with some notable exceptions. Maybe the defect is on both sides ? Large roaming squadrons are safe but they send the single ships scurrying to port and find no opposition.
  23. PvP in any PvP game is wanted and unwanted. I do also have a character in PvE server for several activities
  24. Yep. Era of mass fire the faster you possibly could, in land and at sea.
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