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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. Tribunal rules are very clear. - accuser - accused - and anyone with proof regarding the issue being brought to tribunal.
  2. As I see it works both way, means it gets accepted, not that everyone likes it. Hence the paradox.
  3. Ganking. Have the feeling no one really likes it, but due to "perceived lower quality of ship modules, or whatever" they tend to play bigger numbers to increase chances of success.
  4. Pickle is more sturdy that a xebec given its construction method.
  5. Caribbean News drama threads in a calvin'shell ( damn you spiffy )
  6. Dont' have the 24's !?!? ... whaaaaat... !?!?.... This must be fixed. Pickle should have 32's actually, when in comparison. 😎
  7. Sure thing, thanks for looking. Sort of early busy Friday here at the office so wasn't really searching right away.
  8. Okay, let @Ink check the logs.
  9. Think 20 minutes at least, maybe more. Will find the precise developers post regarding that.
  10. Show some class. Pickles.
  11. Was it in Patrol Zone ? Patrol Zone battles stay open for a long time.
  12. Even this board being Caribbean News, there are lines of conduct where decency must prevail. As such the moderation team expect all Captains to behave with a bare minimum of respect. Also - private communications with devs and other captains is not to be made public.
  13. Basically make your own port a haven for raiders in schooners ?! Al'right...
  14. Death of a thousand cuts they pack 24 pdr carros now, right ?!.... ouch
  15. You forget something in that "remove" stuff if you really want to drop it down to naked skill. Be consistent
  16. Reds vs Blues vs Greens ? Knights vs Rooks vs Bishops ? I think i've seen a few setup like that. Actually i've seen NA like that during testing, with just 2 Alliances fighting each other. So... what does that has anything to do with a privateer tag a rattvisan ?
  17. Same as many other players. See ? There's no need to change anything to fit you, because you, same as others, have no issue with the choices made.
  18. There's no balancing the players unless you want to be forced to play a nation/clan you don't want to play. Would you like that ?
  19. You are mixing so many mechanics ideas that is hard to follow a thread. There's a old solution that now and then comes up with port BRs being dynamic ( changed daily ) and tied to tax activity, but the origin of this thread is ship BR tagging ship BR, not port BR and massive fleets.
  20. Correct. But that's not a mechanical limitation but rather a result of players actions. Means any player is free to join any clan, any nation, build any ship and sail with whomever player wants and participate in whatever activities player wants or has time for. And i urge you to review your thoughts on that design. By proposing more liberty to a small group ( aka. nation aka. clan ) you will be imposing limitations to a big group ( aka. nation aka. clan ). NA is not a classic match-up wargame, albeit it may simulate classic match-up wargame tactical combat, but at the "stategic" level is rather a power-creep competitive combat mmo. What does this means ? Pure min-max setups and outcomes. Bring the max fleet to the tactical level ( combat instance).
  21. You are a bright fellow. You figure it out yourself. Don't need any guidance.
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