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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. Hostis humani generis. They know what they are. And they must accept it.
  2. They should be able to join ONLY pirate side. Ever. Never any other nation. Also no nation should EVER side with pirates. Hence never able to join pirate side. How's that for unique ?
  3. most mine are initiating a battle even if my consorts are to join late they will join my side so... i'm a bit distant from what you say
  4. So I re-read all carefully. Karma kicks in only when joining ongoing battle. Choose side carefully.
  5. I know Redman, hence why I ask. I'm looking at the news release from different angles at the moment. *sips more coffee, changes angle*
  6. @admin Reputation meter will change only with direct intent, correct ? Meaning only when joining Another question, and this is related to clan level. Small clans are easier to manage, so everyone is in the same page but a clan of 250 becomes harder. The new karma system means that there's a possibility of multiple sects in the same clan, some being enemies of a nation, others being friendly, according to karma values. So the question is, would it make sense that a clan has unified karma, all for one and one for all ?
  7. Honestly I think the Logbook, now that a period of mourning has passed, should be removed and replaced by a "non intrusive" element. - last ship sailed by player anchored at the docks as a scenario element in his last nation capital - add the last ship as a ghost ship ( like a flying dutchman ) that sails the map and sometimes can be seen in storms. - collector's item - other similar situation could be used to create a real logbook collection, without any other intent than collecting them >>> real logbook of last 7 days of play in game, towns visited, battles fought
  8. I don't think the Admiral in a first rate is going to bother with it. A retreating opponent is retreating.
  9. And sail all the "non gold" redeemed ones and fight in the OW. Any issue with that ?
  10. Happy to have 1 model of each in the collection Still enough slots for extra ships. * no hoarding *
  11. make a Naval Action meme with...
  12. I suggest: - If Loki does not make damage %% for 120 seconds, control reverts back to AI.
  13. Fleets are okay as they are now and they serve dual purpose with the new Conquest design. Want to provide a challenge to newcomers ? Take a Lynx and fight them. You won't be tagged by the Home Defense Fleets.
  14. Modern facepalms don't do justice to the uber ego and gallantries that make NA soap operas. One has to resort to the very first recorded facepalm in camera to do justice to such navel-gazin'
  15. Tribunal thread posts: - Accuser - Accused - posting of proof by both or anyone that has it nothing else
  16. Been to two. Tumbado area ( E, NE and SE of the town and all 3 models were found ). Sale Trou - Bani area, to the South, is also well populated with the 3 models. Sadly couldn't check the east side of map. Hotly contested though, lots of squadrons mainly in DLC ships just plowing through. Some squads spending most of the event just laying siege to both free towns near those two areas. Not for the notes, but just for the PvP. Rare ships ceased to be rare for a while as so many are taken and created with notes.
  17. That is true. Less sitting and more chasing. Not against what is now, got my share of ships for the collection, but would be cool to be totally unknown where and one having to ... hunt for them.
  18. a couple dozen of each type sailing around everywhere on the map surely sounds good. More people sailing rather than sitting at port.
  19. Chat offenses, please right click name and Report. ( I did Report all those chat lines, as I was present during that particular global chat. I am certain many others did as well as long as they have a minimal grasp of the language )
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