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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. I assume my doubt is correct. I will repeat what I said somewhere else. Many players change name for a lot of reasons. One of them is peace. To stop being annoyed by trolls and other creatures of the underworld. It is not and solely to hide and create confusion. Hence I rather defend the mechanic even if it is only to protect the anonymity of 1 innocent player being trolled without rest and say - no previous names. The Master Forger is a master.
  2. hmmm, maybe everyday sugar trade might use the schooners and the big operations use the indiamans along with other players protecting them ? I mean, i don't know. One of the things that will happen is the non-stop tags, but that already happens.
  3. For 2 weeks we can see the previous name in the player info box ? ( right-click name in chat, info )
  4. You have a point - In theory seems bleak. In practice you will want to fight harder... maybe. Just maybe.
  5. We had a patch where the cargo was the most important. Even if it was only for resource wars and denial. And capturing ships from the enemy to replace losses was a victory. Guess what. Was too harsh taking by the opinions of many fine folk. Now we have to deal with "ego coins" and damn the Madeira Wine, just sink the poor fellow. All good, all good.
  6. Yes. Confirm with your companions what rewards they get. Screenshot the battle table and the battle report, etc. Do a bug report, explain what you noticed and how to replicate the bug and you can enter the links in the description box
  7. Everyone that does damage receives marks. Two of our squadron intercepted a Indiaman on a beeline, afk. He surrenders after a couple shots, iirc 1 chain from chaser and a couple swivels. 7 marks for one, 2 marks for another. Please, please. Report what bugs you find but make sure you confirm the data and give as much information as possible. Thank you.
  8. I rather have my battle close in 2 minutes ( or whatever is today ) than the zone 10 minutes and play the "what if" card of having friendlies saving my bacon. What happens in reality is that those 10 minutes entry are more than enough for enemies to invade a OW battle and kill the player 1 out of 20 times. On the good side of things, if the player is directly attacked he has the opportunity to summon AI and the battle remains open - important! NPC are reinforcements for the player, they are not replacements of the player. So, this being said, while the protective umbrella of the Zones do work hand in hand with the evolving newcomer - missions close immediately, it is also of note that they also give a false sense of security when operating against roaming NPCs. By this reason the players that stick to the zone play more and more closer to the capital ports. Barely moving outside the Capital Zone as they sense that the "security" offered is still not enough so they carve their little peace of peace without resorting to a full move to pve environment. The OP proposition is interesting, as a "balancer" for population but, in my opinion, in a erroneous way.
  9. Oddly enough we had a straight surrender, yesterday, of a United Provinces Hercules. We reached for the ship. Check the content and put her to the bottom. It yielded the marks. Same happened later with a Rattlesnake. Three bow chaser shots and a surrender. Did also yield the rewards. There was no AI present in any of the battles.
  10. Just my opinion i wish everyone has fun with their games.
  11. All fair Differents points of view, thanks for sharing yours.
  12. Okay. You stay with yours, I stay with mine. World is better that way. Be sure to always check your 6 btw. Snappy salute.
  13. Yep, ideas I am serious though. Being a multiplayer environment the solo choice all the time is challenging oneself more than necessary given the rules in play, but okay. To each its own, but expecting mechanics developed for multiplayer shared risk/reward to be tailored for singleplayer full risk full reward can skew things a lot. We should test this new mechanic so the devs take their notes and make their decisions. That's all.
  14. The chances of surviving, of killing everything in our path, arriving safely, etc is already a sure reward to play multiplayer. Or... i am reading something wrong ? ( talking both, pve and pvp )
  15. That's a good one and straight to the point ! I can see it working. Trader fellow uses clan chat or nation chat to find support. Everyone sails together and trader rewards the escort guys, with gold or combat marks ! Or whatever they agree upon I mean... why not ?
  16. Fair points. We should really encourage cooperative multiplay. But how ?
  17. Okay, thanks for the example. I see a very strong reason for traders to organize convoys and simulate this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Pulo_Aura or this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bali_Strait_Incident
  18. I mean both escorts and trader convoy are players. Not AI. Hence the comparison of - organization. Raiders have to organize themselves. Traders have to organize themselves. Or...I mean... sorry... I thought this trade convoy is already done by many, maybe i'm wrong.
  19. Escort duty mean the warship must be ready to face the odds. The escorts ships safety is secondary to the convoy. Not many are ready to do this.
  20. Problem is the squadrons. So we have a organization issue. Gankers take time to organize themselves and sail together. Traders cannot spare a minute to organize themselves in a large convoy and sail together. I mean... mechanics cannot possible cover all of the human made choices. I am intrigued about this change and eager to see it in practice.
  21. I would join this suggestion to a full Clan Port Control package also including this one ( and some others i will edit into here )
  22. permanent loss of ship due to being ganked that's "permadeath" it is a game design feature used by all games. Some might have immortal avatar but permadeath items ( decay ) Ganking is a risk management human made feature to minimize chances of loss and maximize results/rewards.
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