About us.
We were one of the most famous pirate guilds in the Pirates of the burning sea game.
The history of the society began in 2008 and now we play as a small (at least now) group of players who know each other for years.
We have no interest in politics or diplomacy, we use to play like the true pirates should do it.
Now we play Naval Action and we do like this game utterly. If for some reasons you want to contact us you may find our officers in game - Ajax, Antony Brooks, El Mariachi, Varjag, Alex Jas
and our admiral - Ram Dinark.
We want to wish everyone as much pvp as you can find. And we hope that this wonderful game will get more interesting features and of course, new ships.
Valar morghulis!
Our story is here: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/15234-podw-pvp1-eu-the-corsairs-revenge/
Our website: http://www.podw.eu/