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Everything posted by Palatinose

  1. I don't have a problem with revenge fleets except for far away from any ports - solved by removing F11 coods. If they want to waste their time waiting 1,5h just to grief a single hunter - well let them. Banished you seem to be very concerned about losing your ships in unequal battles. It's part of the OW imo. Personally I find it truely boring and waiting more than 15 minutes is a pain to me. Patience is also a value. Read nation chats and they are full of the heroic killings of good PvPers. Though these guys always outnumber them at least 3:1. It's not heroic at all and still it's obviously worth telling the tale. Np with that.
  2. okay sry I just read about the reward. #greedy
  3. claiming reward on @Liq
  4. admit it. u only want to sail SC again (not the one you gave me and i lost it in pve🙈)
  5. Methinks ten minutes the wekaer side could be reinforced untill BR was equal. higher BR side couldn't be joined. Though this is a tempting idea to reinvent it. It's the pros ganker tool No.1. Now everybody can tell me that its fair if Hachi or Liq or Moscalb or whatever the names are attacks a casual player in a higher BRed ship. It just isn't. tbh it really would fit my playstyle, though if this should come back, at least not in the green zone.
  6. @Nelsons Barrel it's possible to put a Vic in rigging shock with one broadside of Bellonas chains. And grape is not limited. So the nearly non-movable floating batteries have their weaknesses. Just be patient. The moment he uses rum you have 25 minutes and about four good rakes will kill his crew down to boardable by a Bellona imo.
  7. The NPC cerbs got carros in the rear. I capped the first one, it had loaded double ball. Took a closed look and it for sure was carros. F11ed it. @OP the masts wont fall when you don't penetrate them. Therefore you have to get closer - as stated above - roubdabout 100-200m. The mast middle sections have only 75% thinkness, so 250-300m should work aswell. Agreed to Banished to only show hits when penetrating. Thanks @z4ys for the vids
  8. Seeing that: admin would you mind telling people in the tutorials somehow what woods basically mean in this game. I mean a new player building this powerful ship in a total crap planking hurts. Sabicu/crew space... 🙈
  9. Imo this is fine. 4pd double heads flying 500 meters, how much damage should they do?
  10. Any more concrete info on rewards? PvE, PvP, patrol zone etc. And @admin you considered your untradable Hercules ship notes as tradable via attacking a trader with the note in hold?
  11. It was much fun and content for the whole evening. Great thanks and salute to the french. Next time we will bring 400 hull reps for those fights to prolong the battles. o/
  12. In this case you don't get rewarded for the last battle, as it is still ongoing when srv shuts down. But I feel you there, happened to me like ten times /o\
  13. Hello guys, today in the Nassau patrol zone we headed into a battle at ~9:15 srv time, so 45 min till maintenance. In this battle a player (Rattlesnake Heavy) of nation B joined the side of a player from nation A (Prince de Neufchatel), who had attacked a NPC vessel (think it was a Navy Brig). We joined on the NPC side, two RSH, one Niagara. Shortly after a second player from nation A joined (RSH). We killed two players on the Rattlesnakes, the NPC sank due to the circle. The Prince decided to run, not knowing when the battle ends (via maintenance), noone will gain any rewards, all ships would be restored and people cannot claim their rewards. We told him, well he did not believe us Besides all the trolling and insults in battle chat and so on, my suggestion regarding patrol areas: Could we close the areas about 30 minutes before maintenance so no - let's say griefing - is possible here. In this case all current ongoing patrol area battles will be closed at this certain point of time. Messages telling people that the missions will close could (or should) spawn minutes before that of course. Please provide feedback on this suggestion, thank you. Regards, Pala
  14. On the contrary. I find it very pleasing that the newborns will now somehow straight away be challenged. Very challenged actually. Why do you wish to complete the tut in one or two attempts? Get creative and try again and again. If you still don't pass you can still start playing the game. Or not. But finally a step against new ones becoming rear admiral without facing any challenge in PvE. Single shot is a thing people do not use a lot in PvE until now. Perhaps they will consider it an option now. And imo it still doesn't have to do something with being a pvp'er as you stated. I struggled a lot because I just don't fight AI usually.
  15. Well what is pvp to you of not hunting solo in fleets or heavy fleet engagements? Nowhere did I state hunting at capitals. I don't care at all about new players from other nations or other clans. I just go where most people are. But if I sail a 5th and he a 4th or higher I WILL attack the player when it's possible. Just because people tend to sail big boats before they know how to sail and that's just wrong.
  16. I'll share my thoughts and questions on the matter. Newbies need protection? How do I define a newbie in this game? I'm really interested. As @Tac said, the time needed to sail 1st rates is damn short. So we get out of tutorial, have 200(?) crew and can start into the sandbox. Usual way is find a clan, get helped leveling, sail Bucs or Vic or even bigger after two or three weeks. And now we have human nature as factor starting to contribute to the given issues. Once one tastes the sweetness of the 42pds roaring, one only want to sail big boats. That's for the usual (I can't prove it, I set up a theory here). So now we have the problem, that the player on paper is Commodore or even Rear Admiral after three weeks. This doesn't represent in any way his skill. So my question is for us old vets who want to integrate new players into their clans and into the game overall (I wouldn't really care if one joins my clan, we teach him sailing and he leaves after some time): how do you teach them? For me there is only one possibility: just tell them to get out and try on their own. Provide them with mediocre ships and cannons and upgrades. When they fight, they will lose. They come to you on Comms and tell you about the fight. You ask questions and explain. They try those things in the next fight. Lose again. Next advice..and so on. Sometimes take them with you when you raid. And you can see them improve as they understand the game more with every fight. Foray: the only point I really would reward with more (or any) gold and xp (no pvp marks) is damage done in any battle. No marks but gold and xp so a player gets something. Until this point over 50% will just have quitted. For sure! You need so much time to learn in this game and the moment when you will be rewarded the first time in a pvp fight may be over a month after having completed tuts. Damn this is hello kittying hardcore!!! For those that survive the first part: When they understand the basics of pvping, teach them the fleet stuff. Tactics, maneuvers, protecting damaged allies, getting out of harsh situations in fleets etc.. After that they should be able to participate in pbs. End game content reached. Time needed to get there: three month minimum for a mediocre talented player. Do safe zones have something to do with that? Nope, not at all.
  17. At first I have to thank @admin for revealing his true nature as the biggest badass mo**cka by finally clarifying what we deal with here. I would always have supported cub protection and I was fine with the safe zones. This patch is more like what i wished for though. @Sir Texas Sir you give a lot of thoughtful advise here, though the point is: most people will never "feel like it". Please peeps, use the map. So many ports many people have hardly ever visited. I never understood why one does PvE at capitals. The feeling of safety given to some amount falsely by the safe areas is the reason people swarm this area. PvEers attract PVPers as the first just come in big numbers. Big numbers calls for numbers of hunters. Force me as a hunter to search for my prey. Make me roam the seas and not waiting in front of capitals. The chain limitation will make me lose so many ships and my foes hopefully even more. Love that! To all a good day, enjoy the sun. When I'm back darkness will fall upon u bitches!
  18. Trinc? @jnovotny6 The conny is a beauty and teak/bermuda is fine for solo but I'd recommend longs. I sail the Trinc usually with poods and carronades but at least teak teak. But I can't deny I sink a lot. Endy is more to recommend as it has stern chasers and a slightly better sailing profile. Surp is fine but at the current meta not proper. Her masts are really weak and nearly all frigates turn quite well.
  19. In fact I disagree @Friedus. We badly organized this. It's RvR in one of the most hostile territories of the map. Nowhere else that many nations are active. The prussians took advantage of the situation using the mechanics given. Everybody else does it this way. Still, as Banished said shallow hosti only in shallow ships should be the way to go. GG to the spanish. Edit: @traitorous mctraitoro. Sorry dude but you just suck in pvp.
  20. Hachi is correct. A recommendation: try both with carronades on the top deck. Methinks the Trinc got some more HP but the Endy counters it by better hull shape. Endy's turn rate got buffed a while ago so one more reason to try her. Personally as Hachi I prefer the Trinc. For the OW there is no alternative in this class. Pirate Frig is too small and not good enough close hauled. Essex lacks chasers and fire power. Indefatigable is very bad closed hauled and has serious crew issues (well actually they all have that^^)Though I never really sailed her a lot. Methinks @EliteDelta sails the Indef. Edit regarding Ahoy Mateys comment: the more experienced you get on those ships the more can you cover their weaknesses. As basically on every ship. Never sank due to leaks on the Trinc.
  21. A 5th with 18pd double charge long guns can demast every other fifth rate (even on 250m methinks but I don't know the pen values for that tbh). Depending on the mast upgrades used it is possible to take down all three masts (basically it's four due to nearly everybody repairs as soon as one masts falls) in let's say 20 minutes with single shot for an average player (when in close range!!). Before the "wow! how and never can I do that" replies come: have you tried? Really tried? In the same time u have your enemy chained to about 60% twice, which is a number where tacking get's pretty time consuming. @Lars Kjaer as long as i sink more than i lose and you guys appreciate the one or two pvp marks per player when killing me in a 4-5vs1 I'm totally fine. Concerning demasting: there is still the middle or top section that is penetrated by nearly all calibres. A hint: widen your horizon in playstyles and there is still much to discover.
  22. More close combat = more fun Today it occured that a Bellona rigging shocked a Victory with chains from close distance. 26% sails in one broadside. Sure that's not something occuring too often but boiii I'm glad those brainless tactics of spaming chains from big distance could be reduced. As @Havelock said, those battles in which people are so afraid that they chain one to death while heavily outnumbering their foe are the worst. No problem in losing them, @HachiRoku agreed the many should win this fight. But instead of being killed in ten to fifteen minutes (because one wants to fight and doesn't even run) one only gets hello kittyin chained to 40% (twice!!!) so one barely goes 4knots downwind and therefore can't move - is just annoying (I would say it's close to griefing, the French, DNP and WTF would probably say it's smart gameplay). In this style there is no skill. Chain can and should be devastating if used from proper distance and angle. Edit: Chaining is still easier than demasting.
  23. Puh i don't know if that's a good idea. Let's say we get a dedicaded PvE zone (gulf of mexico?) created. How do you separate it? I mean, yeah RoE could be taggin players is impossible, all AI is neutral and therefore one can only join on national side. Should people be able to tow ships there and generate upgrades - aka all the stuff that others have to pvp or rvr for? I mean PvE players should also have the right for the fine stuff. But imo this isn't combinable with the pvp servers understanding of fighting for ressources.
  24. To me there is only one epic skill book left: Art of Ship Handling. One gets it by OW PvE. OR selling pvp marks or gold or other books. Pvp marks are easily to obtain: Nassau patrol: roll out five times in a shop ship, you will get 10+x marks in two hours. I'm pretty sure. Correct me if I'm wrong. One can also buy the marks. Trading, PvE generates money that one can spend on that. What's the other epic skill books or permanent upgrades? There would be carta on frigates, some of the elite permas (for which you need to trade, find sealed bottles, do ow PvE, or kill players that use those..) well and that's it. Still one cannot combine all those. And the repair mods are nerfed drastically. For 4-5th rates there is the steel tool box - found in ow PvE. The difference between northern carpenters and basic carpentry tools is 1%. That's nearly nothing. Now a serious question: how hard is it for a mediocre player (like the one u asked Gregory to duel in 4 matches) to obtain 100 marks? That's what carpenter combat reports costs. Say one needs two weeks. Isnt that worth it? To your proposal on the four matches: I predict a 4:0 for Greg or any pvp junkee. And for the record: I'm totally against rewards for the leaderboard. Not even cosmetical as rare paints will be worth millions (at the current state of gold worth) and only those who get on top constantly - which are basically the same 50 players all over again - will get rewarded. Furthermore ganking will be even more the case, not to talk of farming alts.
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