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Everything posted by Palatinose

  1. Point is that the Bello still has it's negative side with spanish rig. Requin hasn't with pirate rig. Nontheless the rig mods are a pain. Just too stronk (remember we had them before and they were no meta). I guess if we found a way to balance them between being completely useless and totally over powered, we achieved a lot.
  2. Most RvR outposts are flexible, therefore they do not really apply as ressource farms. Nontheless 10 op's have always eben enough imo.
  3. Nope it's the RL work to pay the electricity bill. Joke aside, the question is do we want skill based duels or gear based duels.
  4. Playing defensive (kiting) is actually much easier than playing offensive.
  5. Both. We tried biggest broadside weight as well as only 12pd carronades with pen mods or 9pd medium guns or all 18pd carronades. We had the basic hull, basic carpentry basic strong sail combo as well as northern carps/navy hull/elite british. I'm pretty sure we always sailed AOS, Carpenter Combat Reports and Winged-out-Ballast, some reload/precision mods. Though I have to add, that we leveled the ship in pvp only (you might be a fan of the new player experience ;))
  6. Until mast thickness and HP changes and ofc the addition of the Herc. Hercules is better now after tunings. Still she is making most 5th rates obsolete. Why? Turning in relation to bow-to-stern-length, firepower, sailing profile, base speed, chaser amount (compared to other 5th's). I hope we can soon bring out a Herc report based on multiple battles we used it on the OW - let me collect some screenies. Currently it is opinion vs opinion. Imo the Herc is the bigger problem currently than the Requin. This ofc also depends on the pov. Newbies and coast guards will tell a different tale as it is tremendously annoying (= very emotional) to be unable to catch such a ship, when hunters just pick (mostly) easy targets and disappear then. Yes this has always been a case and will always be a case, Xebec is the new fir/fir Surprise. Xebec is much easier to encounter/or to escape from now though imo. I still struggle heavily with the pirate rig refit adding only boni to this ship.
  7. Aye. Frigates are feeling. I currently sail Essex. She tacks awesome. Gunnery 12 pds and 18 pds medium. A dream of a reload. But she's a brawler not a hunter. Endy fights on distance and uses it's high calibre. The turn rate (esp. considering her length) is not as good as the Trincs' or most other frigs. Endy is and was always something completely different than the Surp. Every frigate has it's use. Well, had
  8. All frigates differ in many aspects imo. Even without mods. That's what makes this class the most interesting - always has. Thx for the prince feedback.
  9. Totally +1 Add the Surprise. Belle Poule isn't much better either. What do they all have in common: weak masts. Everybody talks about Requin and Herc and mods. To me these two ships are performing well without good mods. Light frigates are only sailable competetively with elite mods or as 4/5+ versions. That's the big difference. Two lighter frigates are an exception from the general mesaage "the bigger the vessel, the higher the survivability". It's the P-Frig and the LGV Refit. Both are dedicated OW trader hunters (same goes for Prince perhaps? @z4ys), making them vessels in which one sails large distances, encounters only rarely enemies and usually wins these fights. What about Niagara, RSH, Mercury and Snow? Compared to Herc and Requin they're obviously NAFING! (Well let's wait for more hard data some days after the buff, I've seen more Snows again recently - hey @Fouchet welcome back) That's only concerning the p2w Nassau Patrol btw. @admin Please buff frigates, make OW an enjoyable and diverse place again. And above all please nerf (better: remove entirely) the pirate and spanish rig refits. These things are just disgusting and the reason for many (unneccesary) problems.
  10. Well hardcore or softcore? Decide what you want. You call for hardcore hunters but softcore newbies? That doesn't work aswell.
  11. Oh sry I just read that you want to let ppl sail in their capital waters if they want that. I agree. What if not brave is it to hunt in a capital zone on a normal ship? Requin sailors will never be brave, it's just not the ship for bravehearts. 14.5+ frigs with spanish rig = not brave. Normal frigate as attacker: immediate death penalty. Imo we should solve this conflict of newbie killers vs pvpers forced to go to capitals as ow is empty. And to me there is no possibility but to deny EVREYBODY pvp in SAFE AREAs. Make them safe.
  12. Make it like a capital zone now. NO group fights possible. Foes get singled out. Complete no go area for enemies. If your thought behind it is to get people out of the zones you have to make them entirley unattractive to hunters. Only if these zones are free of enemies, people will slowly start roaming the open world imo. Edit: Easier words. If you don't ban me from these zones, I will go there.
  13. You can't imagine how jealous I am on the spanish right now, and on the french of course #makepewpewnotforumwar
  14. Well to be fair as no one likes whiners who wonders about "the whole server aka EVERYBODY" is against brits. The only active british captain who doesn't cry on the forums is Greg. What would a soup be without some proper amount of salt
  15. You're right. Though imo that's only true for 10% of the players. Could be more, but fear of losing pixels etc.
  16. Isn't that exactly the contrast to what this should be? A game? No worries, most good players "worked" their way to the top. For the majority though, it's just not that easy when you just want to play.
  17. Perhaps it's just a new time/era of the game. Induced by prolific forgers not everything is carved in stone anymore. It's to be seen whether this is positive or negative or perhaps it just "is"?
  18. If we assume equal skill for Bellona and the two 5th: I don't agree. Most two 5th's will have big trouble against a Bellona. Most 5th's don't turn fast enough to avoid Bellonas broadsides for either masts or hull. Herc is just on another lvl due to bow-to-stern length, turning and armament. Best trick against 3rds and bigger: they'll try to sail upwind (which works perfectly against other 5th's) and all you need to do is shoot one braodside having the weather gauge, tack shoot the other, turn further and repeat. It works almost all the time. The mast hp and thickness nerf is a start, though I think more is needed.
  19. indiaman with guns carrys 4 and still has 700k hold left. Let the big trader boiz talk Toto. Trader pleb.
  20. corrected. DUEL ROOM PLZ!
  21. I like your idea as an addition to the idea of a sandbox. #choices Nontheless I never understood players that would throw away their guns for some dozens of tons of weight. Same goes for repairs.
  22. Would't agree entirely tbh. It's always dependent on the situation. A trader full with fien goods - nice but where to sell them? Do I find this trader next to a capital where there is people to be expected for revenge? Or in the middle of the ocean perhaps with the possibility to get into an all-consuming port (imo it has always a problem that there is so few of those on the map). Should I sink a ship that is not special at all or take it with me? From a nation like the swedish that lived for one year in prosperity where its hard to sell a Teak/Wo Bellona for 800k (now imagine the prices for frigates) PvP marks are just worth more than a casual ship. For someone from another nation this might differ again. I still don't know how people can not have pvp marks and they atill are sold for 150k+. Every player can participate in the pvp events where you get these marks for killing bots. 10 marks a day, ezpz. The market should be flooded with these marks.. which would reduce their value.
  23. Sounds nice @z4ys, though I fear only the passionate OW sailors would use it. Trader tool is enough to triangulate your position. As long as these (fake) features exist, probably not many will use the hourglass. Hethwill why do you feed the troll man
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