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Everything posted by maturin

  1. Development is happening. Sorry...
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  2. Do you people understand plain English? Everything is server-based. Quit the rumor-mongering. All you are going to accomplish is to whip those thicker than yourselves into a frenzy.
  3. You mean we can't do this now? I have to take my Light Ship Master on board my SoL?
  4. http://threedecks.org/index.php?display_type=show_ship&id=6983 Surprise is extremely well-documented. It's really no big deal to slap a few extra guns on the weather deck. Just goes to show how silly our definitions of three-masted warships are.
  5. AKD, do you have the right plans there? The body plan looks totally different (way more tumblehome, two-turn bilge) from the plans for the refit in British service. Same with the beakhead, gripe and stem, and there are fewer gunports. Could this be the Gracieuse, which the Brits renamed Unite? http://www.thedearsurprise.com/wp-content/gallery/ltigthms-surpriseltigt/padsurprise09.jpg The French L'Unite was listed as carrying 8 quarterdeck guns.
  6. Renommee mounts 9-pounders both in the game and in reality. But armament isn't important. Renommee is one of the first frigates, that inspired the ships that came later. Only at the end of the century would a ship of her armament possibly be called a corvette.
  7. There are only two types of Naval Action players. *Those who sail long distances AFK *Those who lie about it and like to gank the other type
  8. Call the moderators nazis, get warned, call them nazis again? If it's best to stay off the forums, I'm sure a ban could be arranged. If you ask nicely.
  9. I'm pretty sure it's not always like that, though. In pictures 4 and 5 the ship is in various stages of tacking. What you're seeing isn't sail 'twist,' it's the yards being braced around consecutively instead of simultaneously. When you are tacking the yards are swung around by the wind as much as the hands at the braces. Each yard was trimmed a bit differently to begin with, and the wind is fairer aloft, so the various sails will come aback or start drawing at different times. Or if you are off with your timing, traversing the lower yards might be a long slow slog against the pressure of the wind. In other situations where you are trimming the yards, there's no reason a well-drilled crew wouldn't do everything simultaneously.
  10. There were others. And at sixty-plus feet they were too large to be carried on the deck of any ship the U.S. possessed. https://books.google.com/books?id=Kn4DjjsPpkAC&pg=PA18&lpg=PA18&dq=us+navy+gunboats+crossed+the+atlantic+barbary&source=bl&ots=Kk4b-AIB4k&sig=zV25lW35L9ckXTI-g_L6nb7aE1U&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjeyuql7bvOAhXI6yYKHcXQAPQQ6AEIMTAD#v=onepage&q=us%20navy%20gunboats%20crossed%20the%20atlantic%20barbary&f=false
  11. Everything is seaworthy if you're nuts enough. The U.S. Navy sent some of their gunboats to the Barbary Coast.
  12. The brig Lady Washington needs to raise $10,000 to buy new spars (yards) and avoid being stuck at dock. The Lady is one of only two actively sailing American square riggers that would look at home in Naval Action (we've already go Niagara). https://www.generosity.com/education-fundraising/give-lady-washington-the-spars-she-needs-to-sail--2
  13. Upgrades and perks are generally a big realism blindspot in this game, for better or for worse.
  14. Maybe these things could get buffed damage against masts.
  15. Gunports that close has been on the to-do list for a long time now. By the way, flexible rope rammers could be used to reload a gun with the port lid closed. The port lids themselves were only thin planks and wouldn't protect from anything but small arms.
  16. Go read the forum rules. That's your legitimate cause.
  17. She should have 13 guns per side on the main deck, not 15.
  18. Fully loaded, sure. But with 50-70% load, they shouldn't suffer any penalties at all. Naturally the holds are 10 times bigger than they should be, since the devs forgot to compensate for the LGV and Indiaman.
  19. Lower masts shouldn't be repairable, but should be made tougher to compensate. And upper masts should be weaker. Obviously sail damage should affect OW speed. It's the fleet battles that screw up the calculations here. We're stuck with what works when there are hundreds of 32-pdr shot flying around. But it makes mast loss almost unheard-of in small engagements, and devalues the great accomplishment of actually taking one down.
  20. You don't notice the sails swaying, rippling and swaying in certain situations? It looks great when sails should be luffing. Might be slightly overdone when they are full, as it gives the impression of rather light, flukey winds.
  21. I recommend not playing until release if development bothers you. After 1.0 we will see mostly tweaks.
  22. The blueprint was removed, not the ship.
  23. Cool your jets, guys. I can't remember the devs ever adding or changing something of importance without patch notes. It's probably just hotfixes and internal stuff.
  24. Control Scheme idea: Press Control to freeze the rudder at the current position. Any further A/D input unfreezes it.
  25. Bellona and 3rd Rate use the same model because the latter is a placeholder. They're not supposed to be the same exact hull shape. A superior design will be faster even if it is heavier.
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