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Everything posted by maturin

  1. So how do you imagine that they traversed the several thousand miles between Bermuda and the Caribbean? At 69 feet on the gundeck, the Cutter is considerably larger most private yachts that are crossing oceans today.
  2. Imagine how useful a navel cannon would be.
  3. Keep bringing it up; I showed the devs how to fix it.
  4. Kill it with fire. Even if Pirate Hunter goes down with it.
  5. Spain doesn't have any nearby allies, except in the unlikely event that the French can ally with all their Antilles neighbors and focus on operations in Louisiana. Remember that the current equilibrium only developed after a huge tug-of-war over Hispaniola.
  6. The cutter is perfectly seaworthy. Designs like the cutter were perfected in Bermuda, which happens to be located in the middle of the Atlantic.
  7. Yeah, we already have the crew slider, so we need a gun slider as well. All those trader's brigs roaming the seas should carry at least a pair of carronades.
  8. I'm always puzzled by the idea that 'predictable, simplistic and samey' are the ideal conditions for fun.
  9. That's what I meant. Disallow movement commands, but allow chainshot. Just so they don't sink all the prizes.
  10. Better a server where two factions account for 90% of the population, with your own the largest?
  11. Sounds good. While you're adjusting fleets, could you allow us to give orders to the bots that end up in our instances? I know that access to the full range of orders would be unbalanced, but at least allow us to instruct allied NPCs to shoot chain. It really sucks when an AI 1st Rate sinks the indiaman you are trying to capture.
  12. I don't think you're using the word 'fallacy' correctly. Variable wind strengths were proposed, but apparently this community is full of children who go and trash the game's Steam reviews whenever an experimental patch introduces something they dislike.
  13. They want to ruin the server, but are too lazy to transfer?
  14. Yeah, nothing like a player Trinco with 2 Trincos in fleet to get the blood boiling.
  15. 1 officer on a ship at a time, 1 officer on the dock.
  16. Fire chance when struck by projectiles with a high percentage of initial velocity?
  17. Me too.
  18. Numpad would be ideal for views.
  19. Эффект крена из-за ветра будет сильнее. Если у корабля крен направо а пробоин слева, результат будет все больше кренa направо. Однако, дифферент впереди и сзади это да.... Наверно корма должна быть немножко ниже. В реальности все не так статично. Корабль должен качать очень сильно, почты независимо от места повреждений. Дифферент тоже резко меняется, туда и сюда. Я подозреваю, что все эти красивые картины затопленных кораблей, это из последной фазы процесса, когда плавучесть вдруг изчезает. В игре корабли топят ядрами, а это значит медленно. Примеры из Empire: Total War не надо показывать. Извиняюсь за грамматику.
  20. Could be the boarding prep workaround.
  21. Lynx is a smuggler, sacrificing everything for speed. I rather think that the hold would be small. And this works in the game as well. People regard Tlynx as the least catchable vessel.
  22. Unless this was a Niagara, I'm sure that there was some skillful shooting involved.
  23. But Niagara is. I don't know why you assume that I am talking out of my ass here. Niaraga is shoal-draft, even dangerously so. Shallow draft combined with a sharp-built hull invariably makes for a cramped hold. Most importantly of all, Niagara has no space aportioned for drinking water in her design (in the Great Lakes you just lower a bucket), meaning that in the Caribbean she would be extremely constrained in her operations. Oh, and in practice the low freeboard also impacts hold space. The men can't sleep on the weather deck with the guns, and the lack of height necessary for a decent lower deck means that the hammocks are competing for space with the stores. A corvette with the same length as Niagara could fit both lower deck, upper deck and quarterdeck in those same dimensions. In other words, two whole decks devoted exclusively to guns on the one hand and men on the other.
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