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Everything posted by Liq

  1. I'm fearing that this will then lead to the fact that big blobs will still take as many speed mods as possible, not caring about the negatives, so they could then easily catch solo / small group players (not being as fast), and since they're a big blob, their numbers allow them to take the solo / small group players with ease.
  2. I'm not too sure what I'm supposed to think about all this, but in general isnt more pvp better?
  3. I don't think forts were shooting in PvE missions anymore anyway, because on testbed players started to use the forts to kinda do the work for them
  4. You don't get BP drops by crafting ships anymore - Some BluePrints are unlocked by crafting level, some you have to buy in the admirality shop.
  5. Im liking that idea, has something touchy. Similar to "HotShot" fighter captains in ww2. Probably doesnt quite for to this timeframe, but oh well it's an MMO game
  6. I think with the last patch they got rid off any BR limit thingies so that you can instantly escape a battle if you've got enough BR in it
  7. eh overall im very happy with the amount of pvp we had yesterday, seems enough of a reward to me - but getting some paints now and then would be a nice top-off
  8. Eh I think 2 minutes in OW time is plenty, should be enough to get either to a port or in vicinity of one at least - If you're not in sight of an island, well then you're kinda doomed, unless we had a 5-8 min cannot attack timer
  9. dont forget some people have loading times of at least 10 seconds - leaves you with 5 seconds, not really helpful
  10. would very much appreciate another tournament - however I think that's going to be a bit hard, without any lobby rooms now, making sure every participant is at the right place on the OW at the same time
  11. All we need is a 1-2 minute "you cannot attack" timer AFTER the invisibility - can still get attacked! Other than that I'm glad the devs finally did the right thing and dealt with the revenge fleet nonsense.
  12. thats no tournament - all ow pvp kills count to that list. old system more realistic? ships profiting from the OW speed boost to camp on an exact battle location? Come on now ... If ships outside can profit from an OW speed boost to get to the battle - why not give the guys in battle some sort of a bonus aswell, to at least give them a chance of getting away. Pre patch you could have a 15 knot surp, and when leaving battle, if the players outside were any smart, there would not be a single way out left for you.
  13. Defensive tagging happened before aswell. Maybe need to adjust the tagging range a bit. But in general, if someone is faster than you, he'll get away anyway - except when, oyu know, he's blocking your way So you prefer the old "camping on battle" system? where players didnt even bother to look for pvp cause they knew they'd get steam rolled after it? Also - Pvp seems like the opposite of dead now. Lots of action going on across teh map today - I have never had so much pvp in a row as today.
  14. so we need a bigger 'you cannot attack' timer after invisbility - its not like its impossible to tweak.
  15. only players waiting outside for someone to appear from a battle are not going to be able to catch them.
  16. I agree we need a longer "you cannot attack players" timer after the invisibility.
  17. IMO its good as it is - revenge fleets shouldnt even be a thing, so this change was good Either you are there or within 3 minutes vicinity of the battle or you were not. please no silly teleporting to battle to get easy kills from people inside a battle.
  18. you dont, but your enemies will - been just lucky it never happened to you, its not quite the most enjoyable thing to fight an inteleporting fleet blocking your way out
  19. how is it realistic to have two instances, battle and OW, of which the OW is 75x compressed and allows the players to literally camp a battle? If you're calling revenge fleets realistic you may need to take your pills
  20. it doesnt it helps people to avoid nonsense revenge fleets "combats", e.g. being turned down a 1v2 (being the one) to then face a 1v11, cause the people outside profited from the OW speed boost. If they can profit from it, why cant the peeps in battle aswell?
  21. Have you tried it? 45 sec and full speed and even more into a decent wind actually helps a lot. I tried it already
  22. longer invis. timer and speed boost during it, @all revenge fleeters:
  23. A Bot named Clerk deploys a message once a player sank another player, including the rough location. But the text color of the bot should be different imo, so it stands out.
  24. A little suggestion, maybe change Clerk's (Bot's name in the Combat News channel) color so it stands out. maybe change it to #6699ff. best blue
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