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Everything posted by Liq

  1. I say we should all chillax a bit. NA Arena seems to be pretty close. Have some biff there. Unload our pressure there, kick each others head in until we can't swim anymore :D. Gives the undoubtful BEST ASPECT of the game, combat, especially pvp, some promotion. If they allow us to record / stream it, new customers might be interested. But I still have to say; as long as there is no really helpful UI and starter manual INGAME, not some youtube tutorials, the new player retention rate will stay low.
  2. this I probably spent my first 100-200 hours doing PvE mostly. And I was happy doing it. I almost stopped playing after getting to the Santisima, because I thought I had seen everything. It was kind of a coincidence that I kept playing. I went to another nations capital with some clanmates in some renommées, we found ourselves a lone victory and caputed it. From then on I learnt to enjoy PvP and the endless possibilites it has. AAA games give you content for what, 40-50 hours?
  3. Is this content for next patch or a suggestion? I'd really like to see rewards being based on the BR compostion, an exponential curve. Noone should ever be rewarded for winning a 10v1 zergstomp. "Congrats, you showed up" :thinking:
  4. Och nöö Die fiesen hauptsächlich PvP fokussierten Spieler welche sich STÄNDIG für mehr oder weniger faire gefechte laut gemacht haben wurden dazu verdonnert auf NA Arena zu warten... Aber warte mal... Wenn PvP Spieler das Spiel wechseln, schrumpft die Population des Sandbox Spiels? Hmm
  5. This matches on soo many levels... PvPers / The guy: We want more good, equalish PvP! Community / The girl: FFS then wait for Arena mode and stop asking for fairness in an OW MMO ... PvPers / The guy: Wow, Naval Action Legends looks awesome (dat ass), good, fair pvp on demand! Community / The girl: Wow are you for real? Leaving us/me for that b*tch (and therefore by leaving the game decreasing the player pop) Lmaoooooo!
  6. Rageboarding fit l'ocean coming back? Should be even easier now that you can recover 250 crew in a 1st rate every 10 minutes oh and press gang.
  7. Hello inflation my old friend... Ive come to talk with you again.. :o)
  8. How are hostility missions going to be any different from pre patch level? Are they gonna be open all the time? Or is that just the regular missions which are open forever? Sidenote: Dunno really - I've tested the new stuff, have had several battles in them, versus well known and very good pvpers. Example; I had a 2v2 with jodgi vs. Otto and Banished Privateer; They won, but it was still fun It would have been nice if you had given us a bigger variety of redeemable ships to test the new ones under other circumstances, e.g. some surps and L'Hermiones battle each other; or give us aggies to test them vs. the vasa, etc..
  9. I think at this point it's safe to say that if you're mainly intetested of having a reliable source of TRUE pvp, as in somewhat fair and equalish battles (and not 5v1 roflstomps), you will probably be more successful by playing NA Arena. NA sandbox will now with these changes, hyper NPC fleet reinforcements and Forever open battles, try to please the RvR audience. I've come to the conclusion that it was a good idea to split the game in two sub games. Pleasing both in one version lead to non-pvers leaving because of getting attacked, and then the pvpera leave because they couldnt find any more targets. Snake biting its own tail.
  10. Hull aiming assist. Whats next, demast aiming assist? SeaBot v3.0?
  11. Someone must have been slamming that Fishing button
  12. toggle "smuggler" and un-toggle again. Worked for me
  13. L'Hermione seems like a good alternative to the Surprise for OW hunting - If it's going to be craftable and non premium. Masts are a bit flimsy, though not as bad as the surprise's, and it has 12 pdrs Oh and it also looks sexy. The red lines top it off so well
  14. Would like to report a bug - TheSpud's rigging seemed a little buggy, even though he had 97% sails. I've seen this bug happen rarely before though.
  15. But jumping someone coming out of a battle, whilst profiting from the 75x compressed OW is fine right? Oh wait. We're not supposed to PvP in the NavalAction sandbox version, I forgot. Naval Action Arena to the rescue
  16. You probably didnt have any boarding preperation up when yout got boarded so you couldnt hit defend in the last few seconds. What do you expect your crew to do if they get surprised without being prepared at all for it? A ship not being prepared for a boardinh meele IRL wouldnt stand a chance and most likely surrender pretty soon.
  17. I remember the times of one-shotting AI 1st rates in my santisima with 600 marines on. 1 attack wave needed. Then got nerfed But yeah, boarding game is a mind game. "Will he last-sec attack? Or is he faking? Should I counter fake? Or is he going to tripple fake?"... Sometimes its just luck, really. Need to understand the boarding basics though
  18. I believe he meant you trade the npc capped ship to an alt and then sink the alt.
  19. sounds good, if you hand me a ship I'll join any battle up to 5v5
  20. Great stuff. Looking forward to testing. Did you see my comment on reinforcments on the main thread?
  21. I can sort of agree. Since having started my fulltime job, I barely play the game anymore. When getting home at 7pm, i just dont have the spare time anymore to sail the OW and spending 3/4 or even more of the time "playing" just sailing around doing nothing. Ive got 2-3 hours a day I can spend on games. I prefer spending that time by actually doing something, so I moved to other games for the time being. I hope NA Legends will suit my preferences better
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