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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. Cause we told them they need to defend there port if the owner can't even show up to defend his own ports. I'll be honest it's kinda helping us getting old dead clans out of control of ports. Though I think them getting sunk in the port battle effected our hostility cause we should of had that flppped but suddenly it all went down. Not to mention people still don't know how to tag fleets in as they should of had a good chunk of your fleet taggted in before the battle. That fleet you fought in there was just who was free to jump in as there was no organization at all for that battle. We where planning to give your a goo match up tonight if we flipped the port for a battle, but hay if you don't want the port battles than fine with us, figured some one wanting content so bad would just let it flip to get the PB any way. Oh and sorry about the surrender last night, was home sick and feeling like crap after my third mission and just said hello kitty it cause ya'll had me trapped any way. Got the other guys home safe any way. Just helped me clean out older ships to be replaced by something more newer.
  2. I remember doing three battles back before the wipes with some brits a long long time ago. First battle me and a clan mate jumped this Brit and got his indman and escort ship with our two trincs. Than we get out to find him and a bunch of friends. We go for a run. We escape, the clan matementions he needs to leave soon, get tagged again. I distract them enough to get them to chase me so that he can leave for dinner. I get out of the battle when clock runs out. I get tagged again.....run the clock out. Some of his Brit buddies fell out by the end of that battle. He tags me again with only one back up....that guy drops out half way through the battle just about the time I finsih cooking dinner. Shit you not I walked away and made dinner in the chase lol. I turn around and fight him. Sink him and than go to eat my dinner. All in all it was pretty much 10 hours of battles between me and that guy/group cause I sunk one trade ship and we hardly made it around the coast and way from them. 10 hours is way to freaking long think I would prob just say hello kitty it now and surrender about the 3rd time I get tagged. Which is something I did last night cause I was pretty dead with the odds/wind in my Vict and I needed to get to sleep. It was one of my redeemable ones any way so all I really lost was the Poods on the second deck and the Cart Tar refit I had on it. No biggy.
  3. Just go with the wind next time, he won't go over 10 knts even if he's totally speed decked out, most Prince hardly get over 8 knts. I think even your Tank out H Rattler should be faster than that. Though can understand the pain of some one that does that. I done my fair share of kitting with Princes lately but always to hold some one in battle until the big boy shows up or for an edge and the other guy slip. Got a rattler the other day just that way, but I wasn't kitting from a mile away I was popping his mast just out of range of his carros. Best thing to do when your in a tank out ship and that goes for any tank out ship is just not sale solo. I found the EU French in the shallws can't catch a Teak/Teak Prince/Privateer right now and that is what I been playing with them mid day in the shallows. If it's 1 vs 1 I'll fight, if they jump in with 3-5 vs me I'll kite them until I can make a good run and escape. Though they found the other day even 2 vs 5 wasn't good odds when you have all Carros lol...ate them up bad.
  4. I have always told my clan mates that if your alt gets busted by any one it's your own problem and i have 5 chars, but I tend to always have 4 in the nation I'm playing and the 1 extra is in another nation for econ or other reason. I don't even tell most my clan mates the chars name cause I don't want them to know or worry about it and if I need to change goods with that char I meet at a Freetown to do it or some where off the beaten path. Cause they should be treated like any other player of that nation. Though I do think clans should be able to make alliances with other clans of other nations even if it's by word of mouth. What if say CSA (my clan) doesn't like VCO (Wraith's clan) than I could say higher your clan to attack them and take out there trade ships and mess up there econ by attacking there ports only. The port part isn't a problem cause we all know what ports are owned by what nation, but if we are going off the trade ships in OW you can't tell them apart without tagging. The same goes with two clans that are fighting for two diffrent nations. How do we know which ones to tag or not? I think if anything you should be able to have another friendly clan list, but none national that allows you to see those players in those clans info in the OW. If I see two pirate groups attack two diffrent groups of US players and I know one clan is elite I might want to join that fight instead of the others knowing they can take on the lesser pirates. Right now we wouldn't know which group is which until after the battle starts and that might be to late to join. I'll be honest the no name thing is starting to grow on em but I just wish there was a way to get info in OW. Maybe you have to be stationary and click on something so it's not something you can do on the fly while chasing some one down for a tag. It just would be nice to say well that group of pirates sitting over there is freindly and helping us, but the one on the other side are the bad guys so watch out for them. Last weekend at Kemps Bay there was what half a dozen Nations fighting around that area: Pirates, Prussians, Russians, Spanish, Swedes, and US off the top of my head. We honestly wasn't sure who was going to be friend or foe in some of the fights. I think in the battle against the pirates the Prussians joined our side when normally we would be fighting each other or something like that. It was great chaos and fun too, but kinda crazy all rolled into one.
  5. If you look at just about every MMO out there they have safe zones that is pretty much PvE only with only selective zones for PvP. That is why they get numbers and they don't force players into the PvP zones. Than again those aren't open world sandbox's either. Even the open world sandbox's I have played had safe zones, newbie, capital like areas to them too. People forget that the majority of our players lets say 90% of them are casual players, while we have the hard core PvP/RvR guys take up 9% and than you have the 1% Elitist that live by the sword and do nothing but OW PvP. We need to be looking at how to keep those 90% happy and in game not the 1% or even the 9%.....a big question that still has not been addressed by the devs is, if 50% of your sales is from the NA than why isn't 50% of your player base from NA? I could answer this very clearly and it's not a nice answer, but it is kinda the same problem with the casual players, we need more things to keep them in game and it's content and a safe zone for those that don't want PvP 100% of the time.
  6. Show me where it says it's only a PvP only server? Actually the server is named Caribbean. There is no PvP only server. We do have a PvE only server though. Excuse the oddly high ping but last I checked the servers names where as shown below. This is an open world sand box that has both PvE and PvP element in the game. Every one thinking it's a purely PvP server only needs to get that out of their heads as this is not a PvP only server. Never has been and prob never will be.
  7. I really thought they would give us an option to use our spy glass and gather some basic info on some one with it. Like they said they had in the early day where you could click a button and do so if you want more detail.
  8. You would actually have less, cause many of those so called PvEers, Carebears, Traders, Crafters and so forth don't mind some PvP once in a while too. I enjoy both the crafting (well it's kinda boring now) and the fights. Even against some of the dumb AI as they some times do something smarter than some of the players I fought and I like the RvR/PvP but I like it in both little ships and SOL's too. While I'm a Vet of the game, I'm very much an average player skill wise. I mess up all the time and not perfect but I have my moments too. I don't like pure PvP games, if I wanted that I would be still playing WoT and other games I got burned out on. Never could stand COD grind though so that is why I like this game. Hell I even kinda do a bit of RP as I give each of my chars there own play style. I'm not story telling Pagan Pete, but I do give them a bit of a story in my own head that fits their play style and fighting in game.
  9. See this is a prime example of one of the problems on this game. There is no PURE PVP SERVER. We have two servers right now. We have the PvE server and we have the Caribbean which is a PvP/PvE server. You have to do PvE content along with PvP to play this game on this server so stop thinking of it as an ONLY PVP SERVER. It is not a PVP ONLY SERVER. If you wanted that than well there was NA:L but we all know where that is now and even that had AI PvE fights.
  10. Are we still looking at 1 to 1 1/2 week time table on the next big patch or might be sooner? I assume UI is going to be more end of month or something like that? Would love a new teaser. As for the reinforcements I think it's a good move and if there is issues with the called ships it can be tweeked more if needed. Just wonder what the Buff up versions would be like and if you capture one would it be buffed too.....always looking for the edge if needed lol Only unless it's an unlawfull order which you better have a very good reason and proof as to why it was one.
  11. Now if they will give epic rewards....speakign of which epic missions been a pain to find, they really need a better way to find them...lol
  12. or you can kill the other wolves that hunt those zones. I mean it's bad if there is to many wolves hunting one spot than all the sheep get eaten up and you have no more sheep to eat. So why would you let another wolf hunt your grounds?
  13. PvP missions that reward you for sinking ships in your own waters I think is a better way to go than the silly PvP zones. Other games have them where you kill so many players in that zone you get a reward. Never any thing crazy big, but it's still a reward for what your all ready doing if your protecting those zones on top of what you get form the battles. Though missions and content like that is prob more going to come later, we need to get the games mechanics finished and done with. POTBS even had missions you can take for each nation and PvP. Though it was also tied into a reputation system for the rewards you can buy from a vender.
  14. Kinda like this, if you are in a SOL you get the DEATH STAR FLEET, if your in a 4th rate or under you get a matching pair or rated ships. Not that I ever fear AI SOL's, but it would get folks to stop sailing around in nothing but SOL's when hunting in other nations safe zones.
  15. Yah cause I don't hunt or hide in the reinforcement zone, but good to know. Does the ship count lock players out though? Like hostility? That is my only issue, but than again like I said I don't hunt or hide in those zones. Just lost some trader brigs in the shallow, dust it off and go make some more. They where empty any way lol
  16. I get this and I understand, maybe make it a small fleet if it's a one time call thing of kind equal BR ships? Like if your getting tagged by 5th rate it brings in a small squad of 5th rates to help. I think some one else pointed out with the battles staying open it would just mean one guy jumps in so that only one ships spawns, than rest of the gankers join. I'll be honest we been getting a lot of changes to go back to the OW PvPers, some of them might be good, but some of them was the reason a lot of casuals stop playing. IF these guys really want fights why aren't they fighting each other? I seen them pair up and join in the hunt instead of fighting each other when they run across one another. Maybe that is why they aren't finding content? Stop being buddies with the other wolves. Wolves packs don't like other wolves packs in there area so you should be killing each other too.
  17. I'm just speechless about last night, was at work when I saw the posted PB and not sure what went wrong. Maybe I wasn't the only one running off zero sleep last night?
  18. Might have to be like a one month work release system, you know those silly forge papers and cool downs and all.
  19. I'm checking it right now in a Basic Cutter since I never really paid attention to these things cause I sail as if all areas are unsafe. So it does cover the harbour and mouth and a good bit south. Than it stops and you have to travel a bit until you get to Georgia Safe Zone. s Stops 18k from CT but also I'm 23K from Beaufort. South Carolina (Georgia) Safe zone starts 18K from Beaufort and 23K from CT. That is a 5K DEAD ZONE until the next safe zone for the coast line. Now the north section. Stop 18K from CT and 23K from Georgetown. The Georgetown safe zones starts 18K from Georgetown and 23K from CT. Being another 5K DEAD ZONE. No other capital region has such a large dead zone around there capitals. I know the Spanish and French don't, defiantly not the Swedes, Danes and Dutch. Not so sure about KPR as it's been ages since i been there could any of the British confirm this? This is why so many folks farm the US capital instead of other nations. Yes they have a long safe zone covered alone the coast, but hell the french and Spanish have two safe zones to work out of and we all know the Gulf is prob the safest place to do anything.
  20. HOLLY CRAP SMALL FONT....I had to get the dang bi-focal...I mean reading glasses on to read it, but yes CT is Charleston. Some one should get a video of the dead zone in front of the port. I mean KPR and PR and other places might have the same issue, but there is a big area you have to cross to get out of the harbor and back into the safe zone from the coast line and that is where they hunt and farm newbs. Now I did find out a shallow water ships can make it around the little canal on the north side and stay in the safe zone, but not deep water ships.
  21. It was kinda the point that it prob needed a warning label, "If open in none friendly port than might not get items out of port." Who in there right mind would open the chest in an enemy port any way most of s would think. Maybe it should only be open in a friendly port you have an out post in or something, but than that means some folks would have to travel longer than others. As for sell Notes, you could of sold the ship though once you open the note. You can not take it out in your fleet though, I tried this in the shallow ports in the gulf that Russia own when one of my last chars was Russian. I had to wait to tow it the next day (already used my tow to port that day) cause I couldn't get the ship out other wise. So with that maybe the chest should only be able to open in a friendly port not enemy ports?
  22. any one still having issues? I logged right in with my main which AFK logged out when I went ot work so the game client was still open. Maybe it was just a little hick up? We had a lot of us drop Monday Night when we where finsihing up a fleet pratice so it seems to be a little on the edge this week.
  23. Hell could of even sold it to port and got a little change or something, but the point is they notes and the marks are super heavy cause folks would sail off with them and get sunk or capture and have a fit cause they forgot they put them in the ship in the first place. Remember folks the reason we have warning label is cause some one did it and than sued. Or well complained to the Devs.
  24. Yah can't remember who but thought we reported him a while back. I would have to check, think it was against a Spain Char we reported them cause as soon as we jumped in they where broad side to broad side and than disengaged and ran. I'll see if I can pull up that screen shot, but think one of our guys tribunal it.
  25. You might want to go back and check your facts. Jobe Port battle the only clan that was able to enter was CSA, every one else was locked out cause they weren't able to get into the port battle cause you didn't have them on your friendly clan list. I have no issues with ASP other than you have a lot of non experience players. It was good ya'll got all excited, at Sandy Point, but ya'll need to learn the fights you can pick and not pick. Right now ya'll can't and most of us can't match up against the Prussians in an equal BR fight cause of in game experience. Even my own clan would be hard press in that fight which is why we are avoiding RvR with them at this moment until we get the nation up and running. And may I remind you the few guys that attacked the AI at Sandy Point almost got sunk by them? Dude don't be calling me a liar. If I felt like It I could pull up screen shots. You have a bit of an attitude problem and prob need to put that in check. Moral was high and that was good. Just some guys where a bit to excited at the end and wanted to do more. Can't remember who said "lets go flip Rio Seco." It could of been any of the 25 guys there, the point was it wasn't a good ideal and many of us let that guy know it wasn't. You need to learn your fights. Until ASP stops doing nothing but grinding AI and actually starts winning fights. Every time we call out to do something ya'll have an excuse why not to get involved. That fine do your own thing if you like but hay if you want to get better than next time we call out about doing a fleet practice come on over and join us, we all could use the extra practice and experience.
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