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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. Maintance happens to every day it’s UPDATE you want to see. #notaxnovember
  2. So no patch today? Well maybe Thursday than. #notaxnovember
  3. And this is why when US does hostility half the guys run out repairs after the first or second mission and that is just againt AI. They gotten better about it but some guys are still stubborn or wait until you mustering up to say, “I don’t have repairs or how many do I need?”
  4. Pandora isn’t until release of game. Don’t know why I keep hearing folks mention it with this patch unless something was mention else where. So that is still a bit away before we get it. Whiche not sure why we got to wait since all testers get it.
  5. Really for the trouble those ships are they should be worth more xp in epics. Miss the old days you hit the big OW fleets and solo them or do 4th rate hostility missions and it’s a solo 1st rate and gain killer Co from it. Wish we had more bigger frigate fleets in OW. speaking of epics did they take out the epic chest cause all we been getting are the gold chest the last couple of weeks.
  6. How about you play your game you paid for and others play for what they paid for. IF we want to continue to play the game and test (which I do) we should be able to do so until the game is released. Just cause it's not your play style any more doesn't mean you can tell others to not keep playing the game. Not to mention at the rate the Devs patch things we don't know if release will be in 2 months or 2 years from now, so why give up and just let those that are still playing the game walk all over others? Cause no matter how much you want to say screw it it's only testing there are going to be folks that want to play the game, kill ever one and take every port (maybe just certain ports from one nation or another). So why shouldn't others defend them selves or as my post stated why shouldn't we not be forced to loose our ports income? It's piss poor Dev's if they take away something in game and not comp the players or do something simple like turn off port maintenance cost until the patch drops. If they can turn off contract I promise you they can turn off a lot more than just that. As you stated do your thing and let others do their. Personally I would prefer them to wipe the whole server ever time we bring out a big patch like this and let us properly test every thing, but that would piss off to many folks and run off to many more players.
  7. I'm going to take it you never been in a 25 vs 25 first rate port battle (I so miss them and I don't even like the big ships). Just being in that battle with that many ships you take a big FPS hit, than you have every one and thier mother firing cannons. Even top in machines can take a good 20-40 FPS hit during those battles. I know I use to run around 40-60 FPS, but once a port battle started with those ships it would drop down to 20-30 FPS and that is just from all the cannon balls flying around. Imagine if you add more like Admin posted to that? Nope I'll stick with not watching my cannons recoil...if I'm in a big battle any way my eyes are on the other players not what my men are doing or the cannons on the ship. While we are on this topic about some things like recoil. The only thing that has always bother me is why we don't have a extra model of the ship in OW with the dang cannon hatches closed on ships. If your in OW the model should have them closed. Maybe one day we can get a ship modeler to go through and add this to the OW model of all the ships, to have the silly hatches closed while on the OW.
  9. When was the last time you been in a shallow port battle? You forget about the rest of the team on the Requin side too didn't you? I did mention that win was skill based, but if you count up the BR even with one or two more ships US was way low on BR so that really isn't the issue. What part can you not understand Even with full board mods you loose to a requin with 100 more crew than you and board mods. The only thing you can hope for is to escape with axes if they don't instant kill you with the first action or two. Even a none skilled player can do that. I even gave an example @Christendom was boarded in a port battle a few weeks back on the same day I was. He lost in 2-3 rounds. I was able to get out with 97 crew. The only difference was either I had Barricades or Axe's and he didn't have one of those, but we both had 5rings book (think he didn't have axes). The 100+ crew makes them able to strong arm through even you defence quickly. Toss in a few other ships to support and protect them your Rattler isn't going to do much against it as it's prob getting boarded it self. Also why does every ship have to be built to anti counter one ship? That is a pure sign that there is a balance issue when the META becomes you have to counter one ship and only that ship. DLC should not be able to be in PB's for two reason Reqiun is one of the other is if it's not able to be crafted in game by any player than a ship should not be in PB's cause than the DLC basically becomes P2W. No other ships has in the shallows the crew that the Requin has. I'm all for cosmetic DLC or even ships that have a diffrent skin to them that we can't get in game, but we can get a plain version of said ship.
  10. Not really understanding what your comment has to do with mine? ROVER own any ports? Nope didn't think so so ya'll don't have to worry about cost. Specially for smaller clans and nations that don't have million and millions stocked up or own the big money making ports. Last I checked we are testing this game by playing it. Though it's also the Devs job to give us the tools to do that. By removing one thing they should remove another that it effects which is port cost if our main means to get money for paying for them is being removed. This is a game after all so your always going to have winners or looser, other wise we might as well wipe every week. Than see how many players you have left, but hay we are testers. By the way US nation is not winning by far, it's prob the one's loosing the most over time. When folks constantly loose they aren't having fun and they leave the game. It's our jobs as testers to help the Devs find a way to make it fun for all, even those loosing. If they aren't having fun than they won't play and we loose numbers as this will be in full effect when the game releases. If you want to remove the wining or loosing mentality maybe it's time a few of the good clans/players switch over to some of the looser sides to help them....oh wait others have tried that and it doesn't work cause the game is still broken. As I stated above if your not taking care of your players and a large portion of them are always loosing they aren't having fun. It's our job to help the Devs find these problems before release and help them balance the game out more. You will always have loosers and winners, but you need to make it balance so it's not the same folks always loosing.
  11. As said above all trade ships can enter any ports. The smuggler flag was removed when that was allowed.
  12. He did say that and they have patched before on a friday and I think they did a hotfix that Sat to (can't remember the patch). Most the time they drop patches on Tuesday and Thursday morning so they can fix/hot patch things if need be or worse roll back (think we did that one patch but was like 2 hours.....GOLD SHIPS FOR EVERY ONE.) I'm really hoping they drop it tomorrow cause port cost without resources from contracts is going to hurt a lot of clans specially with such short notice when a lot of folks aren't actively playing right now waiting on this patch.
  13. Basic woods, there is no TEAK, WO/LO, ETC inside any of the safe zones for any nations......there is no reason to remove basic resources from safe zones. You want the great rewards of ganking some one live with high risk. Right now the safe zones as even @admin called it "Safe Gank Zone" are not safe zones. Your there almost every day this week ganking easy targets. It shouldn't be easy for you. Most of the guys I hear leaving are cause they can't go out and do a mission without some one jumping into it or take something from one port to a nother. Stop being lazy and actually learn how to hunt and fight. Ya'll sit right around the corner jumping any one that comes out with no skill (why ya'll get sunk almost daily too). The extra stuff yo umention about POTBS is why folks left not cause of the zones. It was still a majority PvE zone cause you had the choise to engage it or not...here we don't....you can't force players out of a zone and into PvP if they don't want to, what you will get instead is what we have now.....a server with numbers less than PVP2/Global had before the merg. Folks are leaving cause they are sick of getting ganked by 5 nations over an over and those so called PvPers refuse to fight each other. You want to retain players you need to give them safe zones to play in.
  14. Oh BS it won't be destroyed you just have to learn to hunt harder targets if you go into that zones. All the woods are out of any safe zones any way, all the copper and other items are out of them so all you will get is misison rewards cause there are no enemy ships in the green zone after this new patch. Missions give crap rewards (basic mods) any way so they aren't getting some special rewards. You want to go gank nobs and casuals than your going have to risk it. Real navies would never let pirates sit right out side capital in patroled waters ganking every thing in sight. You want PvP go put a little agro on any of the high dollar money making ports and you will see your PvP. POTBS had the whole map PvE only unless you started a red zone than you could PvP and that game ran years with full servers (hell it still running just dead as hell). 99% of the games out there gives you safe zones to PvP in. Name one MMO that is almost all PvP and gives no safe zones for casuals and news to play and level up in? YOu want more players you give them a safe place where they can play and do things and not have to fear being ganked every two seconds.
  15. @adminWhat about port cost since your killing a big part of our income in ports? Looking like you expect us to suck it up for 3+ days (don't know why it takes that long should be dropped tomorrow). At least the good thing is if your smart and sit at a port you can get the drops that other folks suck up with high dollar contracts. Also can we get an early drop of the Patch notes for the big patch. Maybe the day before so folks know what to expect and brace them self for what they will get in the morning? I don't care if you lock it from feed back but would like to know what to expect and what we are getting with this patch from eveyr thing that been posted and hinted at over the last 9 months.
  16. Recently 9 times out of ten the guys we are catching in them don't put mods on them. They are throw away ships they just redeem them and pop right back in fight if they get sunk. So don't try to blame it on mods. Just recently a port battle in the shallows (you know that place most of the server doesn't play in). While the main reason for the lost was lack of skill, caller and well many other things on the US side, but one thing was very clear in that. The Requin steamed rolled the other team in boarding actions. I know many of the guys on the US side did not bring Requim simply cause they do not own the DLC. Maybe some better skills players like ROVER's that play all the time in shallow/small ships could take on Req's and win, but for the average casuals that only pops on for a few hours a day to play they don't ahve a chance against a season much better organized team using them. If it was just a mormal brawl those reds would all be sunk ships sunk ships sunk ships, but no what do we see 7 captured ships in shallow port battle and two sunk........I bet every one of those where down in two actions once they pulled the H Rattler. @Christendom could prob shed better lite on his teams side, but one would of expect all sunk ships not captured. Again his team did good and came ready so they won it, but the Req shouldn't be in PB if it can just instant board and win against any other shallow water ship. I gotten out of a board with a Req in a Niagara but I was set up to anti board with axes and barricades but I only had 97 crew left.....Christ was in a PB right after that and didn't have a chance with the same set up minus the Barricads. It has 100 crew more than any other shallow ship....nothing can beat it in a board straight up. Just want to add I love the ship and I don't have a problem with it being a OW KING of solo hunting in OW, it's just PB's it should not be in the shallow ones.
  17. Make the capital true protected zones. Have the AI only aversive in those waters. Why would AI just let raiders camp around the corners of a capital. Can. Do this with the Gulf of Mexico ports of French Spain zones and do it with the ports from CT and north for the US. Making those areas even more safe for casuals to grind in or do missions. We need to keep casuals safe to keep players around and right now the safe gank zones aren’t working
  18. I would prefer to see something like WoT has where you get Free XP you can spend on anything you want. That or somethign where all your Xp after making rear admiral doubles up on ship knowledge learning since your not using it any more to level up. That and Salling in OW XP needs to go towards ship to (helps unlock trade ships). Keep DLC's to cosmetics stuff and maybe some rare none Op ships (special skin of ships we have in game but only can get that skin as the DLC). DLC ships should also be limited, Req still should not be in shallow water PB cause not every one owns one and it is still very OP against other shallow ships just cause of it's crew count.
  19. hotfix to turn off contracts is Monday, big patch than will be Tuesday.
  20. I always thought we should have three types of battles. Captial zone Battles - Same as now pretty much only Natioanls can join this fight or those that want to join the defending side. Once tag no other attackers can join. This zone should be bigger though to give safer area for the casuals to grind in safety. Making it very dangours for folks to hunt in. Green zone reinforcement battles - Same as now pretty much. Battle stays open so long for both sides. IT's kinda safe but not really. As per Admin these are the Free Gank ZONES. All other areas - Have the old two circle pull. Pull folks that are in range of the little circle auto. IF your out side and still in the big circle you get a notice to join right than. I hate the stupid two cirlce thing specialy when your right on the edge when some one gets tagged and than have to go back to one of the two circles to get a crappy join spot. These battles can be FFA as folks can join either side if they want but can not shoot same nations or get in trouble....should bring back the old pirates rule that it makes you a pirate. That are save the FFA mode for the PvP event zones to make it an even more extreme area. The problem with OP is that in battle time and OW time is not the same. So a battle that starts 5 mins later in OW is more like a battle that started an hour after the first or more. ONe that is 10 mins after the first would be a half a day later or such (prob not that much) so wouldn't be at the same time.
  21. @admin if y’all plan to do this Monday I would announce it Friday that your doing this. Let folks have the weekend to get things in order. Drop hotfix Monday. Drop patch hopefully Tuesday. The main thing is keep folks informed. Make a post here and the. Put it on the server log in screen.
  22. Stock up over the weekend. I assume this will happen Monday. Patch drops Tuesday or Thursday and tha. We see how broken everting not out in testbed is.
  23. As much as I would love to see a lot of dead useless ports dropped this was kinda why I said no RVR during hopefully the day or two this happens so no can be taken advantage of or folks won’t get all butt hurt. honestly most of the clans got the money to take care of the ports but some of the smaller ones might. Bit. I keep a weeks worth of payments in the clan warehouse for a reason.
  24. Would of been better if you hit the ones with no timers. We are all for good fights as I tell folks that about the Bahamas just sucks folks tend to not let US have any decent Econ ports. Though honestly hardly any ones playing right now that was a better turn out than I expected from the US side when I popped on before I left from work. Every one waiting on this stupid patch. We will flip it back of course just not sure when. Did any one check the BR out side looks fairly even number one use but I feel US might of been short a bit too.
  25. Not even sure who would of called for the US. I was going to try to make the first half but would of had to leave half way for work. Thought I had the timer so it would t dip into my work hours but putting it on the very end of the window did that. Good to see VCO can fill a full PB and I did see some danish kills by French and Prussians so not every one was there to kill US. Though just proves US is not at the skill level of other nations and clans. Mainly cause all the decent PvP/RvR guys run to other nations and than bash on US. Also not a bad turn out on a night that normally has the lowest numbers in US prime time. maybe we will flip it back in a weekend and try to give a better fight. and now US had none of the good woods so folks don’t bitch about shitty builds (not that it stopped shitty builds having the woods) oh and I still think the Requin should be a 5th rate and not allowed in port battles. Told them to go Req heavy and expect a board fest.
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