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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. I would prefer to see the ships I have in that port instead of random AI ships.
  2. I assume that is the limits? What is the actual AI numbers in game now? Doesn’t seem that many and of course we all know we haven’t came close to player limits except back when game hit OW.
  3. I kinda want to know how they work and was hoping we got some in test to test out. We see some of the new flags on AI though. Would be kinda cool if they did it like POTBS that you can steal a flag in game by capturing a ship. It keeps its original flag until you change it. #wherearepirateflags? #wherearepaints?
  4. Dong bug them we we’ll get new ships in time. Sorry got to bug you. #wherearethepaints
  5. I don’t like the option of single players of other nations that can be abused to much. Just make it: 1. All which is set when port is open to all. 2. Nation only when not open to all 3. Friendly clans list, just like PB, but for each port. Allow clan owners to get percentage of drops of rare food from ports so they don’t have to fight over rich players and alts since they own the port. Not every clan has the money to out bid every contract but should get the rewards of there hard work. If they shut out most the nation from using the port they will find out they won’t have much national support of protecting and defending the port.
  6. @admin Honestly are you smoking something? 1-10 Doubloons to teleport ports? What is some one doesn't have any and all there ships are at another port they have to sale across the map to get to them cause they don't have 10 Doubloons? Not every one does missions and PvP's to get them. You will effectively once again kill the casual/econ players cause of this. AI doesn't drop CM any more and the only in game way I seen to get Doubloons is certain missions and PvP. This isn't an issue for your hard core guys that PvP all the time but you need to think of the casuals that might not get any PvP or win ever, with not safe zones they can't even go out and do missions without getting jump half the time so that isn't a safe way to get Doubloons just to jump to a port and check there econ and do some crafting/trading if they want. I'm honestly about to test this as a zero level char as since Sir Texas Sir account was logged on the Test servers before you open it to all I got zero redeemable (other than DLC). So I have a zero level char. Loooks like I'm heading to the shallows to kill some 6th ships just so I can telport and do my econ so I can craft.
  7. Good to know, but I do think that concept of a false flag would be a very interseting perk for Pirates or even Privateers in game if we could ever figure out how to do it and not have it abused.
  8. Yah didn't want it as skin just wondering if the model could be switched. Though putting that way I guess it will work as is. Crafting feels like it's been dumbed down big time and this was one of my concerns I talked with @admin back when it was first anounced to do this change. It seems less and less ships are being crafted by those that love crafting. Me being one of those players I still craft as much as I can, but it's hard to compete with crafting when you have so many ships that are redeemable, refits through PvP marks and just drops from rewards. Many of them can't be crafted. L'Hermione should of stayed a CM ship to buy by the general public as it was nothing special and very balanced mid tier ships. Yet we can only get it with PvP marks and it's none craft able. Tell me what is the point of being a level 50 crafter any more? It gives you nothing special that a level 45 or even lower can't do either. Crafting really needs a good look at it after this patch cause as I stated it's been dumbed down big time. That great for the players that don't want to craft and they can use Marks or what ever comes along in the future to just buy ships or buy in port, but many of us love to craft ships along with doing many other things in this game. So Yah I'm with @Intrepido on this one we need more options to get BP's and be able to craft some of the ships that you can other wise get in the Admirality shops too. There needs to be some perks to being a crafter in game. L
  9. Can we have the model of the classic replace the current on in game since a lot of us have that one grind out and than make the old skin be a new generic heavy 4th rate frigate that could be bought with CM? It's kinda unfair to have to grind out all the slots on a ship we all ready have them all grind just cause the model wasn't done correctly the first time.
  10. Looks nice but have one question will they be restricted to the nation that flew them? Other wise it would be like having false flags in battle and could get a bit confusing if said a British players fly's the Spanish flag and a Dane player the US flag and a US player has the french flag. I hate to restrict them but I think they should be restricted to nation of orgin, or how will they work in game cause if you only see them and every one else see's the generic flag than it won't matter, but if every one to see....like a clan all use one flag than would others see that one flag on that ship?
  11. Just make it so you can't repair if your going faster than battle sails. Give a reason for folks to stay in battle sails and GASP, "BATTLE." The problem is to many folks like just about every one battles at full sails and does repairs too. You should not be able to repair anything at full sails. You see how much more balance it gets when folks can't just run all the time with full repairs going and have to actually choose when to use them or not. The other thing is the stacking of mods, we are suppose to have this changed so I won't comment on it until that gets in games, but we should have only two of one type of mods/ship knowledge on a ship at a time.
  12. I like both but folks like popping color do I would go with the blue one
  13. I don't think he's talking those acknowledgement screens. The ones for delete players, ports and doing other things like that are fine. I think he's talking about the ones like for crafting. Though I would make the one for closing ports you have to type the name of the port instead of "CLOSE" cause you can still click on the wrong port an delete if your rushing. Have you tried to play the game from some where other than the office next to the server or more being on a different continent than the server is on? I know it's worse for our SEA/AU players but maybe some one can do a video of the delay we get every time we do stuff like craft and I"m a US player with around 125 ping. If I don't do the esc trick to make the window go away it can be several seconds before the acknowledgement screen pops up after we do an action like crafting. I don't know if it's an UI issue or just server location but it lags out bad, specily when the server is acting up that it can take you for ever to properly craft stuff if you don't use the ESC trick to make it go away fast.
  14. Perks system needs a total rework. Combat perks like Double Ball/Charge really should be gained along with the fleet perk as you level up. Maybe get Fleet perk 1 when you make MC and can crew a shallow ship and a trader? The rest of the combat perks can be gained off perk points you gain every two levels (go back to 1 a level or every other for only 5 since there are less perks). @admin double Ball and Charge are limited like chain is why don't we all have it auto just like AI has all them. When it runs out for a battle than your out. All crafting perks should be related to your crafting level. Use to when you rank up in crafting it was exciting, not it's bland as hell. You use to be happy when you can make MC ships or the gold mods. Now we really don't get anything different from being level 35-45 (think max you need to do SOL) and 50. Why not give the crafting perks out as you level up for the ship types building. Examples would be: Light Ship Master when you reach level 25 (when you can build frigates). Frigate Ship Master when you reach level 35 (when you can build SOL/3rds). SOL Ship Master at level 50. The reest of the crafting perks not mention can be bought with your crafting perks you gain so that you can add in more labor hours per hours, more pool, more fleet ships or bigger cargo hull. The points go off your crafting Rank. I would keep the 10 point system but make it a combine of 5 points from Combat Rank and 5 Poinst from Crafting Rank. They could keep the points sperated to type of perks (combat/crafting) or you can pool them and use them for either type of perks. This would give ranks and crafting level a reason. Some one might just want to be a crafter and they can only rank up a few levels to run trade ships and craft and not worry about combat or they can be a combat char only and never touch crafting. Than you have the folks that do both and if they can have the perks for both without the use of a dedicated crafting alt it would make more casual/solo players stick around. If your side by side with a ship use it instead of forward/backward and it will spread the damage out on the ship and the hit box's causing you to actually get more crew and cannon hits. Though don't forget to switch it back. lol Not every one is RA after all. I still have a few newer players that haven't ranked all the way up, we still have casuals that aren't even RA yet and well your one of those that prides himself on not ranking up when we test things do you not? As for things you can probably quickly fix...>SHIP KNOWLEDGE FOR OW SAILING XP< This way trade ships that get xp from long runs go towards the ship and not to the player. I don't need any more xp, but I do need ship knowledge on the trade ships and it might be that little extra boost players need to open up one most slot on a ship. I don't get why it doesn't go towards ships knowledge @admin? I know ya'll mention cause it might be abused, but if you make the xp only off what the distance from one port to the next is and you can only get it if you sale to that port (no OW teleportation) than it really can't be abused and if it's stays small around they have to do a lot of afk sailing to get anything worth a dang open that way. Not to mention AFK sailing ship are nice easy targets and the reward isn't how long you been at sea, it's distance from point A to B.
  15. It was kinda funny how fast that one got decided. I always hated the class thing too, as it was a pain and every one organized there guns by lb any way. The only cannons it's going to effect is like the POODs or any new special that aren't true 24's but are in the same class as the 18's. Maybe we can have a second for special armament in the menus.
  16. Says the guy that gets kicked out of just about every clan he's been in. How many clans has it been over 100000?....🤫(They really need a sarcastic emoji on here). That was my point is that just about ever game I been in that had some sort of clan/guild structure you have diffrent levels of officers that you can in most of them adjust to how you want to run it. Jr Officers can recruit and get into clan warehouse Treasurer: Can only touch funds. Recruiter: Can only Recruit. Creator: Clan Leader, though wish this had a better name to it than Creator. Diplomats: These are your senior officers with same powers as Creator other than disbanding the clan or dealing with other Diplomats. Senior Officers: These guys can touch the Clan Gold and Resources but they don't have powers to recruit to this level or above. They also can't adjust port data like Creator and Diplomats.
  17. The probelm is that there should be level of officers, jr officers that can only get out things like repairs and than other officers that can touch the money too. Ya'll say don't make officers unless you trust them apparently never ran clans with a lot of members and a lot of casual players. It's hard to have effective clans with only a small pickings of officers. Than again the way I get around all this is we have a crafting clan that all the expensive stuff goes onto and very few officers have means to that other than the most trusted, but it shouldn't be that way.
  18. Hell the other day was the first time I been on in a week....Pathfinder:Kingdommaker kinda distracted me....I'm an old school D&D nut. Though I do need to come up with a new one, since well September is over. Are you trying to say I need to start no shave November early? Which normally tends to mean I grow a beard out until around spring break time lol
  19. The PvE/PvP server is the main server cause the game was never designed to be a PvE only game. The only reason they have a server is some folks ask for one during sea trials and they since was nice enough to keep it open for what the 100-200 players on it even though it's very much a waste of resource while a game is in development. They stated why won't work on it until after the main server/game is released as it's not an importants. That is why it gets half arsed hand me down code from the main server. This is also why I think it would be better for the game to have proper safe zones and ares for folks to safely play the game on the main server and not have two servers when we are in development. Larger safe zones that are PvE only will encourage more folks to stick around and play for the casuals and PvE oriented guys. I'm a big fan of that concept to turn most of GoM into a PvE zone to be exact as the world is just way to big and it would still fill the promises of the game and give folks a safe area to play in say Spain/France (I wouldn't go as far as add Brits) in that area if they don't want to venture out into the main parts of the server. Both Spain and France has two capitals. It would work out great to have that whole area Newbie friendly making Spain the main PvE casual nation for players. Make France the next easiest. Than US and GB would be after them as they will prob still be the most populated servers for new players. Than the rest are the hard modes. As for you paid for the game and should get to play it all, well you paid for the game the devs made not for what you want. Some times we don't get every thing we want no matter what folks think they deserve. What we do need is to encourage to retain our casual players and give them a place to be safe in if that is what they want and to pool our resources into one part of a project. PvE only server is pretty much like NA:L but just hasn't been shelved yet as it has merit, but after the game goes live if the numbers support paying for the extra servers. Right now it does not support paying for the extra servers.
  20. That why you notice I typed some extra data in there to let folks know that the Main server is actually a PvE/PvP server while the other was PvE only. Than if they open regional servers the Main should be replaced with that region like. Indian (SEA/AU PvE/PvP) Atlantic (US PvE/PvP), Black Sea/Mediterranean (EU PvE/PvP). Caribbean (Main PvE/PvP) Pacific (PvE Only)
  21. I honestly would hope to see some clan docks space before something like this. It's a pain crafting ships for clan mates and than having to store them until you can get with that player and give them the ship. Would be an easy fix is to have a means to craft ships into notes that you can store in your clan warehouse maybe? Or redeem at the Admiralty store.
  22. I always think it's funny they think we are so evil and such and they tend to start the name calling and flinging poo before we do. I see some very rude comments made by PvE only players over the last two years when no one provoked them and a lot of them seem to have this image of what happens over on the main (real) game server. Yes I think the PvE server is currently a waste of reasorces while the game is in development but eventionally Devs going have to do something about it as the rules don't work on both servers. As funny as War and Peace would be, but that wouldn't work if we ever expand to more than just one Main PvP/PvE server when the game goes live. Caribbean (Main PvE/PvP) Pacific (PvE Only) Than if and wend you expend to more than one server we could come up with names for like the SEA/AUS server or the NORTH AMERICAN server. Though I would actually pool your resources and look at a better centralized server for the Main one upon release. A location best for every one that plays ping wise. Than if the demand and numbers is needed expand your SEA or EU servers from the main global one so that way if the numbers ever drop you can merge the expanded servers back into the main ones again. Server names can keep a them of ocean of seas close to there locations or something.
  23. Even if it's pre set tags like: Fleet, PvP, PvE, PB that you can put in front of your ships to know what build style it is. I have some trade ships I use for fleets only while they are in port with ones that I man myself (fleets have lighter wood and cannons on them). I have some combat ships that are built for PvE grind only (doing epic missions) and others built for PvP (fast taggers, mid build for PvP fights or port battles). and sailling XP needs to go towards ships so that crafters can unlock trade ships without having to take them into combat.
  24. I was running a char up and it got buggy. So I closed all windows and reopen them and it worked for me.
  25. I know the trader brigs counted for the 6th rate one.
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