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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. Luckly it was after we flipped the port he sunk so it didn't hurt us that way, I was suprised when he said it was a gold 3rd rate which I know wasn't cheap to buy even though he tends to have a lot of gold on hand. Honestly when Cheeky popped in I was fearing the worse that we where about to get ganked by a bunch of pirates and never get that port flipped an end up loosing it to another nation. Jokenly though I did say we should let some other nation flip it that we trust so we could kill AI ships in that area, but the problem comes finding one that we trust and wouldn't farm the coast like crazy from that port. Moral in US is at an all time low, they honestly can't afford to loose any more ports, not like they got much left to loose any way. Though patch did bring about something funny...Brits want us to take our ports back down south again so they have AI to kill. They found out having no other nation ports means they have no AI to grind on.
  2. They still offer mostly none shallow water missions I noticed yesteray. You might get the option for two missions out of the 10 that can be used in shallows but most of them was to sink deep water ships so this might nee to be looked at. Begginers need to be retained, just like old crusty players like many of us and so do the casuals so your part of that group. IF we don't retain players we have no one to fight or hunt and game gets back to the numbers just back before this patch (which was lower than PvP2/Global server numbers before the merge).
  3. The problem is more when folks would like to level up there ships/chars without being forced to look over your shoulder or get ganked every time. If your getting ganked and sunk every time your loosing more ships than you can replace and your not having fun. If your not having fun you stop playing the game. Come live on the US coast for a few weeks and see how it is.....I love how guys who play in none starter Nations seem to think it's so easy.....your all max levels, with slots open on most your ships. Many of these guys hardly have any slots open. Some of them are still Commoders or lower level cause they are casual players that only pop on for a few hours here and there during the week. We been noticing a lot of the gankers aren't even putting mods on there ships. Why should you if you get sunk say 2-3 out of 10 trips, but your sinking 2-3 ships per trips, your making out like bandit on the old PvP system (I seen some of the guys are sitting on thounsands of marks they can't use.....). While that Casual player gets sunk 7 times out 10 they aren't making enough to get PvP marks or what every we go to now a days. Most of the guys in US that have bought High Mark rewards did so by buying marks off other players until they reache 150 or 300 marks. OH we did Little River this morning. We got maybe 1K total Doubloons in drops between 6 players. Most of the mod drops where basic mods or such. One guy did get one of the better mods but most of it was trash drops. Real wise it wasn't a bad pay out or even XP but other wise the rewards where crap. One guy got caught out side by a Herc and lost his Ballona. I think he was paid 67K but I will have to double check on the insurance pay out. No where to replace his mods on his ships or the ship it self even if we gave him all the Doubloons we collected from the missions drops by ships. I did kill a bunch of 1st rates and some Santies to knock off half of one mission with high pay out and a 1/4 of another. Our fleets was a mix of 4th to 1st rates. Oh and for the Doubloon drops. I killed 10 Trade ships in the shallows yesterday an I got zero Doubloons. It's a loto so you won't get stuff all the time. Hell I even had 2 empty ships with nothing. The cargo was to heavy most the time to take back unless I captured the trade ship. I did get one ship with 400 WO logs that I captured and took back cause well right now US has zero woods ports so we got to save what you can (or I'm still using my MERGE STOCKPILE).
  4. I know my self and a few others in my clan/nation that liked the old system cause it felt like you where building something. I feel that it got to dumbed down in a way that makes being a level 50 master crafter doesn't mean the same as it did say pre wipe when you had to have that to make MC ships and Mods. Now it's nothing special to max out your crafting. I hope they bring back a bit of love to crafters when they ever update the perk system.
  5. I’m pretty sure they didn’t put text so it didn’t have to be localization for those parts.
  6. Capitals should be free to return to no matter what.
  7. Oh out of 10 ships I sunk today testing things and this include over half trade ships. I got 159 Douhloons out of a first rate (76 for the mission) Than 76 from another misison and no more. I even got an empty trade ship, but one score was 450 WO wood, the rest was basic mats. The chest I got from both missions gave me pretty much generic mods I all ready had or knowledge I learned. Except the Boarding Pike mod, which I wonder if it stacks with the Axe's mod (can't remember what it's named now). Going have to test this out soon.
  8. A while back Christ Roberson was asked why they will have 80% AI in the SC game. He pretty much said this. "When you have PvP there is going to be winners and looser. A lot of times the same guys are always the looser. It's not fun to loose all the time. When you loose all the time you stop playing, we don't want that to happen. That is why we are going to have 80% of the game filled with AI so it's not just PvP." I bring this up more about the part where if you loose over and over and over you don't win and it's not fun. Than you leave the game and the numbers drop, than more leave.....it becomes a cycle where only the winners are left (We call them the Sharks/Wolves.) You seem to think folks will win the majority of there fights. Some might, but for every one they win some one lost a fight. I bet if you look at the mark system before this patch you will find that it was certain folks that have tons and tons of marks while others had very little and normally had to pay for most them cause they got no rewards from sinking. If you make it harder for them to make ships and get back into the fight than they will just stop playing. We been over this over and over....you need to make the game to fill it with casual players not the small amount of hard core players. Other wise you will have a very dead game shortly. So I ask you who is winning all these fights? Why is a crafter or trader forced to PvP or grind AI if all he wants to do is enjoy sailing and making his trade run or crafting for folks. Forceing folks to PvP will not bring you more numbers, it will do the oppisite and that is what this mechanic is doing. I'm trying to be positive and have told a lot of guys to give it a chance, but the track record hasn't been very good about how you treat the casuals over the hardcore guys that won't have a probelm getting doubloons or ships.
  9. Ok I think it's going in slow cause now I have a second redeeemable for 2K (he had two shipyards). I think
  10. What do we do with Permits that aren't used any more? Can we get a trade in shop for them to be turned into something or they just paper weights now? I got stacks of H Rattlers, Prince and Naigara's and a good number of 5th and 4th rate permits too.
  11. On my chars that have level 3 shipyards I only got the 5K doubloons for the level three. It coast 1K doubloons for level 2 and than another 5K for level 3. So the pay outs should really be 6K doubloons.
  12. I did test on testbed those 10 ships don't have to be all PvE, PvP kills counts towards the total too, but your stuck with only 5 missions. You should have like 10 mission total to cover most of them and what you might run into.
  13. you shouldn't have to tell me, it should tell you in game.
  14. We have no clue what it does cause there is no desc....other than what it cost. It should tell you what it does but it doesn't. Just like every icon is just a picture that looks like half a dozen other things until you scroll over it. It should list the name of each item with the picture.
  15. So I burned the 2k Doubloons for Acedemy and it has my BP's for Gunnery, 5 rings and Art of Cargo in it. So guess not every one needs that buildng would be nice if it had a FREAKING DESC>......
  16. I was until I got home and it finaly updated and I still don't have half my redeemables so I can get things set back up. I might as well just go to bed and wait and deal with it this weekend. Maybe the new computer parts will show up soon and I get to put that together. AND WHY DO PORTS NOT TELL YOU IN THE MAP WHAT THEY PRODUCE? I DON'T WANT TO SALE TO EVERY PORT TO SEE WHAT THEY PRODUCE SO I CAN SET UP A BUILDING. That is if any thing changed or should I use a third party app to find this stuff out? OH and capitals should always be free to teleport back too.
  17. yep found that out when I tried ot open my shipyard on my crafting char, which can't make a level 3 shipyard cause I havne't gotten my redeemables for my buildings yet.
  18. Cause a ship I would sale for 250K is not going for 250K any more as no one will pay for that. Folks will need to know certian things to figure out new prices and conversions of things.....
  19. @admin What does the Academy building do and why does it cost 2K doubloons? Prob should put a desc of what these do when folks mouse over them.
  20. #SOON Some time today doesn't help when some of us only have a few hours to test things before having ot get to bed for work tonight. It would be nice if they told us this in the patchnotes so we don't freak all out. I actually use it when I'm broad side to broad side with some one under 100M as it gets more hit box hits for crew and cannons when you fire a full broadside.
  21. It's 9K for a Bellona Note, but I have to use mats, permit and 4k Dabloons to craft one.
  22. One thing all ready bugging me is the icons only have pictures. I have to click on half a dozen things to find the one wood type I"m looking for or the one mod. IS there any way to put a little text on each icon so we don't have to mouse over every one to find the one we want? Maybe antther option is to have it where you can change the items from icon or text name.
  23. You haven't even seen what it cost to buiild a ship vs buy a note. 9K for a Bellona knot, but I need the mats and 4k to craft a Bellona not to mention all SOL permits cost like 1-3 VM's too. And what the hell does Academy building do that it's worth 2K dabloons?
  24. 5000 doubloons for a level three shipyard? That is on top of the 1K for the level 2. (...) I mean really how does a econ player that just trades and crafts going to get that? Well good thing that char had three of them but I only need 2 now with current set up and the other guys that I level up craftting will get 6K doubloons back for their level three. Honeslty how long is it going to take these redeem ables I don't have all morning and might as well just log off and wait until tomorrow.
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