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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. Wasn't that US/GB on PvP2 though?
  2. I really think they should change it from 2:1 for PvP to at least 5:1 and I get that your Marks and Credits are split and based off Kills and Assist, but XP should go back to being based off your damage. There are many fights where I as a tagger spend my time hitting sails and keeping the ship in battle to only have our big boy come up and do the dame. Only to get little to no reward cause I didn't do enough damage to mark a Assist or Kill. Even worse is if I do a board and kill him cause I'm the one closes but cause I did little to no damage I don't get an award. I might as well be a dick to the team and keep the ship to sale off. The rewards system right now is to much about the steal a kill and not about the team play. It needs to be tweaked a bit. We got guys in our clan that refuse to team up and do fleets together cause they get so much less XP for a team effort than they get for working as a team. This is not a good example of a reward system that rewards the solo play over the team play. I think the big issue is the share the rewards problem and the fact you get no rewards if you don't get kills or assist.
  3. Sounds like some one needs to be more aggressive.
  4. You know how to prevent that right? US shows up and stops them.
  5. Agro is agro for sure. I swear some area's are way harder than others even though Devs keep saying there are plenty.
  6. Not to knock it, but that looks more like you caught a trader doing a trade run not some warship trying to stop ya'll. Though some one is either really really slow or got resistance up in Bermuda as they started befroe ya'll and has hardly even hit 50% the last I checked lol
  7. That and Doctor would be good. Where you get like 20% of your crew back after a battle. Nothing big but should both be something auto in game. I can't stand when folks popped out with the old coward perk and your about to board them but haven't shot cause your moving into position.
  8. One of our clan mats just visited it a week ago and got some good pics. I'll see if he might get on here and post some links. But I think he's talking about the in game Kickstart thing to get the model to look more like the real one.
  9. if it's not updated it won't play and will ask you to do the update. You can go into your game options and tell steam to auto update the game. I have cartain games like this do that no matter what and the ones I rarely play aren't updated at all. Reminds me I need to check the new patch out some time soon.
  10. The ship limitations are all ready limited by number of perks slots yo have and crew. Sorry I'm Curse level and have over 1000 crew if I want to run two Aggy's I should be able to. As you tend to run as a privateer go pick a more easy target than me than. Your persk would be pretty much useless and we all ready have to many points and not enough slots. I have two fleet mark slots on my main and I never run traders or an extra ship with him. I run it to collect captured ships at the end of the battle. While my trader char only has one fleet slot so he can run two trade ships or a trade ship and an escort but he's limited to 650 crew. I think the perks work just fine how they are. Some one lower level can have 2-3 slots, but if they don't have the crew to man those ships it's useless and than you know they don't ahve any combat perks too. I love seeing some one with 4 trade ships and half them undercrew and I know they don't have prepared perk. That means my first broad side will drop one of those trade ships out of action and allow us to snag it up (the rear ship or our group) than I just keep moving down the line and we might get them all or we might get just a few, but we put a hurt to that trader either way. If we can't deal with the fleet we go pick easier target.
  11. I like the tax and LP thing. Sorry I think if my clan busted there but we should be in charge of that port. If we can't maintain the ports than we should loose it easily. Maybe have a port coffer not a clan one. SO the person that gets the most agro is the one in charge of that port. Tax's can be set on the port high or low to pay for the upkeep. A strong big clan can set the tax low for other players and pay the tax them selves or a weak or greedy clan can set the taxes high and profit off others. If you get a greedy clan/LP than other clans might not show to help support that Lord when it's attacked. They might get more agro and become the new lord protectors too and boot the old one out. RvR should be more clan based than National. If the upkeep is not paid like a lot of the empty Spanish ports taken in the GoM on Global than the port can go agro on it's own and revert back to it's original owner. Any conquest marks is wipe from gain and some one has to attack it again to get more. The other thing it could revert to neutral and any one can attack it and take control of it including the same nation that once owned it before hand, but now it will have new land owners. I actually hate war supplies other than maybe defense. and I think it should only work for 25%. Though with that I think we could partly bring back the flag system to make this more clan based owned tooo. A player who plans to be the LP of that region if they win the port battle buys a flag. They take it to that region and have to place it in front of the capital for that region. Which declares war on that region and puts it at 25% agro and declares war on it. IF they flip the port and win the battle that person becomes the LP. This way grinding agro isn't exactly like declaring war, but as soon as that flag is bought it's know to all what a certain clan wants to attack a region and take it.
  12. I'm a pirate and I don't even want it.... No they are suppose to be trade hubs between nations. If any ships are left in there and there is any silly teleport than it should be only trade hubs. You should not be able to leave any war ships in free ports. They are once again meant to be trade hubs not home base for any fighting forces Pirates or National. The warships can pop in and resupply but not stay there when you are not in the port yourself.
  13. Well they are all 5th rates, but I haven't looked to see if the rate of xp is base off BR or rate of ship yet. I do know the light frigates take a lot less for sure.
  14. @admin any patch notes for hotfix/update for today?
  15. Yah I kinda don't think we should know. Though for those that actually have done some digging around in the client side file you know you can find most of your battle chat logs and other logs in your files. They just need to look at this stuff and get info along to what they have on the server side logs. I have my battle chat logs all the way back to when I first started. Though it only updates after you log out of game and it's only games played on that computer that is saved client side. I'm sure the server side logs are every thing. The problem with that is multi family house holds and places where they might be sharing IP address with a large population like college or schools. We did this a long time ago with some one and found out we lost about 50 other players with he IP band that where all from the same very large college that was in the area of the player. So we had to lift the ban and just ban the player and than find out who his alts where and ban them too. Though for that we just matched up email addresses as he used the same for all accounts. Since this game is based off steam accounts that is a little harder too do. Though I think they need to be a bit harsher on the punishment when they find these guys abusing the system. Oh and for the OP this isn't the first time they punished folks as I seen in the past they have punished others, but the problem is a lot of folks make accusations with little to no proof. Get that proof. Get those Screen shots and logs. Than post them and you will see more cases get resolved. If Devs keep a strong firm hammer on exploiters and abusers of the system you will see it happen less.
  16. Combine these two. How about we combine the two of these and make (steals Anne's) a Training Room that can be used as both. You can set up duels or do training Skirmishes. I know we want to keep things OW, but even though I hated Duels as they aren't how fights happen in OW, but they where nice to have to test ships and new builds. Making it so you can set them up with a group and teams will allow Nations/Clans to do some training to practice things. Though I would go as far as WoT training rooms where they can set up port battles and all that. Since I'm not a big fan of the Duel Rooms cause those fights should be dealt with in the OW and not off sides/camera. Though I'm all for a training room that a nation/clan can use. Keep the Nation vs Nation stuff to Open World Duels, but allow for the in nation or clan to have a training room.
  17. I thought it couldn't start PvP so only thing it can pull is AI. The one thing many mention is to just make there BR 10 like trade ships. This will limit them from pulling any other big ships other than other basic cutters or traders. As for the pulling the two fleets wouldn't the BR limit work for that? I'm wondering how they are pulling fleets than. Though those are some lucky folks we have hard enough time trying to find just the other nations fleets when we grind agro over in our area to be lucky enough to find our nation and the other together to pull them. So if the BR effects pull of AI ships too than dropping the Basic Cutters BR would solve this and have BR effect AI pull too. I still think the only way to get a new basic cutter you should own no other ships. Just like POTBS had the fallback ships you got when you got sunk and had no other ships. Than you would have to send folks that get sunk back to closes Out Post not to closes friendly ports. SO that way there is no need for a basic cutter to get back to home ports. They can add the rookie Snow as a step up Basic Cutter for those that have ranked up a bit. Than remove the crafting of the trader snow. Might be the reason they are testing these rookie Snow/Brigs just for that reason. You have to have a brig or higher (BR 50+) to enter Shallow water port battles. Though I wouldn't limit it to 6th rates cause folks can do a lot of damage with Privateers while hunting traders in shallows and even deep waters. Just an easy solution is players have to make the kill to get the AGRO no matter what. Unless the AI is in your fleet than no NPC AI kills of other NPC AI creates AGRO for a region would be the best way to solve this and I thought they went that way?
  18. Doing a average teak teak build your numbers are way off. This is cost with charge for labor hours if you craft every thing yourself. I see a lot of folks loosing a lot of money right now with some of the prices they are putting ships up for. Though I do admit ships should be way cheaper for folks to get into in the lower end of things. 7th-5th rates that aren't permit ships should be cheaper to get back into and not such a lost if you loose one. And remember this is going off paying the dirt bottom price for things not what other players might charge you for the mats. Lynx: 44821 Privateer: 53838 Pickle: 64577 Brig: 103722 Mercury: 126609 Navy Brig 104442 Snow: 120243
  19. Well some one got some fighting spirit, maybe you can find like 25+ more to have the same spirit. Hell I would just be happy if they show up with 25 if anything. Oh and we where glade some showed for Nassau in the shallows. Had a little brawl to give our guys some more taste of the fight. I'm sure we will be thorn in each other side on OW while this is going on.
  20. This game is still in Alpha Development. I take it you have never done any Alpha/Beta Testing? The last thing they work on before going to BETA is the bells and whistles which includes the UI. Why would they up date the UI when they might change a bunch of features over and over? They will wait until they are closer to final product. I been on game that had most of the UI and content locked out when we tested to not spoil the story line content as we where there to test the actually combat mechanics and such not play the game. Than when the game released we got the surprise of some things that wasn't in the Alpha/Beta when we started the game over upon release to every one else.
  21. How about we make EPIC events/fleets epic again? Would love if you tossed in a good reward for doing them and maybe a few trader ships that carry chest as a reward that stay in the middle of the Fleet and you have to capture and get the treasure. Maybe bring your own trader ships to take the cargo. This was something many of us thought the treasure fleet event was going to be something like.
  22. I honestly think some regions lack ships for that region more than others. When we where flipping the ports around Mort we would find tons of French, US or other nations ships but not the ones we needed for the Spanish or British ports. When we found a fleet we would cycle it. Leave the lead ship alive and just jump out and it will reappear cause other wise it was taking for ever to find ships to drive agro up that was of the nation of the region. Could maybe the problem is that it's to much of a mix of other nations in regions? Why do I see more French and US ships in a Spanish regions? Why do I see more Spanish and US in a British region.
  23. Sorry they are was half distracted when I typed that. Was thinking Attack/defend.
  24. Most mods will give you more to one or the other so that can make a difference. Some one might have a very powerful defense but little to no extra attack bonuses.
  25. This would be a great pirate skill. Ceratian ships that have a trade version can look like that trade version. Lynx - Trader Lynx Cutter - Trader Cutter Brig - Trader Brig Snow - Trader Snow Maybe even Bell Poule = LVG? When you see it on the open sea and they have the perk activated all you see is an AI trader. It's not until you attack it that shows it's a player. Though we could have it just show as a plaer in that ship, but most folks start to learn who the trickster are and know it's a trap when they see certain player names. I mean if you see Curse [BLACK] Sir Texas Sir Trader Snow Your prob going to think that bastard got me last week with his hidden snow...it's a trap or I heard about him and his trap ship....going to stay clear of that one.
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