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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. Part of the problem is the group share in PvP or even PvE makes it that you gain very little. The other weekend i had over 6 player kills, almost a dozen Assist with some NPC kills too of AI fleets at PnP battle that never made it into the port battle. I got 900 xp, 14 Marks and 45K credits that night of 6 hours of fighting PvP. WHAT THE HELL? I can get that in one or two solo mission of PvE in less than an hours time. While PvP is currently 1:3 the marks trade system was done 1:5 when they merged PvP and PvE. So they pay outs should be 1:5 instead of 1:3. Though I even think it should be as high as 1:10. High risk should be high pay out. Right now it's low risk high pay out and High risk low pay out and it needs to be fixed. I also think Travel XP and Mission XP should go towards your ship knowledge. When you maxed out this xp pretty much does nothing since we don't have to spend it on officers any more. Just like I think crafted ships xp should go towards a player Craft XP pool since they took out all the other means to get crafting XP. Once again this means nothing to me since all three of my chars are level 50 crafters. They honestly nerfed to many means to gain xp and level up to a point it's hurting newer players. I didn't make RA/Curse over night and my third char is still Demon/Flag Capt level cause I hadn't finished leveling it up before the merge but I got the crafting level up. Luckily for it all traders are unlocked. Which I think they shouldn't be. IF you get travel xp and some combat xp for those ships (LVG can fight after all) than I think they should have to unlock there slots too. Just make them take less xp than the war ships to unlock.
  2. I actually like a mission like that, but make it a national thing where it's not just one player filling the honey pot per say. All those involved maybe gets a discount in that port for production and other things or a slight tax pay out. There is so much they can do with missions and quest in this game to make it more interesting. Though we expect those things to come later when and if the game ever gets to beta stage. They need to get all the basic game mechanics worked out before going for the PvE mission stuff. Even having decent kill boards missions would be nice too. Get 10 PvP kills you get a reward. Get 100 PvE kils and you get something. They can be something like paints so it's not something folks will cheat to grind for. The other thing this game needs is a proper reputation system. To be honest they could be used as such now. The problem is the game tends to turn into every one vs the pirates. To be honest if folks leave our zone/region alone on the RvR side we will not expand. Though we will strike up port battles mainly to get PvP. We could just as easily be hired out to screen battles and cause agro/chaos in a regions if a nation wants help with another nation. Just about any nation can do this by hiring out a clan from another. Say BORK and Purge hates each other (yah I know I'm picking on France). Purge works out of one Region mostly. Well BORK could hire us to flip that port into a Port Battle and it can be more there prime time than Purge players. They can come and defend it and push ya'll out of the CM"s you where gaining from that region. While we don't even have to show to the port battle. We get paid and move on to our next adventure. Though your kinda sounding like my proposal to drop the Pirate nation and make them Privateers. Though while you don't have a letter of Marque you are a Pirate/Outlaw. This way pirates/privateers can actually help nations (solo or clan base). Like you said they won't have any RvR regions, but instead have permit Pirate/Privateer havens spread out on the map. Mostly the free-towns, but a few historically Pirate Ports will be pirate havens for only pirates to use. While they have a LoM they can use that nations ports, enter the battles and Port Battles. They still can't craft in those ports, they have to gain there crafting by capture of prize or producing in Pirate Haven ports. If you get enough reputation in that nation you can actually join it perm. This is why we really need a reputation system. To become a privateer if your a national you have to denounce your nation and become a pirate first. Than get a LoM for a new nation (you will loose a lot of reputation with your former nation for leaving). Than work up to get the reputation to join the new nation. Effectively giving players an in game way to switch nations too. You can not create a char as a Pirate either from start, you must become one in game only. This means all your pirates/privateers all have a home nation they started with. The reputation system keeps you from having folks switching nations over night, you have to earn it first so that keeps from whole clans switching and making the balance uneven over night. Even with a LoM any nation even the one that you have a letter with can still attack you. That gives a down fall of being a Pirate/Privateer your not truelly ever safe until you join that nation. The LoM just means you are fighting for that nation legally. Though some one that attacks you from Spain while you have a LoM from Spain will prob loose reputation and has a chance of turning pirate himself cause he attacked you. Yah just a system I had posted up several times. I think they need to step away from Pirates being a nation and have an actual interesting system for them that makes them something none nation like, but also links them to each nation. This way the game is more about the Nationals and Privateers than about Pirates it self. This isn't Pirates of the Burning Seas after all. IT's Naval Action and privateer was a big part of Naval Wars. While pirates was very small part of such things. Most pirates where in truly just Privateers without a job cause there was no wars going on. As soon as one struck up many got pardons and LoM's for one nation or the other.
  3. Since we don't have Duel rooms and such I have hit traders to test out speeds and new builds. Though I tend to do them away from Mort cause every little person and there mother jumps in half the time lol What I do is demast the trader so it can't escape and than I get the full time of the battle to test out what ever it was that I wanted to test.
  4. You should not be maxed out in a ship in one week or two unless you spend a lot of time in that one ship. In most games you don't get the elite gear until you been playing months if not years in some of the MMO's out there. It's not hard if you have the time. IF you don't than you shouldn't get instant master level of a ship. We have one clan mate with his Santi unlocked all 5 slots. Insane, but he has no other ships unlocked. I have a couple ships on there 2 or 3 slots (not counting all the light ships) cause I spend a little time in each ship. I can prob unlock one of them fully if I wanted to grind a lot, but they aren't meant to be mastered over night. Take your time and level up as you play.
  5. If it was added sound that took the place of the ships and paints than can we revert back to the old sounds until Unity 5 is updated? I mean I mute all the ambient and other sounds any way cause I'm pretty much low tone deaf and it's the only way I can hear clan mates in TS most the time. I really was expecting to find paints in these chest for the wrecks events they have pop up every couple days. Instead the one chest I got I got a permit and BP of a ship I all ready have the BP for and don't use and a realy crappy build of a Connie Note and one mod that was half decent. Would of prefer to switch that BP/Permit for paints instead lol Hell with all the server issues they been having one paint chest redeemable for all would be fun and folks could trade that one paint they have. Ships are starting to look bland since most where stripped to wood color cause of paints.
  6. I don't like the pay to open slots. That means folks that sit in port and trade can open slots on ships they never take out. Slots should be by combat expierence in that ship and that ship only. Though I would like if we got the travel and mission xp added to our ship knowledge too. If anything maybe every ship has the first slot open for free, but other than that I don't see an issue with the current ship knowlede system. I have several ships open to one slot and well I even have some 4th rates and above with two or three slots. I been grinding them out. We have a clan mate with all slots unlocked on his Santi cause he's been doing nothing but missions with it since he got it. No other ships unlocked. It's all based off your play style. If you want something unlocked you have to play that ship. It's decently balanced so you can't just unlock ever slots with a push of a button or a mission or two. Now what they need to fix is the fact I can spend all day in battles and PvP and get little to no xp/credits but I can go do a mission and get more solo. The other night when we had the PnP port battle I was in over 5-6 battles, had over 3-5 PvP kills with over half a dozen assist and a bunch of PvE kills. I got like 14 CM marks, 900 xp and 44K credits after around 6 hours of PvP constant fights. I can get more than that doing a solo 3rd rate mission that takes me 15 mins. The rewards for risk of PvP is still way off. It's currently 3:1 rewards, but the problem is you do anything PvP or PvE with a group you have to split all your rewards. So it's not very effective to grind out fleets in groups or level up by PvP. They need to make PvP rewards 5:1 as per the marks conversions where made, but I'm more fan of it being 10:1 since you have to split the rewards. High risk should be High reward.
  7. The info about population numbers didn't kill off the servers. What did was taking a billion months to get the patch into place is what killed the server population as folks figured why play if every thing was going to get wiped. This is data they should had out in a month of the merge/patch and than again prob another month later when they gave out the second forged papers to allow us to balance the server population a bit better. Right not it's not balanced at all on GLOBAL and I'm sure EU prob has some what the same problem for some nations. Which reminds me I kinda do need to log in over there some time. Though I don't want to create chars until I know the server pop for that server. Hell same for PvE.
  8. I really wish paints will return, way to many ships look to much alike. If it was cause they brought a bunch of sounds in game that we can't have certain paints and ships than I say remove those sounds until unity 5 is put into place. Hell I have most of volume turned down to hear my clan mates on TS any way, at least all the ambient noises not dealing with battles is turned down or off. WE WANT PAINTS....... I was actually hoping those wreck chest would have paints in them.
  9. Hope FLEET GROUPS will be in that patch too to help fix the BR tag issues when going to Port Battles.
  10. Yah different team, though when they get silent like this normally means update or some patch. Though would be nice that they give us some info like this.
  11. Makes me miss having a Dane. Maybe have to pick a day and send my fast hunter guy over and take some traders it seems. Like a good pirate should be doing...lol
  12. I was meaning some one that hadn't joined could still joined. Yah once you leave the fight your can't join back in. Well hopefully Devs do something about it. I think it's happen over on the other server before so something prob glitched out the game.
  13. Hay I hear it's the cool thing to do. Even we are guilty at times, but seems to many other nations jump in and start bashing or causing trouble in threads meant for two nations to work out there problems. Hell I was trying to stay out of this one but some of the folks in here are just being childish on things you should just let slide and move on. Going back to my own little corner in the world now. Best of luck to you guys on getting all this straighten out. Maybe we can find some better folks to war with soon.
  14. I remember when you got flipped around as I think I popped a few rounds into when I blew past. Figured your ship was pretty much a gonner as I went looking for bigger targets as I limped around that battle field. So glad that aggy is not a slow tank build at all. It's tanky just not slow. IT was a good fight wished more stayed in though as it would of helped your guys not take as much of a lost in it. I'm sure there will be more to come of fights like that.
  15. We tested it with one of our alts that we got into a port battle and than switched his nation, he still gets the CM's now in the other nation for that port so it's buggy as hell and we know all the VCO and TF guys that left US still got there marks for ports they took as US and now as BRITS when they flipped the ports from US to Brits. So yah when you use the papers it should kill any CM's you where getting from your old nation when you switch.
  16. Have had the crash thing and than had to close out the game and restart it (not just from log in window of servers). Though never had a big group like that in PB happen. We did have a group in a fleet have it happen right after the patch. Was any one else able to get back into the port battle that hadn't join it? Would defiantly see if the Dev's can reset the agro and give ya'll another run at it since it was messed up by mass DC. I had just logged on the game around that time as the PB announcement popped up and I was getting some lag too so it sounds like it was a GLOBAL server issue. I was more just thinking it was cause of the storm we had blow through last night got my side of things acting up.
  17. I agree. Free trade agreements mean that no one fights over regions or trade waters. More reason to fight is better for the game. Though I more think this is between the big nations there is an issue. I can understand why one small nation and another can have agreements or a big one and a small one, but shouldn't be two big nations. Which is why I couldn't understand why the biggest nations keep threatening to make peace agreements (US and GB) if any small nations did. The small nations need the help of each other to compete against a larger nation. The large nations don't need that. Than again I think we have a large number of players that think they are PvP players, but in all honesty they are just PvE players as long as they are the bigger stronger nation.
  18. Would be nice if we can get an answer from this post topic or mine. They should really both be merged as It's the same topic just one is from a EU player and the other is starter from a Global player. Would be nice if we can get the current numbers of active players per nation on both servers. I still have yet to set up my chars on EU cause I might play on there at some time in the future when it's slow and I want a change, but I'm not going to pick nations with certain being over populated. Just like some EU players might want to pick nations on Global to play on there off times when they aren't doing stuff on EU.
  19. Oh and if the admins want to merge these two post they can as they are about the same thing.
  20. @Ink @admin Just bumping this cause folks are wanting to know the server and nations populations cause right now I'll be honest to say on PvP Global GB way out numbers all the other nations and there is going to be some very big server over population of certain nations issues going on that prob needs to be looked at before this game goes live. Just asking for a tally of the nations per server like ya'll did above for us to get an update. Might even get some clans to switch nations and help out others. Or the Devs could come up with some incentive to try to get folks to fill out those smaller nations. We have yet to see any attempt to get a more better spread out of the nations from the Devs as it's been only left to the players and that doesn't seem to be working out. Thanks
  21. @admin @Ink or any of the mods can ya'll unpinned this and maybe lock it. There is no need for a PvP2 post to be pinned and still open when we now have the EU and GLOBAL sections for the new set up of the servers. Thanks.
  22. But those aren't French regions any more they are to go to Swedes. So by default they did not attack y'all regions. Since by your own words they are swede ports now right?
  23. Dude you honestly sound like a little kid with all the name callin and behavior. Well if that is what y'all proposed before than why do y'all care what happprns above that line and to the Swede ports? If y'all just drop it an move on instead of all this drama than Swedes get some one they trust to get the ports back from. I wouldn't be surprise if the Danes are helping them with CM and ships any way. The line was drawn so just stay out of the affairs of anything north. What Danes and Swedes do is there own business. When a country makes treaties lines they don't say it's ours until you take it back. You move out and let them have it how ever they want.
  24. Why don't y'all just draw a line and what ever happens north of that line is Danes/Sweds business and what ever happens south is French. Y'all are all making things way more difficult for all parties.
  25. And than let it be a clean slate if they screw up again. I'm all for this. Than again I have three and they are all pirates for a reason. My current crafter was my Dane char before the patch, but it's to much a pain to support alts now with the cost of every thing it was more better to just put them all in one nation.
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