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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. I don't know, maybe the same reason we hear the Brits are giving French Santa Fe to french or something? If the Brits did that it would be stupid cause that is prime hunting grounds for any one and I believe it's one of the closes silvers. So if one clan made a deal to have safe passage for the exchange of that port than they are pretty much screwing over the whole nation. Though I was more expecting french to do the same they did before. They just flip it to get Brits to show up and fight them out side for some OW PvP not really carrying about what happens inside the port battle. Though I'll admit I have said off ball things on global to throw folks off. It's call misdirection. Don't believe every thing you hear in nation chat or global until you have the actual proof on hand. Hell every one though I had a Bucc early the first few weeks of the game after patch. Yah I had a 3rd rate, but not a BUCC, but we keep letting it slip in Global I had one and folks actually believed it. There was no proposed deal. It was an announcement of our intentions only. Now if they wanted to come to us and make a proposal of deals that would of been something else, but none of them have done that. Hell majority of the player posting on this post aren't even British. They are of other nations.
  2. I was testing a ship and captured a bunch of Trader Brigs. I popped them on the shop and sold them for dirt cheap to low level players. So it prob help some poor broke guy out getting a trader brig for 10K. They where all bad builds too but if it helps them out it helps them out. I have out ran a number of folks picking best wind and knowing what the hell I was doing. So yes they can get away.
  3. HE IS NOT MY ALT. Now Cordova and Lioinshaft might be his alts. Never can tell these days who is who's alt any more. Hell even I get confused with the three pirates I have in game right now....
  4. DO you still have the cannons on the Basic cutter? Remove them and than try to sale/destroy the basic cutter. It should give you a warning message that you have cannons or stuff in the hull. That is the most common reason you can't ditch the Basic Cutter. On testbed I had a bug like this, but it had the basic cutter blacked out. I was able to trade it to some one else, but couldn't get into it or destroy/sale it. Never did get it resolved by time the patch went live.
  5. Actually thanks for posting this as far as I know this was never talked about by all officers and is not a view of the BLACK agenda's. Most of us want them to take Santa Fe cause that means prime hunting grounds for them to attack your Belize area. Some clan members like to some times throw there clan tag weight around when they shouldn't. Though he could of been saying it as a means to motivate ya'll to actually show up and fight back or something? At this time we have no plans to attack Belize or Carta. As far as I know that if we get one more port battle and take the point lead this week ya'll can have SLM back. The only reason we couldn't let it go this week is that it means we would of had to take two Brit Ports to take the lead which we had plan, but the US kinda through a wrench in plans this week and we got side tracked and didn't get the ports flipped we wanted to. Even the best battle plans go out the window when the first shot is fired. With how toxic these post turn we prob won't be posting any intetions any more of our actions cause folks can't take them for a heads up. Instead we will just take and do what we want with no notification. I mean this is a RvR game and it's a PvP server after all. If we crush a nation and every one leaves that is the players fault for not fighting back. Specially if they are leaving after the lost of one or two ports and still have many more than most of the small nations. If you can't retain your players that is your nations fault not ours. Maybe get more active and give them a reason to stay and fight.
  6. Numbers don't mean crap when your not even an effective fighting force. If you do remember that when we came out of our hiding spot you did split some of us. Let me remind you cause you where in that screening fleet. That is the effect of only two line ships. Yes we lost the Mortar Brig and we expected that to happen if we got tagged. They are pretty much dead before a fight even happens if you get in range of them. If you recall this battle was way before the port battle even started. I even had time to get out and Jean was able to join the port battle with the guys that wasn't in other fights. There was 5 other players in other fights out side the Port Battle when it had begain not including my next fight against 2-3 brits that I was in. The reason I couldn't join and @Duncan McFail who was pulled into another fight got the join bug that no matter what you clicked on, ship, port anything it would not allow me to get a join optoin. Even doing F11 canceal and a few other tricks folks know to use when you get this UI bug wouldn't reset it. I couldn't click no anything, even the ships next to me to tag as I was going to Tag Jean and get us into a Pirate vs Pirate battle if we couldn't get into the port battle. Though you don't see me complaing about this over and over. I sucked it up and made a run with the Brits chasing me and dragged that fight out until the Port battle as over. You know if ya'll didn't just surrender without a fight they could of retagged me and prob took my Victory cause I would of been stucked out side with no where to go and tons of enemy ships around me. Ya'll surrendering the port like that saved my ship. So your screening fleet wouldn't of stopped all 25 of us. The only reason these guys that lived lived was cause they where smart and stayed at range and snipped sails. The guys that died including yourself got to close to one of us after trying to stern rake us. Jean was a beast in this battle I have to say with getting ya'll when you slipped on him or myself. Socialism never made it up to the battle cause our small clan screening fleet that was trying to make it there to stop or slow the Brits fleet tagged him. Don't think they where able to sink him, but he was tagged and keep from arriving to cause any problems. That is the reason he was never able to arrive and try to tag something and drag us into a fight. This has now been fixed with the Fleet Groups so it can't be exploited. I still think some one should of done a tribunal on that info we got about that char, but hay we aren't cry babies that have to report every thing in game that is exploited. If we where we would of reported every time a US or BRIT pulled a plug on there game in battle screen to prevent from getting revenged fleet ganked. And yes this is a broken mechanic we have F11 and reported cause it does not kick you to open world like the game is suppose to if you log out in battle after 15 mins.
  7. Actually you know that this is how FFA battles are set up. You tag and any one that joins can position spawn around it. There is no join circles for them. Not to mention when I tag you close on the OW I"m actually close in the battle. You should jump into a Pirate vs Pirate battle some time. I get the reason why they don't use them for PvP battles, but what we are talking about are PvE battles. The problem is when a player tags an AI and puts the Join circles in some really retarded spots that you have to stop and turn around and join the fight. By time you join your miles behind them and can't chase them down. Specifically with some of the meta speed builds we still have now in game. Now if we are allowed to prepositionally join NPC tags we can pick where we want to join according to where we where to the guy we where trying to tag. That are make the Tag circle bigger on for NPC ships compared to player tags and it will help with this problem. We waste a lot of time turning around in one of these tags to go back to the join circle when we where just at the edge of the tag circles. That are making so every one can see tag circles would honestly solve this problem so you know when some one is being tagged and where the circle ends. Cause server lag you can seem like your on the edge but by time it's pulled your not actually on the edge or out of it. As for the warp speed. I get the reason it's being tested, but honestly the invisibility was working. There is no reason to have super fast warp speed after a battle with other players. Hell I got warp speed out of a port after I surrender a ship back to another player we captured it from and was sent to the nearest port. Yep upon exit of the port I was warped away invisible from the port. Was a bit tired so forgot to F11 that, but thought that was a bit OP/exploitable as hell if you can do that. Come out surrender a crappy ship. Pop into your good ship and use the rocket invisible to sling you away from the port and get a good run out of a block aid with your good ship before any one see's you.
  8. shhhhhhh we actually talked about something like this last night....lol
  9. The other thing is, if you keep doing the same thing over and over and it's not working. Change what your doing cause it wasn't working. We change all the time so the best way to over come things is to adapt and change.
  10. I call BS on this one cause didn't you have 25 in the port battle against our 16-18 with no Mortar Brig as it was caught out side with some 1st rates. Than didn't ya'll just leave the battle before the first shot was even fired and surrender the port to us. If ya'll had come with every thing you had you would of fought and defended that port at all cost. No ya'll came with half ass fleet and was expecting the Screeners and Brits out side to save your butt. That was a half ass defense and your one attempt at an attack mid day when you thought our fleet was away shows your not even trying. Bringing mostly 4/5th rates to a line ship battle. If any one is to blame for loosing that port it's US it self. When your read you can try to take it back, but we won't give it to you. Not with how your acting right now. Maybe if you take some initiative and take back your Gulf of Mexico ports from an enemy that has taken 4 times more ports than we have from ya'll we might take pity than and return it. Hell at least the Brtis have came to us and talked about concerns and making some arrangements to give back a port to help with Moral. We just couldn't do it this week cause we wanted to keep our lead on conquest. You know part of the game folks call RvR that goes along with the PvP part that makes this game and why it's prob called NAVAL ACTION. Brits didn't complain and they been dealing with it. We had have French, Brits, US and even Spain at our door step every day attacking our traders and solo uys all the time, you don't see us bitching. No we did what we did this morning and others have. We came out sunk a few of the french and than ran off a certain Spain for now. We know they will be back and we will loose some more ships, but the only way for those guys to get better is to keep fighting and get back into new ships. Which they have and aren't bitching. When you get knocked down you don't just give up, you get back up even if it means you will just get knocked right back down again.
  11. That was not the end of battles screen shot. I heard you lost your mortar brig too. It was like they where doing a mortar duel or something lol Oh and we had some one that hated them and never liked them coming now have new found respect and want us to BRING TWO EVER TIME NOW. Getting hit by a Mortar does funny things to folks.
  12. But but but remember we took Cap Frans and that was an alliance and a port swap. LOL The only Nation Pirates have had an alliance with is Danes (well more CCCP and BLACK). Black did an agreement with WO to stay out of each others hairs, but that is off the books as this week. Kinda think it's good ya'll been hunting the crap out of our capital and we aren't complaining about it. It helps get folks more experience in fights and well weeds out some of the week (folks that prob jumped from US or GB any way).
  13. Actually they fixed the problem we saw in the tagging issues of BR. We been using FLEET GROUPS ever port battle and rolling right up to the port. If that is going to be your excuse still cause of broken mechanics we aren't using pirate fleets any more cause the BR tag issue is fixed. IF you want to stop us from getting into a port battle than bring a fleet that can pull us. So stop using that as your excuse. Ink has ruled on it so ya'll need to drop it and move on or bring a fleet that can pull ours into a fight out side the port battle. As Ink said ya'll could all ways have joined those fights, but ya'll bring trash ships and used a broken BR tag mechanic. Now that that is fixed it's on ya'll to show up and fight. If you can't screen a fleet out properly or defend your own port in side the port battle it's not our fault. Now that you can't use those mechanics it's funny y'all haven't even tried to screen or fight in side the battle. It really shouldn't matter what happens out side if you can't get the proper 25 man fleet in the proper ships to fight inside the port battle.
  14. Was looking for info on this ship and only found this that speaks of the crew and guns. In 1749 a proposal was made by the commander of the Toulon dockyard to build four chebecs as an effective protection against the Barbary pirates. The corsairs primarily relied on fast and agile chebecs, while the frigates and sloops-of-war of the French navy proved ill-adapted to fight them. So it was logical to confront them with the same type of ships. The chebec Le Requin was built in 1750 - 1751 by Majorcan shipwrights at the Royal Dockyard in Toulon for the French navy. She was launched on 14 March 1751. Her crew were 220 men, her armament were twenty-four 8-pdr-guns. She was to show excellent sailing qualities and served in the French navy until 1770.
  15. @Hodo how have you not posted on this one yet?
  16. 1) That would take for ever to flip a port as they can to easly run it down. Though if they did raids like the old flag system with a small team battle than maybe it can give 20% agro to the winner. 2) That is why it's a big battle and takes a day before it happens. The small battles are your OW PvP. If you win them you win the big fight. 3) Actaully like this as it is a better way to do screening. Make it so you get no battle poiunts until the actual time the port battle starts, but you can enter 2 hours before to work as a screen or advance party. In real life the screening fleets slowed down or stopped a fleet from taking a port. IF the fleet was big enough they should been able to just push through and still take the port. You don't want the other team to get the better position than you need to be there early. Though with the limited window on EU you will prob never see this as folks don't want to be in a battle for 3-4 hours long. A epic as it would be though.
  17. It's funny I think I seen more Pirate Frigates on National players than Pirates.....hmmmm how did they get all them ships cause I know sure as hell the name on them isn't pirate when we have captured a few. It goes both ways. I don't mind the limit as I just go trade with another nation for the permits. That reminds me I need to make a Pirate Frigate and take it to another nation that asked for one in exchange for some white oak. The pesky french around Mort though.....hmmmm...lol
  18. Are the other thing is they think if they stop fighting and we get bored we will go away. It's what they allways do when they start to loose fights. Where are the 25 PB fleet with another 25+ we say out side all these empty ports when GB/US took those ports. It just blows me away how many folks go hide when there is actually fighting to be done and than cry saying some one is kiling there nation. Maybe if they stop jumping ships and actually play the game they wouldn't be loosing so many players or ports. When nothing happens folks get bored and stop playing or come over to the Pirates or other nations (LOVE went french after all) where they will get the fights and PvP to keep them from getting bored. When they switched over we where down to like 3-5 guys a night showing up. We just couldn't fight the Brits and US any more cause folks got bored and left cause no one was fighting on both sides. That is what kills the game is when folks stop doing stuff and think that is how you win the server. And I'm pretty sure BLACK has decided if that happens we will roll another nation and do the same thing. Jumping to a wining team doesn't make you the winner. Fighting back does. We all have 2 forge papers we can use at any time. If we moved to Spain and did the same ya'll would be crying "SPAIN IS TO OP." This has nothing to do with that we are Pirates or any other nation. The problem is that your nation lacks the will to fight unless it's an empty port battle or you have the numbers to make sure for a sure win and your solution is to either stop playing or jump ship? No wonder ya'll fail at being one of the largest nations on the server. REMEMBER THERE IS A PVE SERVER IF YOU WANT A SAFE PLACE TO PLAY.
  19. I think folks loose the sarcastic tone when it's posted in text. Though I have heard that the Devs said we won't be getting any changes to pirates until all the other stuff is done and it prob won't be until after release or something. So don't expect any changes any time soon. We are a nation so deal with it. Though I have posted many times my view on this where i think they should make it a Privateer faction that you can't create a char but have to become one through a reputation system. Every new player has to pick a nation to play the game so there will be only 7 starting nations for any new players. To become a pirate you must do something pirate like. Remember the old system where you attack your nation to become pirate (the way I become a year or more ago). Well you loose reputation with that nation and you become a pirate. Than if you want to become a privateer you have to earn the proper rep and buy a letter or Marque for that nation. I'll give an example: Lil Texas is a US player and he hates the US nation and all it's politics and inter fighting (sounds like me). So he decides he wants to go out on his own. He attacks a friendly trader and becomes a pirate loosing reputation with the US nation. He continues to attack us ships. At this time US and Brits are at war with each other so every time he sinks a US ship he gains a slit bit of reputation with Brits. He decides that it's time to be more profitable and he gets a Letter of Marque to be a Privateer for the Brits. While he has this letter he no longer is treated as a Pirate in the eyes of the Brits, but any other nation will still be able to sink him. He can join the Brits fights (port battles included) but can't build/craft anything in Brits ports. He can have outpost in them though. If he gains enough reputation he can gain the chance to become a permanent British player. While some one is a Pirate/Privateer/Outlaw they can use any freeport/Pirate haven. Pirate haven are the free-towns and traditional ports that was pirate havens. They can put up out post in these ports but only buildings in Pirate Havens for crafting. They can't have ship yards or limit it to only level 1 or 2. Any thing bigger they have to buy or capture. They have a few special ships like the Pirate Frigate and hay maybe the Xebec (seen the picture going around)? This system would need a good reputation system in game for each nation in relation to your char and his actions. This will help small nations get numbers by hiring Privateers for there nations. They can limit the Letters of Marque depending on nations population or active players maybe so you can't have a whole clan flood one nation to make it OP. Like if BLACK wen GB to help them roll the map when GB is the largest nation. I would say the letters need to be a clan thing. The more clan members you have the more expensive they can be for big clans or they can be player base so that some clans can actually fight on more than one side of the Nationals. I also think they need to combine DANES/DUTCH/SWEDS so there is only Brits, French, US, Spain and DDS 5 Nations and the Privateer factions. Guys that don't want to play Privateers will be the outlaws/true Pirates.
  20. Should be a pirate ship to add to the Pirate frigate since we don't have SOL's in our Pirate Den other than the 3rd rates. You know since the other nats get all them other ships easly. If a Nat wants one they can trade or steal it the old fashion way.
  21. I think I"m going have to steal this for a few other post where folks think the PvP server is a PvE server and that this game is not called NAVAL ACTION. When we see a larger than base crew we keep our distance and sink the guy, but folks have to remember too that if you have crew space or hammocks they have a moral penalty....you just need to kill there crew and beat them moral wise. I say just keep all AI to the Oak /Crew Space built so they are cheap ships that you wouldn't want to use other than for a replacement when you have nothing else or to capture and use until you level up out of the ship. It seems ya'll made some fleets bigger and hopefully in enemy waters for grinding there are more ships too. We been having a hard time flipping regions in a decent time cause of lack of enemy ships/fleets in the regions. Crafted ships should stay blue....than make any AI captured or store bought NPC crafted ship grey. Than you can quickly tell which ship is which. I would also say that capture ships from AI can't be sold on the market to flood it with junk cheap ships to compete with the crafters. You either keep it for your self or break it up.
  22. No one said you had to ask permission, just don't get upset when your actions cause an reaction. What you think would happen pocking the big nasty pirates when you been warned not to poke them? I mean if some one told you not to stick your hand in a fire cause you might get burned, do you still stick your hand in the fire any way?
  23. Nice try...I'm not going to tell you my build cause we prob will cross cannons on the open world at some time....lol Yah luckly I had a figurehead i could remove once I found that hard cap for the turn rate since I had ship knowledge that put it over the limit. I removed that and went with another figurehead instead for something else that was more handy.
  24. It's 20% counting both woods and mods. I found this out the other day doing a turn spec Aggy to it's max of 2.82. So the max you can get any ship turn rate is 20% of it's base. Remember when you max out any thing you need to add in the build wood. Oh and I do believe the max out for reload is 25%.
  25. St George's Town Lineship Port Battle - 5 US Defenders vs 25 Pirates Attackers with a fleet out side screening. Not much of a fight but give the few guys that showed did tag circles and fight. We saw over half a dozen first rates pulled out early in the day and tons of other ships. It's time they loose there safe place to grind fleets and bring there 1st rates back to US coast lines. This is a PvP server and the game is called Naval Action. You want a safe place you can go to PvE server or the Gulf of Mexico.
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