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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. I really love how folks don't read my words. I can't speak for every Pirate or BLACK clan members. Though since this has been used for over a week by France in the Mort area than why shouldn't we be using the same thing back against you? Maybe you should listen to the travel advisory and not leave port for your own safety? Also nothing against the rules using a spotter of any nation or as an alt. Now you know the known spy and know not to go around any area he's in. Believe me we have a long list of pirates we are pretty sure are alts of other nations. We just wait until we have good proof and slaughter them in Pirate vs Pirate battles or just ignore them. Eventually they reroll or go into hiding. Interesting thing is I found a problem with some in the game mechanics last night that I F11 dealing with battles, nationals and pirates joining either side and other things. This is how you find out bad mechanics and exploits and report them. This is how you get things fixed. I'll be honest I think the super warp speed thing should go, I'm all cool with the invisibility after a battle to help you escape the counter, but that warp speed thing is getting abused a bit more than it should be by all nations. One way to fix that is to make the tag/enter battle timer longer after you leave a battle. But happy hunting or hiding guys.
  2. One way is make capture ships a pirate only thing. If you want to limit them to a level 2 or some level 1 ship yard (remember this is a game folks) and to 4-7th rate ships than you need to limit the nationals too. Make it they can't capture and keep ships. This could be just 4th rates and above, but it gives a balance of who can capture what. As @Hodo said give Pirates the Rattlesnake as a pirate only ship. I would add Niagara to this too cause this with the Pirate Frigate would make Pirates the master of the 5-7th rates and since Nationals get the SOL's they will be the master of the 4th to 1st rates. If pirates where to get some special pirate only perk it should be limited to only ships of 5-7th rates. Maybe a slight speed, turn rate and boarding boost like the perk pre patch but only works on those ships classes. Though I would prefer to keep away from magical perks and such. The Devs could easily make a few pirate version of all ready in game ships. Use the same skin but change some of the stats and guns restrictions on them and now you have pirate ships. Have them be crafted by a pirate taking a ship of that type and doing a refit of it. You capture a frigate and take it back to your home port and you refit it and it becomes a Pirate Frigate. Another restriction I would do in game for ALL nations and factions is limit what ships can port into what port. SOL's can only enter Line ship ports and port up. Up to 4the rates in all other ports except shallows. Shallows should be only the 5th/6th rates. This way when you pull up to a normal 4th rate port you can suddenly have 25 SOL"s pop out and attack your group and stop you from doing a port battle. So this restriction can effect pirates too. As all pirate havens (pirate ports) except a few will be 4th rate and below so that pirates can only keep captured SOL's in certain ports (kidds island would be a good place and Mort or captured ports of SOL status). As for Pirates and Conquest system. Really if you want to remove them from this they should be able to join other nations battles than as Privateers with a LoM or just give them a proper raid system where they instead get to raid a port for a few days and not keep it.
  3. This would be good too as it's silly folks are snipping from miles away while going full sail. I do use depower a lot when I do these type of shots. Speaking of accuracy when are we going to remove the laser accurate stern cannons. That was put into game to give Traders a chance in battle, but not the meta is to use the Surprise and it's four stern gun to shoot down the sails of several chasers and escape. It's sad when the Surprise 4 guns hit every time, but you miss half your Trinc guns hit cause of the in game accuracy. The stern guns need to be tuned back down to what the other cannons accuracy is when on the run. Might a slight bonus for stern and bow guns. Than add in a accuracy pen while at full sail compared to Battle sails and I'll be a happy camper so more folks drop to battle sails in actual fights. When I was testing my DPS build on the H Rattler and another ship and used the Open Mag until I got other mods on the ship slots. I would loose on average 10% of my sails just from ship fires. Hell and grenades on a 4th rate is deadly on the fires. It causes more fires than the open mag does apparently. I don't even want to test that on a 6-7th rate.
  4. You do know this is a game right? So not everything has to be historically correct. If your going that route the majority of these captains would never see a SOL in there life time and would only captain a few ships and prob mostly around the same class of ship. I still love how every one wants to say how Pirates should be play but they don't want to restrict the nationals play one bit and they are even more none historical too. They honestly should of did this with the wipe. I know a lot of folks bitch it would make say DUTCH to strong if they merge them with Swedes and Danes, but those players should have the option to pick other nations instead. Remember folks we are still in a testing phase of a game in development and alpha stage still. Any thing can change and will prob change. I think 3 nations like POTBS had was two small, but 5 seems a more reasonable amount to give you more of a conflict and struggle in game. They should still have the option toe pick 5, but I still think Pirates should be a Faction that you join in game and can't start as and through a use of Reputation system and as a means from leaving one nation to go join another too. The biggest problem with all these guys trying to say how pirates should be is they aren't pirates so they want to give tons of restrictions and not benificts to being a pirate. This is a game after all and there should be some sort of check and balance between the nations. There should be some pro and cons for playing either National or Pirate if it was ever made just not another RvR nation. Right now the Devs have no plans to make pirates anything other than another nation so folks should just get off that band wagon. They honestly need to do something with pirates, but by what we hear that is no where in the future and they want to get all the Conquest/RvR and nation stuff done before they touch that. So we won't see any changes to pirates for a long time if what we have been told by the Devs so far (which is very little).
  5. Whinner Pronunciation: \ˈwhi-nər\ Function: noun Date: 14th century : one that wins: as a: one that is successful especially through praiseworthy ability and hard work, but also routinely whines about it. b: a victor especially in gamesand sports c: one that wins admiration, usually while whinig or while eating a phalus No I spelled that one right. Though I was prob tired and got lure wrong. Yah when I saw the screen of the fleet I figure that would be a slaughter, but hey they said they had fun and that is what counts. A lot of the guys getting killed over in the Mort area are doing the same rushing into fights and bringing the wrong ships even after we told them not to go out there or to stay in port until escorted back. I said it many times before. All ya'll are doing it weeding out our weak and helping other guys get stronger and better. You can't learn unless you get out and fight. I wouldn't brag about every fight you been in, ya'll have yet to face an all BLACK team (why does that all ways feel racist when I say it) vs one of yours. Give it some time as many of us have to switch from RvR mode to PvP mode. While they aren't using alts to tag, I know for fact some of the hunting groups was using US or Brit players and that isn't against the rules. If I get any first hand proof I'll pass it you way. My only point is that don't bitch about a game mechanic your own nation is using. As far as I know we (BLACK) haven't used this over in the French area. Just not any group I have been in at least. And remember not every scrub that goes out and gets his trader caught by one side or the other is a freaking alt. I swear this game so so paranoid about alts. Pirates don't need to use another nation to do the tag and fight thing. We can just tag each other, but lately we been just using battle groups and rolling into the PB. We heard they accused us of using the tag thing to get into the Brit port battles the other night. Nope we rolled in two groups strong for GT and than one group for SLM. So many folks spread false info and rumors and not first hand knowledge.
  6. I'll be honest if this ends up like the last patch and takes 5-6 months to put into effect like the last one we will have dead servers again in half that time as folks stop playing as there will be no reason to continue conquest system if it's all going to change.
  7. You just explained what the France has been doing all week long around Mort with there US or GB buddies and using Pirate alts to lore folks out. Pretty funny. Same warning we been giving the Pirates around Mort all week....lol
  8. I kinda like the fact the pulled flags gave you a 2 hour notice that a port battle might happen and than you had to get it there in that time. Than once there i takes 2 mins to plant. If it takes 30 mins to plant than your going to prob get steamed rolled or grief in battles until your timer runs out. It think limit of flags pulled at once by a Company and cool down between flags would help limit false flags among other things, but 30 mins wait needs to be be better explained as your example is exactly what I know my clan would do.
  9. If a small scrub clan of new guys are able to build/afford the cost to pull the flag than what worry would a big harder vet clan in fighting them? Let the small guys pull the shallow water flag and try to take it. If they are smart they could pull the flag while another big Company attacks the much bigger one. The concept is to let even new players get involved instead of limiting all RvR to Rank 6 or above as I think the old flag system was limited to that rank or above to buy flags. Again they should have a Company members limit you must have to buy a flag too. So that scrub newbie company has to have say 25+ members to pull the flag. Limiting it to one high rank isn't good, but maybe doing stage or ranks depending on the port might work better. I assume a part of that tax would go for port upkeep. So no matter what say 5% is for the national upkeep of that port. While the base might be 15% tax and that means the clan only gets 10% of that while 5% goes to the NPC nation to support the upkeep of the port. If you drop taxes to 0% you still as a Company have to pay that 5% out of your pocket to upkeep the port or you loose it (goes back to neutral). I believe POTBS had something like this? You can pay in or use part of your increased taxes to also improve defenses and other things about the port too. If I remember right the main port our clan worked out had little to no taxes as we made so much money doing other things we paid out of pockets, but in other ports we raised the taxes a good bit to make up for it and to encourage folks to use our main port for econ/trade cause it gave them better rates.
  10. The convo was if they limit pirates to shallow water and light ships than they need to limit the use of pirate like ships to Nationals since you don't want us in SOL, than you shouldn't be in our ships either. Pirates should be the master of light ships and light frigates while Nationals should be the master of the Heavy frigates and SOL. Until they give us a proper mechanics than stop bitching that was aren't pirate enough. If your going to put restrictions on us than Nationals should be restricted in some way too. Rank isn't exactly a good thing, cause remember a rank 3 can do shallow water battles. So why shouldn't a bunch of new players that make a war company be able to pull a flag for shallow waters? Maybe do a tier for the type of port the flag belongs too. Rank 3+ for shallow water. Rank 6+ for deep water. Rank 8+ for SOL ports.
  11. That is why I mention that only Companies of a certain size can buy flags. Since port battles are 25 players vs 25 players than a Company can't buy a flag until it is 25+ players. That doesn't mean if has to bring a full 25, just means it needs that to be able to even attempt to go to war with another company. Companies with larger player numbers can actually buy more than one flag if they have a large enough player pool. Maybe limit them to 1 flag per day per 25 players. Though I think the 3 flags a day would be a good top limit either way.
  12. Those are fleet ships though of a fleet commander and what I see the reason we have multi ships. To me we aren't the actual captain of every ship we own. We are the commanders of the fleet. Though my point was more the fact if you want to restrict pirates and not have proper pirate mechanics than other nationals need to be restricted too in some way. Most guys that play nationals always come up with mechanics for pirates to restrict them, but nothing in return to give some restrictions to Nationals. One of them would be that nationals can't capture ships. We can easily make this a limit that they can't capture any ships over 4th or 5th rates and keep them. That would be something only Pirates and Privateers would do is keep such ships if they are better than the ones they have. For the naval officers (none pirates) that capture a ship they could get paid a bigger cash prize when they turn the ship into port, but they can't keep it. IF they do it will be classed as a pirated ship and if they get caught in it be turned into pirates. You see what I'm getting to? There needs to be some check and balance to the game. The nationals can't have all the goodies if they want to restrict pirates to level 1 ship yards and any ship under 5th (even 6th rates) that isn't captured. Hell I live out of captured ships if I'm allowed to refit them how I want once I captured any ship begger than a 6/5th rate. A refitted ship can be just like the Pirate frigate ship. Less armor, more guns and more crew.
  13. I have to agree with this, for all the drama and bitching about Pirates using Pirate vs Pirate battles to do something like this there has been a lot of nationals doing this lately. I think Prater has a good point make the attack timer or join longer so folks can't pop out of these battles and join another that they where hidden from. Basically the hide in battle has replaced the hide in port and now folks have super warp speed to zip to the target and get them. While not on the same topic something we notice last night was that if you have a smuggler flag and another nation tags you it makes them a pirate battle. So say a French with smuggler is tagged by a Dane. It has a Pirate Smuggler vs Dane fight. Pirates are forced to only join the Pirate Smuggler side and not pick which. Now if the Same French attacks the Dane it's a French vs Dane and we can pick sides. I think it's time smuggler flag gets it's old mechanics back if the battles are going to be like this. Treated like pirates while you have the flag on and any one even your own nation can attack you. Either way pirates should be able to pick the side they want to join no matter if it's a pirate or national in the fight. Maybe I don't like that pirate and feel like being a good privateer and help the national out in the fight instead.
  14. This has all ways drove me crazy that every fight you got guys going full sails in a brawling fight. I would reduce the turn rate while at full sails (or increase battle sails, but I though it was suppose to be better). Also is there any way to have it so we can set an actual speed so that every one goes to battle sails and can go the same speed. My battle sails might be your half sails or some one else full sails depending on the speed of the ships in the group.
  15. Fine you want to limit us than limit nationals. You can't capture ships, any ship you capture auto goes to the Admiralty to be auction off or refitted to be put back into service. You can only have one SOL at a time. What captain was ever commissioned on more than one ship in the Navy at time? If a National Captain is caught in a stolen ship (pirate frigate or any others) than they should be treated as a pirate. We can go on and on and on on this, but until the Devs change pirates and give them an actually pirate mechanics you have to live with the fact we are still nothing more than a nation with a black flag. I'm really getting sick of Nationals trying to tell us how to play our nation when ya'll don't even play your own right and make care bear alliance and never fight each other. If I remember right in history most of the big nations in game actually fought each other at one time or another. Something many of them refuse to do.
  16. I wouldn't have it effect prices, need to keep it simple and the same goes for any Nationals. A Spain player that does nothing but sink British traders won't be able to trade in any british ports cause he has bad reputation with them. Why would any merchant want to trade with an enemy that will just sink them. Now you could have a black market reputation that allows some traders that has good reputation with the pirates, but not a pirate to trade in pirate ports. Remember there is no new pirate mechanics so we need to keep them treated as a Nation until such comes out in game if it ever does.
  17. I think he's talking about being able to raid along the coast than. Since your still allowed to do PvP in that are Pirates and Privateers for nations would prob want to set up shop and do there deeds. That is normally done in a freetown close buy until they need to return to there home base and resupply. The French have been doing this on PvP GLOBAL very effectively and other folks too. The other way to do this is what we did for pirates. Put a BLACK dot next to every major nations capital so our guys can raid them.
  18. This is why we need a good reputation system and turn pirates into a faction not a nation that you can't start out as. You go pirate and loose reputation with your nation. Though you can get letter of pardons and join nations through Letters of Marque. You end up with a bad enough reputation in a nation you can be outlawed, turned pirate. The reputation system can replace smuggler flag too as to if you can go into enemy nations ports as a trader or not depending on your trade reputation with that nation.
  19. We really need to have three types of ports that port isn't of that level than you can't get a ship bigger into it. Though Nassau really prob should be a deep water port, but just limit it so that SOL's can't get into any port unless it's a SOL port is all. You mean like nationals actually act like Nationals too? I actually proposed some pretty hard core changes for pirates, but it seems the Devs never want to make Pirates actuall not a bastard/red-headed Step child of a Nation. Until they do give us an actual mechanic than we should continue to be treated like the other nations. We all ready don't have the BP's for the SOL of 2nd and 1st rates and we can't get the Permits for the Aggy and SOL of 2nd and 1st rates. Which is add as we can buy the BP for the Aggy, but not the permits? The only special ship we have is the Pirate Frigate which any national can get too the same way we get our SOL's BP's and Permits. Personnel I think any National caught in a Pirate Frigate should be treated as a pirate by all. You want to sail in a pirate ship you must be a pirate. It's a good question as a lot of folks don't know all the limitations and I'll be honest the only perk of the Pirate vs Pirate FFA's is the use of self police our own nation and well the fun duel here or there between clan mates.
  20. La Navasse would prob be a better neutral ground on the map since every one can port in and it's not exactly in any one's waters. If it's going to be a free for all style fight than a pirate could tag another and every one join in. Even than you could have teams split up or just do last man standing once every one is ready. Hell most of you Nats prob even seen what the Pirate vs Pirate FFA fights are like, might shut a few folks up that think they are some super power thing pirates have. Ok might of found another issue. I just hoped around a few pirate ports and couldn't find any store Frigates in them. We might have to pick something like the Cerberus. Even better that will even the playing field and be something a bit goofy....>CAPTURED LVG's< I'm sure folks can go find one and capture it before tomorrow eve. Since they are auto open three slots. No mods alloweds, can use ship knowledge if you like. Since they are all seem to be fir it could be interesting and I suspect some folks will blow up. It would be cheap so not to hurt the wallets of some of the small clan or clanless guys that might want to join. Really wish I still had my gunboat I would come in with it and be judge like I done in some small battles and duels before when they needed a BR shift for one side or the other.
  21. Doctor perk we had before should be auto for every one so you get a small percentage of your crew back after every battle. As well the area control perk, if your close enough that I can fire at you than you shouldn't be able to escape me.
  22. Actually the cost can be the crafting of the war supplies. You need say 100 Shallow water, 250 for a deep water and 500 for a SOL port. Than make the cost to craft such equal to a good numbers like 1m for shallow, 2.5m for Deep water and 5m for SOL ports. This way the whole company has to chip in and produce these war supplies before they can go to war with another company and fight over a region.
  23. Yah I was like that would kill small clans that can barely afford a level 3 ship yard. Hell I have yet to break the 5 million mark at any time, but than I do a lot of PvP/RvR and such so I don't just sit on my money I actually spend it to buy stuff to make more ships to get more clan members into bigger better ships. Though doing about 2.5-5m depending on the port type for 4th rates and SOL and maybe 1m for shallow water would be more reasonable for cost of flags. It kinda needs to be balanced on what you might make profits from certain ports too.
  24. One thing I would do is since clans have no min limit and 250 max limit the War Companies do need a min limit to start. That are you can have min limit but you can't buy a flag without the min members of a group to pull it and it should cost a good chunk to buy them. You should also see when the flag is pulled who pulled it. Example. The Black Company pulls two flags on Red Companies ports, but also Red has had a flag pulled by White Company. Red Company knows The Black Company has enough players to fill both those ports. They only have enough to fill two ports too. They know White company is only 15 players. They can split there forces at one two battles and full force at another and hope they win or they can put all there members into two and pick the one that the second team will prob beat with twice the numbers or go for the even fights. Though honestly I think a Company can't buy a flag until they have the at least 25 member's if port battles remain a 25 vs 25 thing. That doesn't mean all 25 member's have to make it to the port battle, it just means you need a group that big to buy a flag in the first place and do port battles. This will keep from folks making small companies and pulling false/griefing flags.
  25. The only problem I have with Nassau as the Pirate Capital is it's currently a shallow water port. All main capitals should be deep water. They coudl still have starter capitals that are shallows and than have the main deep water capital some where else. Yah way to many ports not being used. Going to hate to say this but Skully said it right. 3-5 Regions max non capturable and than make the rest capturable. Now remember the ports part only effects the RvR part of the game, you can OW PvP all along those coast lines so they aren't PvE safe zones. We could prob drop a few ports here and there to on the map that aren't needed.
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