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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. Yah get that, but VCO, AIB and REV are still clans that haven't disbanded or changed nations so that isn't the issue here. If that was the case I would of expected it. The only common thing we can link was that some ports where dropped by the clans around the same time . I'll keep an eye out in case it does it again just in case it's some odd bug that we only found so far.
  2. Maybe read up on the rules a bit buddy since with 6 post you seem pretty new to this part of the game......here I'll help you. As for the grounds for the other player he prob did not feel there was a need for a tribunal as not every one in game cry's and runs to the forums when they don't get there way. Some times you just shrug it off and move on. I mean it's a pixal ship even if he lost it perm than I"m sure that player would have a new one by the end of the night with the clans involved. You know it's call moving on with the game.
  3. This is not a tribunal as they did not break any rules so take your post to national news. Are should I remind you that falsely accusing folks of things is against the rules too. You can't even list what they did wrong and what rules they broke. That is not how tribunal works. You don't post every time you get out played. Now the person that does have grounds to report some one is the player that lost the ship. Apparently there might of been green on green that caused him to get taged in and not escape with every one else and I do believe there is a post about this.
  4. Yah I have reported some one when the wipe first happen and combat news popped up cause the same guy showed up almost every hour on the hour sinking a nation in waters far from where that nation should be. So it's not hard to figure the folks out if you just watch the combat news a bit. Naming and Shamming has never been a good thing on any games. Than folks start to point fingers and accusing folks of things even if they never have done them just cause they hang out or part of a clan. We seen plenty of that on here. Hell I turned in many a chat +reports for folks saying I'm cheater and such and I wasn't involved in a port battle or fight they brought up over and over. Nothing was done for there actions and I just see no reason to add to such toxic players. Sir Cheater Sir is not my name by the way folks and never was....but I was called that many times on global chat cause of something I wasn't even involved in. CombatNews should have a +report feature for when you see something fishy, but you can always do what I have done. Open that screen do a F11 and send a message about suspected abuse of the system. Haven't done it in a while but did do it right after the wipe. Than it's in the Dev's hands after that.
  5. Oh give it a rest Latron, you use to be BLACK you know the names listed there half those guys are there main Pirate chars so stop that use of ALTS. Most of us have 4 forged papers still so some guys figured lets have some fun and roll to French to deny these guys there terms of battles. The exact reason is what you explain about exploiting the rules. I know there are still some tribunals pending results about KOC and CKA and others of that group and your included using the system to exploit it by tagging each other. SO get off your freaking high horse and just admit it your getting out played is all. Having more active PvPers that want to fight doesn't mean your still the largest nation. Not that is US and GB who refuse to fight each other. Instead they gang up on Pirates and think that fighting 5 to 1 is a fair fight. Sorry we aren't putting up with that. IF GB and US doesn't want to fight us as Pirates than some of the guys will fight them as nationals for now. You can no longer use each other to tag and be safe from each other if we can join and still sink you. Remember folks all a pirate is is a Privateer without a job. What I see with the KOCFC guys is they are no french privateers hired to take care of a problem with other french players being more loyal to GB and US than to there own nations. Hell isn't that exactly what the current Rus and Poland players are doing? They are acting as Privateers working for other nations. Show me the game breaking rules folks as this is not a tribunal cause it's a cry cause some one is out playing you. Maybe if you want some rule calls legs look at all the post still pending since start of October there hasn't been any rulings and actually had proof of folks breaking rules or bending them. And remember there is no thing as fair terms in war.....lol
  6. Just go play on the other server, there will be a wipe any way so it's not like your going to keep all this when it goes live. If you did every thing before the wipe you should still have your level and it's so easy to level up these days now. Oh and by what I hear (been taking a good vacation) it's not dead, it's the problem that every nation in the world will only fight pirates and not each other. Maybe stop making carebear alliances and fight other folks and you wouldn't get bored.
  7. Some one brought up that they notice it's been doing it when you abandon or loose a port to not paying or something? Maybe that is the tie in?
  8. So I been taking the last few weeks off from game pretty much and I get on tonight to do some Diplo things for the clan and was told of this problem. SYSTEM has been removing folks from our clan friendly list. Apparently it locked a few folks out of port battles cause we didn't know about it. Is this a known bug or/and has it been fixed? I guess we will have to keep a better eye on it, but as you can see in the screen shot it list SYSTEM removing them. I also noticed some of the port settings where changed, but I can live with that being part of hotfix or such and I check those any way pretty normally. Now for the other thing while I had the clan stuff open I couldn't do an f11 to report this in game as I tend to do in game reports more than just posting it up here. @Christendom @koiz Ya'll might want to double check ya'lls to since it looked like it removed ya'lls clans but some one got them back on. Can one of you check to see if you can do an F11 with clan info open or if it's just me. I do tend to break things in game lol
  9. That first day I got the first green on green kill in 10 mins to the only person to ever make my ignore list in game and than we took like a billion basic cutters (think it was more than 9 but not over a dozen) and killed ever LVG we could fine....it was like shark week and your girl just started her time of the month....lol Than it got old real fast with the grind. I think if they started it with the way ship knowledge is now we would retain some more players and it would burn so many out that was just tired of things like grind. Hell I'm burned out and been taking the last few weeks off. As for OP though yes we will prob have one more wipe by time it goes live or maybe just beta as I don't think this game will ever be finish it will just roll into BETA and than maybe live some time after that. Though we do need one more wipe when that happens and be allowed to set up chars and new names and such.
  10. Instead of CLOSE can we code it to type the name of the freaking port/outpost instead? While I haven't done it in a long time but I delteded the wrong post before and lost a good all gold fitted Reno cause I clicked on the wrong outpost I wanted to remove. If it made me type the actual name of the outpost I would of been like, "Oh crap that is the wrong out post." As per the image in @Ink post here it all ready ask you what out post. Just make it where instead of CLOSE I would have to type "Ambergrease Caye" instead to make sure I'm being an idiot and clicking on the wrong outpost. And if you type the wrong name for the port your trying to close give an error message. This right here will stop a lot of accidental ports closing while still having goods in them.
  11. Can't vote on this as I prefer other optoin. Treated as pirate while smuggler flag is on and any one can attack you even your own nation. This will stop folks from running around with it on all the time. Pirates do ti cause well every one can attack us any way, well every one could until FFA battles was removed. If your want to smuggle you need to be sneaky about it or be treated like a pirate/smuggler/criminal. The other thing is it creates a battle against a Pirate Smuggler, but pirates can only join that side as if they are pirates. Thus they should be treated as pirates when they have the flag on.
  12. This might been a translation issue problems as I know AIB clan is Brazilian and most of the only speak Portuguese. I'll see if I can get a hold of there clan leader or the guys I know that speak/understand English to pop on here. With the recent removal of the FFA system I'm sure some folks might think you can do it in normal battles. To be honest if your of another nation and you see a fight that is not of your nation fighting I think you should be able to join wither side or hell kill every one if they aren't of your nation. Green on Green should only effect same nation players to be honest, but hay this would be a good Call for @Ink to think about since pirate FFA has been removed. Also a trick the Nationals been doing is they keep the smuggler flag on. If they tag each other the other is counted as a pirate smuggler and pirates can only join that side. Which in my book means all along if you have a smuggler flag on you should be treated as a pirate and any one can attack you. Again going to to see if I can get the AIB guys to pop on here as it might of just a game rules change issues and not knowing the mechanics.
  13. I honestly think it should send you back to /YOUR/ closest outpost. This will also give reason to restrict the basic cutter to only if you have no other ships to keep folks from just using it to grief and jumping back out and bugging folks. Though still closes friendly port is good move. Cause hated getting sunk in the shallows and being sent to a deep water lol
  14. Are a wall of shame, I know our guys did one and lost 1-2 ships (think they got one back but the other was sunk). They did get enough chest to make up for the lost ship, but they went in thinking it was going ot be a cake walk. I know other nations on GLOBAL has lost a good number of ships too. The Wall of Shame would be more funny for those events lol That is also why I think we need a reputation system. You fall so bad or just go pirate but you have the chance in game to gain reputation and join another nation without forged papers. Remember it's in game so it will take some time. Pirate is suppose to be hard core mode so it shouldn't be for new players, it should be a path you choose after you learn the game but have that chance to take that path. I switched over to pirates back when you could do it in game by attacking your own nation. Yah it had bugs, but if they tie it to a reputation system than there is no accidentally going pirates in game. He reminds me a lot of DOOM and his guys, wish they came back. Though got to say he does the solo thing well to you nationals. We have a few others that use to do that but they would only hunt around the capitals cause it's easy pickings. They just need to know they can do the same in other waters. I just look at the ports and see what are the most valued ones and that would be where I hunt. I have yet to make it that way in game though. I really haven't been doing much PvP other than PB's cause I'm a bit burned out in the game and well I took the last two weeks off in game for the most part cause of it.
  15. Honestly Pirates should never be a starting option. It should be something you become in game only. This would limit any baby seal clubbing which you don't see often cause if you do like we did on GLOBAL. We police our own. If your out hitting new players and low levels we jump in the battle and sink the person that is tagging them. If the big clans police there own waters you don't have an issue with this in the pirate nations. Just ask what happen to HELL and TRR clan on GLOBAL when they went outlaw on the nation, didn't last a day before they disbanned and rolled another nation. Though both of those was assumed to be US alts/loyalist players more than anything trying to disrupte our nation. If this was a problem on EU server it's more it's an issue of the players not doing what they should be doing and this goes for any nation, protecting there low level players around the capital.
  16. I"m really surprised it's not another shallow that you can get deep water ships into like a few others cause of this.
  17. .16 is a big diffrence and there are other things you have to look at like the turn rate and turn acceleration of the ship and lost of speed while turning for that ship type. Constitution always had a higher turn rate, it lost it back when they balanced it for new ships that came in.
  18. I noticed it's a 3 day cycle on GLOBAL. Some ports make great money but others are trade runs and you only see a profit every three days as those folks make there runs. I think we own 22-25 ports right now and that is 2.5 million a day we pay. We make enough profit on average to pay all but about 600K. Which is easly covered with some one doing a mission or two. Though it does let you know the active and high profit ports, but it might just be folks doing Trade dumps on certain days if it only goes up every couple days. It's the ports that stay constant at the same rate that you know are very active ports.
  19. Normally I wouldn't post empty port battles but the interesting thing is these new BR's going to mess things up so much. They should of just did a few ports as test not all and some of the old ports that where big battles is going to be so limited on how many can get in.
  20. I think the snow was the biggest when I started well that I could properly man as they gave use Niagara and Renno's for free. Hell when the Bucc came out I still couldn't crew it. Though I think having the class ship would work for what we see in open world. So lets say I'm doing trade runs in my LGV and you see me in the OW. Curse [BLACK] Sir Texas Sir in a 5th rate Merchant (Trade) ship BR 110 So lets say I have the Bell Poule which is basically the same hull as the LGV and I have the Perk Miss Direction per @admin post above. With out the perk it would show this. Curse [BLACK] Sir Texas Sir in a 5th rate Frigate BR 180 BR's can be adjusted if some one is under crewed or has fleets. If I had a fleet it would list Curse [BLACK] Sir Texas Sir in a 5th Rate Frigate 1 5th Rate Frigate in Fleet BR 290 (the fleet ship is a Reno) Now lets say I have the Miss Direction perk and it will list the like common ship. Only a few ships can be used to replace trade ships. Curse [BLACK] Sir Texas Sir in a 5th Rate Merchant Ship BR 1 5th Rate Frigate in Fleet BR 220 (the flet ship is a Reno) We need some info cause so folks know that it's not AI they are tagging, but we don't need to tel them every thing. In fact I wouldn't even listed the adjusted BR for short crew. Folks shouldn't know this until in battle. The only reason to list BR is to let folks know if it's more than they can bite off or tag. Though in the last one my BR is actually higher it's not much. Now where you would see the big surprise is folks thinking they are tagging and Indiaman and finding out it's an actual Aggy instead.
  21. Me and Midnight been playing HOI4 lately just to do something different. Think I just need a break for a bit and sure I'll be back. HOLLY BATMAN 5K? Well that puts me now at 5th most post on the forums, I honestly need to get a life lol again if would be a great perk for pirates only. Many folks have added some great ideals to make pirates more pirate like and different from other nations. Fine take the out law battles out, but give us something other than a broken Nation with a black flag. If you want to bring more players to the game having 10000 nations exactly same isn't going to do it. Hell I would say each nation should get a perk for that nation. Kinda like how we had the Nation Refits by regions but make it something you gain from playing that nation only. This will give folks reason to play other nations than just there home nation or the most popular. honestly adding new nations that had nothing to do with the theme of the game is a very bad thing. Next your just going to start doing micro transactions to get more players to play. You instead need to find out why folks are leaving. Don't do you info from here. Give an actual survey in game when folks log in and use that feed back. I bet you will found the majority opinions are not the same of the minority big mouths on here (including myself). I'll be honest removing features and pretty much saying that there won't be any pirate mechanics every they are just a nation is making me not want to log into this game. I only stuck around this long in hopes you would do something with them.
  22. And folks wonder why I haven't been playing much lately? I was actually trying to do Prussia but some one had to tell his former clan my alt and ruined that. Didn't even care to keep the ports we took. Just let them go back to Neutral. Since we are prob never going to see pirate mechanics every or a Privateer faction I'm honestly tempted to just roll Prussian and play it as it has a pretty cool flag. Just not feeling the game any more.... In three port battles we tagged some low level that turned out to be some other pirates an alt. We used an Outlaw Battle in one where they could join and we never moved from location and another we tagged an AI and sat in the battle for the hour and half before port battle. So he acts like we did it all the time. The reason we did it was cause the tag BR system was broken. Once it was fixed with Battle groups we rolled right up to the port battle and entreded it every time. Though we been catching his buddies tagging each other to escape fights over and over the last few weeks. Than again maybe if he played more he would know. I hardly see any of the J14 guys any more. Yep freedom that just means we are just another nation so what is the point to being a pirate any more? Other than my Dane that I rolled over to Prussia on GLOBAL i have all my papers on all my chars so that is 4 times still to change. I just wish they had a rename token or I would actually re-roll another nation and Prussia has a mighty fine flag to boot. I just want to do it under a new name and one more fitting of a privateer of that nation. Now if they ever come out with the Barbary Corsairs I'll be over that....I mean we have freaking Russians, Prussians and Polish nations in game why not Barbary too?
  23. Good tool, but they still need to list players ships and BR in the Battle Group.
  24. @admin Was thinking about this and battle groups gives you no info. I mean nothing other than player name compared to normal groups. Maybe you can add the ship and BR of the player to the battle group and maybe have a BR total listed next to the battle leader? I think the battle leader should be one ship by it self above the group (you have the 25th player to the side by himself). This would make organizing Port Battle fleets way easier cause if your off by one BR your going to have folks locked out side. I think BR would work better now cause than you can't have 3 basic cutters out cap a 1st rate sitting in a circle. Yes three 4th rates will win the BR and cap it, but 3 Renno's won't have the BR. The Reno's can kite the edge of the circle and keep the cap, while the 4th rates can actually kill that solo 1st rate. This way it forces you to put more ships in a circle to keep the cap if you have a bunch of light ships compared to a team with a small heavy fleet. The other thing is the bigger light fleet can just go cap the other circles if the heavy fleet has to few ships to control more than one circle. I think circle capping points need to prob be slowed down some more with less ships in the Port Battle it will encourage folks to battle it out for the points. @admin As per above the Battle Fleet group needs more info. Just ship your in and BR would be enough info to help do your battle groups. Maybe a total BR calculator of fleet. @Intrepido Was the battle won off cap points? Looks more from sinking them, but was wondering how the circles where played out with the numbers. I'm thinking some ports will need higher BR numbers as limiting big port battles to only a few 1st rates is going to piss off a few players that want to play the TOP END ships. If you don't want to fight 25 1st rates than don't attack a port with bigger BR. Yah I'm all ready expecting folks to just screen with a SOL fleet to keep the smaller fleet out of the battle and just win it out side. Now you will have to bring your Port Battle fleet and hope you got the BR counted right. Than every one else go in a screening fleet and they cover any BR that is missing from the PB fleet once they enter.
  25. 7 ships to cap three circles? Uh this going to be nothing more than a bunch of guys runing around greifing the circles......I think it might be wise to go back to the old one circle thing. Cap the circle points by keeping control of it or just sink every one. If you get your math off wrong it's going to mean some one gets let out and now why even fight inside when all you have to do is bring a fleet of 1st rates and screen them out of of the battle cause they only brought 7 ships to match the BR? And as above maybe brought down to one circle control/king of hill type way to win if you don't sink folks. So I take it the Shallows have a BR lock of 100? Does this mean the Cerberus and Niagara can get into them are do you meany all none deep water ships below the Cerberus can get in but nothing Cerberus or above (deep water). Might be time we get that Pandora ships in game to test out lol We might need this wrote out a bit more clear. As per above does this mean Cerberus and below ships or only ships below it. I seen it wrote both ways so far. Getting folks set up for port battles was all ready like herding a bunch of Kittens. This going to be a big pain in the arse getting the right numbers and ships, than keeping from being screened out by a larger bigger ship fleets. Maybe trick will be to bring 25 folks in a fleet and only have the 7-10 guys go in as plan but the rest stay out and fight? Trusting not that some one will just jump in that wasn't suppose too.
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