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Naval Action Tester
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Everything posted by jodgi

  1. Naval Action Legends! So excited I can barely keep myself from squeling like a little girl.

  2. La Mona to Flatts with LGV used to take 01:45 hours before traders were hit with speed nerf (test bed). I could set off a small ship on a long afk sail and note time, would that help?
  3. This is all in your head, though. EVE has alts en masse too, and that's the greatest sandbox ever, right?
  4. I like your thinking This has been discussed a lot. Apart from what Anolytic said, how could you make alts illegal? How would you enforce those rules against production and crafting alts? Maybe someone wants to play a national character in addition to his main rat alt?
  5. They will once they know how it looks.
  6. Answer your own test question, Bach.
  7. I actually want to be a pirate and don't mind any limitation you guys mention, except one. Everlasting battle instances is worse than every other limitation combined. This is why I go tin foil hat mode and speculate it's put in there to deter as many pure PvP players as possible from rolling rat. An alternative explanation for lolROE could be to shut up the "I wanna help my friends" guys by giving them an outlet for their pile-on and snowballing gank dark desires.
  8. Aren't rats still one of the most popular factions? I wouldn't be surprised if they already hold back on great rat mechanics to avoid excessive faction imbalances.
  9. Speak for yourself, grumpypants!
  10. 1.6.8 looking good.
  11. What do you mean by this when people can stay in safe areas forever? Risk is a choice in EVE, it's the king of "computer protectionism".
  12. Because I'm THAT dense? I accept that as God's honest truth! However, I find that blend to be so diluted that it offends me. It's not common to see this brutal honesty about PVE/PVP ratio of 300:1 when we discuss the OW sandbox, though it has popped up from time to time with admin quoting the numbers at one point. I really am dense because I still dream of a PVP filled and fun OW.
  13. I could show you a video of me and Doran trying to dismast each other unsuccesfully for 40 minutes. I have no illusion of changing your mind whatever documentation or opinion I provide. I only post to steal the wind out of your sails in this attempt to make NA balanced more towards hull bashing. I agree!
  14. Ok, then, fair enough. Here's a chart of a "period that encompasses two major null sec conflicts, the Fountain War in the summer of 2013 and the Halloween War in the autumn and winter of 2013-2014. The overall NPC kill to player death ratio was 248:1 during that time period." I've never seen anyone suggesting there is no PVP in EVE, I'm simply pointing out the, in my opinion, absolutely horrific ratio. I know full well many sandbox fans are fine with this, I don't seek to change anyone's mind. All I ask is to have my complaint noted.
  15. Maybe I understand your point perfectly but disagree strongly at any rate?
  16. EVE is definitely a success as a long running online game, but "success PVP oriented" has a very specific ring to to it. Boring numbers:
  17. This is where you and me part ways. Anyone fairly good at #2 can deny you good rakes, and that makes the "one trick pony" a complete donkey. I'm not theorycrafting, I'm talking from my own experience fighting the best. Outlier statistics. Winning 1vs2 is a leap year and full moon thing. To do that you have to get really lucky meeting two very incompetent opponents.
  18. Red herring. Noone who knows about the wind gauge is going to let someone walk over him with mast sniping. The actual shooting at masts is a mechanical skill you can practise against bots. The good tag, maneuvering, timing and use of wind to force the initiative and advantage is a deep skill I still feel I'm learning. I truly can't fit "low skill cap" into my experience with duels and attempted dismasting.
  19. lel You remember how well I was able to protect my reno masts that time down in Mexico? Sheesh... Still have nightmares
  20. ?! I do not hit a mast with every ball, far from it. I'm working on becoming as good at it as possible, though. Wind is very, very important. The last duels I did we both worked on disabling masts, but the fights ended in crew disparity and boarding before any mast actually came down. Look at Liq's OP vid: 7-8 32pdr balls to break a mast is not easy against someone who's "protecting" his masts.
  21. Sure, but I know some people who are better at it than others. "Simplifies" is not the word I'd use but I agree with your general drift. I disagree about lowered skill cap, tho. Poke me if that ever becomes a problem and I'll help you get it back to balance. I don't understand. How can hull bashing (including crew and cannon loss) be more interesting and challenging than keeping an eye on hull AND sails AND crew AND masts?
  22. Anyone can bash hull. Hull, masts, crew- and cannon raking needs to be balanced, but if you balance everything towards hull meta the game becomes dull.
  23. The layout is perfect for long trips and that is the primary use of maps: It gets a tiny bit awkward with short to medium voyages: If scaling is a fairly easy thing to do it might be worth it? Also... The speed in your tool is set to instance readout. Since all navigation is done in OW it makes more sense to use the OW speed readout(?). If you set speed and then change waypoints the speed setting changes (bug?):
  24. I'll do my bit. But I have to warn you; The people in the channels I frequent are a lot like me, so...
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