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Everything posted by admin

  1. По деревьям вопрос редким чего не хватает? чего слишком много? Слышал на стриме что из за изменения привозов некоторые порты стали казаться бесполезными- почему?
  2. Please provide feedback on trading in this topic
  3. Captains! Please provide feedback on trading (trading only) Report on trade routes, what is working, what is not working for you. Do you find good opportunities or not. What became better - what became worse after the patch. What would you like to be added (in terms of trading). ps. keep in mind that trading missions will be added after localization too (crafting, ship delivery, resource delivery, and transport of goods).
  4. i will set up a separate post on trading.
  5. I do not understand what this means. Can you rephrase? name specific prices/ numbers and goods?
  6. yes. Thank you for the suggestion - we will give an option for a 2d back paint instead of the 3d port. we will start working on it in 2 weeks - so hold on.
  7. такое редко может происходить - можете отменить ее через журнал? Abandon в журнале (Journal)
  8. What is the nick name of the player on the server and what ships you had in a fleet? Hotfix only removed ability to capture first rates using fleets. Should not have affected you.. Maybe you need to relog or port and info on goods will update in your holds.
  9. The game is not forcing you to harvest everything at once. You can harvest everything at once if you want to and sell the surplus to other players who dont want to harvest the hemp.
  10. скоро не будут
  11. ну пока есть пара выводов уже трейдеры должны остаться богатыми пвп лут должен подняться до уровня приемлемого для поддержания дохода нуля совсем быть не должно - какие то деньги на корабле всегда были
  12. admin

    Didn't get Christian

  13. Captains. Those who deleted their account on testbed and started a new one did not receive a ship as gratitude due to the way how total xp calculated. If you have fulfilled the testbed requirements - gained 10000 combat xp and gained crafting levels please report in this topic with the following information for investigation and christian delivery. 1) Name and nation of the player on testbed 2) Name and nation of the player on live servers Best Regards
  14. Hemp rope, canvas and hemp related items required a lot more work than iron in many cases (according to Boudrout books) In terms of price .. 4000 hemp is a huge supply enough for multiple first rates. 40000 hemp would cost even more. I do not understand where is the problem.
  15. thanks - yes will check.
  16. You do not chose rank and ship for kill missions now. Port agents do that now. Player just picks the port where he likes the agent. Currently the distribution is this 1) capitals - 6-7th rates 2) free towns - 1-5th rates 3) normal towns (not county capitals) 3-5th rates 4) county capitals - 1-4th rates. kill missions do not count for hunt missions - because hunt mission is for OW hunting.
  17. I think you are exaggerating. And after it happens once they might add a combat ship to a fleet or actually try to fight - 4 indiamans is how many guns? Bots have unlimited chain i have heard.
  18. вот меня блин что пугает - может много слишком ? по моему так обесценятся они скоро и пропадет драйв и адреналин…
  19. Please stop assuming that others can understand or can not understand real reasons. There are no resources to focus on all the reasons or customer groups. Currently this is not a game for everyone. And there is no point to please everyone. But there is a certain pattern of players who like the game if they are helped to get to what they will enjoy right away.These are people who like what is already in game and there are people who will never like it (they drop off). The goal of the new player operations (basically a checklist) is to guide people who could like the game to the right activities - right away. All other potential players could be handled later step by step if this first step succeeds. ps. Retention of players who are in clans or participated in a group activity exceeds retention of people who are not in clans by the factor of 10. And those who stay stay for hundreds of hours. Now please focus on real suggestions on the operations for new players that will lead them to CURRENT FUN ACTIVITIES, or just ignore this topic and dont waste everyones time.
  20. на фрегатах сливы почти бесплатные - если не ставить модули на 2 млн (в керенках старых деньгах)
  21. they will learn to find hunting spots themselves because bots tend to concentrate (because of wind patterns) and their lower speed but this will help to judge which class can be found where
  22. Admiralty tracks kill mission success rates and moves them to another higher difficulty if they are too hard every monday. This will take 1-2 weeks to stabilize. You can easily judge the complexity of the mission by the number of stars and number of enemies. You can take the best 5th rate into it and try again - it will be easier with experience and better fit outs (dps and tanking mods are best for pve). We are monitoring this too and adjust missions based on the statistics adding easier patterns (or harder patterns) if neeeded. Eventually free towns and regional capitals will have hardest missions and normal towns and capitals will have easier missions so you can find the place for you. Today 3 more patterns were added to 6th and 7th rates (easier). 5th rates will be added later this or next week. There is also an easy short cut. There are a lot of frigate only regions - just find a hunting spot and hunt in the open sea ignoring kill missions completely. You can pick time and place and attack the way you want. You can even hunt easier ships attacking them on YOUR terms (not on kill mission terms).
  23. that was a metaphor.. it needs to be balanced of course. But i still remember my first 4 hours on my second Dark souls tutorial boss…
  24. there eventually will be unique icon for every item. or at least some id system (rarity or short name). Drawing them requires time.
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