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  1. those are old contracts in the pre-war money )) they will expire and disappear.
  2. its a bug.. investigating
  3. We doubt that you receive 2000 doubloons from every trader brig. Its an urban legend. But they can carry less or more depending on what they are trading and what they are bringing back. Whats important is this: every ship matter now and every npc or player ship can carry something exciting. PVP is profitable if you hunt people who are carrying something. 3 PvE challenges will start on monday, and pvp operations, tournaments and conquest missions are not in yet. The game is not finished, unfinished soups sometimes feel weird.
  4. I dont understand the problem … can you rephrase?
  5. это баг сегодня правят и выдаем
  6. War server concept unties our hands so we can get our vision out. So many things can be moved to clan warfare now. You are looking at the unfinished product
  7. You probably have not read the patch topic - its a bug - will be updated most likely today.
  8. There will be conquest missions and orders to take out clan based ports and operations after localization which will reward players for ports and give special things for pvp. It was discussed quite a while ago. You are looking at the unfinished product. Now in terms of sailing to enemy ports our design vision is now set. War server: adrenaline, risk (much bigger risk), excitement Peace server: calm, tranquility and relaxation Peace server does not force you to hunt ai in the enemy territory due to neutral ports you can hunt them everywhere in peace and calm. If you don't like "much bigger risk" move to the Peace server. War server means - action is in enemy waters or being in defence fleet revenge ***nking bastards in your home waters.
  9. Well in the old interface you could not do it at the same time (had to switch to crafting). Now you can open forge and equipment window at the same time correct?
  10. 1 - No..we wont add option to craft guns from the ship equipment. What next? Add Trader tool to gun slot set up? Why not go futher. Add chat to gun equipment boxes in case you need to ask something. Craft enough guns, and equip them when you need them. From the warehouse or by clicking directly on gun slot. 2 - Ship knowledge is usually placed one and adjusted later. And it is easy to pick the knowledge - click on slot - select book you want to use. Like before. Knowledge presets per ship type could improve usability but not going to happen in the foreseeable future - all focus is on localization now. 3 - you can already equip refits from warehouse and chest. Click on slot of upgrade and it gives you this option. 4 - Remembering repairs same as knowledge preset could be a good idea but not going to happen in the foreseeable future
  11. The number of clicks old interface was higher you follow this route No-one most people crafts guns when equipping the ship usually players make guns in advance. Equipping guns - 18 clicks... if you have 4 + 4 + bow guns - you will require 18 clicks or 9 clicks and 9 drags at the minimum. You can only go lower if game learns to read players mind Equipping ship knowledge ? 10 clicks? If you have 5 boxes to move 5 things you will require 5 clicks and 5 drags or 5 clicks + 5 selections. You cant go lower and you cant really go higher Extremely hard searches to split repairs? Video please - i don't believe that its extremely hard to split repairs. Hard calculations on gun poundage? Can you elaborate in detail? Also you don't need to open warehouse or hold to move things there. There are short cut commands - should be indicated in tool tips.
  12. Conversion of trading resources is correct. Number of items was reduced on many resources and all trading resources are now 100 tons. The conversion prices were posted in May and google doc with conversion rates was open to the public for months (whole summer and half of autumn) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wskSxkK0nJXCQ-Z-DxJcVFXu_ztPKo0huf4SUHbKQ24/edit#gid=1524048379 So what you are witnessing is correct. Full wipes will also happen before the release.
  13. There is one topic on economy rebalance no need to create new ones, creating confusion and wasting time searching for your ideas in multiple areas. Locked.
  14. No- you are incorrect Cost of ships that were on auctions was determined by the players before the patch. Npc ships will update soon, player contracts will have to expire. Also dont forget that NPC ships are free to capture in the open seas (no insurance though)
  15. first rates are top class ships that should not be easily replaced by couple of clicks here and there. Having said that I doubt doubloons are the bottleneck, i actually know they are not the bottleneck. You just keep associating them with expensive pvp marks.. they are not pvp marks.
  16. Steam reviews are a function of current mood indeed. But current mood is caused by sudden and sinificant changes combined with new ui. New economy is better than old economy. It just feels like a shock. Some players say full wipe would be better @Sovereign analysis was repeated by many . Maybe they are right.
  17. No one was ever banned for constructive criticism here lately. But in your case the cause of the ban did not contain any criticism Patch note feedback discussion topic Me (to another player): ... i think the cost of teleport could be higher... Your friend to me - Exact phrase: Watch your mouth. If you call this constructive joke you are in the wrong place. We warned everyone multiple times that patchnotes and patchnote feedback are for patch discussion and feedback only; their goal is to help us fix issues and improve features fast. We don't need people here who tell us to "watch you mouth" when we are expressing our opinion on our forum.
  18. We want lineships to be more expensive. And valuable. We want captains taking captured line ships home instead of sinking them. And we would love revenge fleets trying not only to get their ships back but also taking all gold doubloons back and more.
  19. i personally feel that tp prices are far too low
  20. But for them - what is their quick math if they capture your (their) ship back? Is it 8000 to 0? or 8000 to 8000?
  21. Ok. So why dont you sink that player who just killed a trader brig? Sometimes you find empty targets. Sometimes you find rich moguls. Way of life? I personally like it better. Every ship matter. See a trader brig? Why dont you sink it - you need that money.
  22. We strongly suggest captains to gather all information before trying to connect the dots and make statements like his. How many player first rates did he sink? In addition to that.. Quick math is flawed. If 1:8 return on sinking is bad maybe he should ... cap.cap cap.. capture? Like capture and get it for free? Saving all 8000 doubloons by capturing is not an option anymore? What is the return quick math in capture? I am not good in math.
  23. Trolling in feedback topics is not allowed. Focus on feedback. This is not a place for riddles, leave them for wenches in the tavern.
  24. PVP against noobs in capital waters? Port battles against lineships? Which pvp is unprofitable? We don't give fixed rewards from no on.. That was bad design. In pvp you get everything that pvp player had + some crew pay and fixed prize money.
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