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Everything posted by admin

  1. You can only get compensation for buildings you had before the patch. I doubt you had this building before the patch. Several new buildings were introduced this patch - its in the patch notes. Forge did not exist before Everyone received reals in the amount to open the wiped buildings. Reals were applied to your account. If you had a shipyard lvl 3 you also received 6k for every lvl 3 shipyard you had. Only shipyard required doubloons and thats why people are talking about doubloons compensation (people who had shipyard).
  2. Academy is a new building and did not exist before. We don't think its reasonable to compensate for something that did not exist I still dont get how you lost 8000 doubloons if you lost none (you spent 6k on buildings and spent 2k on academy) - which cant really count as lost.
  3. Fantastic and wrong. Shipyard requires 1k for lvl 2 and 5k for level 3. You probably opened academy as well or spend those doubloons elsewhere (or put them to warehouse)
  4. agree.. i though it was fixed by us. Shallow water ports must give orders for shallow water ships.
  5. We think it should be 99 maybe 999 max.. and the rest should be carried in hold. so 9999 is a good compromise
  6. will rephrase.. i edited the post and added more info.. war server will be risky - but you actually will need to sail much less once you find your hunting spot.. All first rates are around Yucatan, hispaniola and lower antilles. Just move there and you actually have a better time and more fun (pvp fighting other people like you) such problem does not exist on Peace server and pve oriented players will just move there.
  7. I think you have not read my reply in full.
  8. The date does not matter because we thought its going to be 20-30 days and took 3-4 months (check valve time laws that apply to all game development even in best companies) PVP marks and combat marks were abandoned as a concept. and more wipes are coming before release. complete wipes will take EVERYTHING away (with the exception of XP and Crafting XP). You can expect 2 wipes before the release. One on release and one some time before it (20-30 days before it). but i understand your frustration completely
  9. super.. will check the logs of this battle now.. code shows 3.5 knots limit as before
  10. reals are already applied at patch installation doubloons are coming soon!
  11. well it does not tell you that yet.. But i just told you. so what are you going to do? You can make 10 more posts asking what academy building does but nothing will change about it in game , players will ask and you and others like you will tell them until all tooltips are in.
  12. peace server has enemies near local waters - near almost every port war server does not. please pick server that fits your player profile. On WAR server: British port = British waters = British ships. There are lots of solo bots too and lots of small fleets 1-2 ships.. But they travel on the map.. so you might need to find their routes. You know.. like finding the deer in the hunting games. (no sarcasm whatsoever) - we want players to find hunting spots, instead of constantly clicking attack button in the capital area.
  13. admin

    Food Supllies lost

  14. так а зачем гриндить? забирай чужое чтобы без сарказма частичный вайп обещался 4 мая забор марок навсегда введение новых валют обещался 19 апреля мы предупредили как можно раньше… но понимаем что сейчас это шок
  15. impossible.. please screenshot of boarding letter appearing at 8 knots
  16. the costs are in the description. tooltips are not final and will be updated some time in the future. academy allows you to make crew related upgrades (like british gunners)
  17. all resources were converted to new resources (like oak planks to logs) or old resources (like artifacts to artifacts but with new weights or/and prices) it was in the google doc - topic on partial wipe was posted 4th may.. topic on removal of combat marks and pvp marks on 19th april
  18. так в этом и смысл вайпов частичных - чтобы посмотреть как работает гринд и правильно ли настроен можно конечно выдать всем по миллиону дублонов и в релиз выйти с непроверенным балансом
  19. no you dont. We all know what many pvp players do - some hunt pve players PvP players also can get loot from pvp players… It can happen. Its just now they have to carry it back home - in hold and risk it.. All ship matter now.. Even that small cutter can carry 15000 doubloons.
  20. а какой смысл? если после локализации будет пред релизный вайп всего кроме экспы и крафтовой экспы (возможно редкие книжки останутся если не переделаются). И в сам релиз возможно еще один вайп ресурсов и активов после финальных тюнингов так как после релиза их уже никогда не будет. локализация ближе чем вам кажется
  21. Patrol rewards will be updated tomorrow. they use old coins
  22. doubloons for shipyards are coming today.
  23. the cost of reopening will be provided in full reals already in doubloons coming today
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