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  1. We cannot comment on this yet.
  2. As said in another reply. All beautiful ships even sister ships must be introduced as separate vessels. There is no vote on this and there never will be, as i am sure you would prefer to grind 1 sister ship than regrind all ships. Win Win.
  3. Old model is great and is done correctly and is still ONE of the best looking Constitutions in games i have seen. New model is not going to be introduced as skin (impossible - because its a different model - even adding one port to a model will require a different server collision model - ball needs to fly through the port - so skins are only possible if it is just paint) New model is not going to be replacing another ship ID (impossible without the ship db reset). DB reset will reset knowledge slots on ALL ships. Thus all refits will always be introduced as new models with new knowledge required. unless - something drastic will require us to reset the DB - for example - proper introduction of officers (and their careers and stories) that could require adding ship officer stations.
  4. it does not indeed - the only way to fix it is to remove talking to enemies in battles. it will be painful but the chat will be clean.
  5. You cannot fight human nature that sometimes forces alpha males or alpha females to exhibit strong language and reactions. The only way to solve this completely is to remove communications with enemies. We offered the option to remove global chat and all conversation with enemies like this happens in other successful games. But the community did not want to do this, and were ok with occasionally using the ignore function. As a result we can only rely on reports and their volume (delayed resolutions), based on rules established by the community and valve. But the only way to keep the chat completely clean is to remove ability to talk to the enemy like WoW did.
  6. Natural repair balance can be achieved with increase price and somewhat realistic weight Сurrent repairs weight is too low. You can repair 10000 hp (for a ship weighing 3000 tons) by using just 100 tons of repairs.
  7. Patch notes for Port UI update 12th October. It is now possible to install an upgrade by clicking on a free permanent (upgrade) slot in the ship interface. The list will open that will show available upgrades based on Captain's chest, ship hold and warehouse. It is now possible to install an ordnance by clicking on a deck slot in the ship interface. The list will open that will show ordnance based on deck's requirements and availability of ordnance in ship hold or warehouse Requirements for ordnance are now based on calibers instead of classes In the port shop ordnance is now also sorted by various tabs: Medium Guns, Long Guns, Carronades, Mortars Ship hold, warehouse, Money and Upgrade chests were moved back to grid Mission log has been added in Open Word interface Switching between outposts now requires doubloons, amount of doubloons is based on player's rank: 1 doubloon for intitial rank, 10 doubloons for the highest rank. Please keep in mind that the numbers are not final and might be tuned in future. Multi-selection icon has been added - once multiple items are selected it will show quantity of items and total weight during transfer. Rewards from claiming completed mission are now stored in warehouse (in case warehouse is full, rewards are stored in ship hold instead) The option to move items by clicking Alt - Click is now working as well for fleet/docked ships and ordnance equipment in the ship interface The Academy building now opens related blueprints to craft when clicking craft button. An icon representing overloading state is added in Open World interface Various economy tunings Multiple bugs has been fixed, and include a lot of interface windows improvements
  8. Both ships will be in game as separate vessels.
  9. Hello Captains Thanks for the beautiful pictures in this topic Thanks @z4ys and @Wind (long time ago) for interesting historical references on flag visuals during naval multinational parades. Need your opinion which picture you like more Grey Blue reply in comments
  10. I have no idea man - are they so annoying?.. a lot of people complain in private and F11 that they need the acknowledgement pop ups on actions otherwise they dont know what they did. We added it on player feedback. Like deleting the player has 3 acknowledgements now, to protect players from themselves.
  11. You are the member from 22nd Februrary. You have seen almost 5 big patches and lots of hotfixes. Patch notes have always had in the main post. This also has been the way in the majority of games and forums. 1st post patch notes - all other posts and pages are discussions and comments. They are always duplicated on steam page in news section. What are you saying you could not find them on 20 pages? Where did you look for them?
  12. New players is the best content and UI and localization is focused on the best content pvp game can get - lots of new players. We encourage all captains to show excitement and encouragement to all new players and lurkers in form of positive energy here, on steam forums, in game and in reviews. And try to convey the importance of current priorities to all. Another thing that could help responding to players asking for lots of new content NOW is to show them the size of the our indie development team (2 programmers and 1.5 artists) and explain that demanding AAA volumes of content immediately from an indie game is unrealistic and impossible.
  13. Its very easy to change bad features if you are actually working on the related things. class system was outdated and we were working on equipment and store UI at the same time. While we are at it What else is annoying and can go away? Like the cannon class system?
  14. Historical stern of Christian
  15. Time for some interesting WIPs
  16. we dont know the plans for permits for now
  17. Crew upgrades (upgrades representing people or crew members) Will fix soon- we did not prioritize this high enough Cannons installations and usability High priority - an elegant solution to all cannon problem will be provided some time next week. All cannons slots and store will move to calibers - classes are getting abandoned.
  18. If i understood you correctly. Then everything is working as intended OW fleets do not count towards kill missions as kill missions require you to sink a designated target within the instance. Keep in mind also that bot distribution will be changed and will be more concentrated in the future after next couple of updates. Some areas will have a lot more ships of the line, some areas will only have frigates or light ships. Hunt missions will become more predictable, and or sometimes dangerous.
  19. Some news Warehouses and holds will move back to sortable grid view. List looks great (like the old goods journal) but is sometimes inconvenient (especially on small screens).
  20. just checked. everything is working fine.. arrows work, other buttons also work (both OW and battles)
  21. "Змий черный под короною золотою, Казанскою, крылья красные” - Это описание герба эпохи екатерины 2 С 1830 года этот змий был частью большого государственного герба империи (на левом крыле)
  22. btw which book is this from? i want the source for this painting
  23. I think it was used pre-revolution so technically it was a British flag
  24. i think tutorial should give a M&C rank; if its not broken then you can do a tutorial to get reps and money but still have to get 10000xp in combat gaining next rank. Are you sure final exam gives a rank above mc?
  25. Goal 2: Gain lvl 10 in crafting (we have significantly increased building production to make testing easier).
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