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Everything posted by admin

  1. Thanks Manis Will get them done in game Everyone please post more on other countries as well - if you find any beautiful examples.
  2. there will be a Admiralty call for volunteer shipbuilders and cannon builders very very soon. We have promised it for a long time and will be ready hopefully by end of this week.
  3. Были разосланы финальные приглашения тем кому не досталось ключей в первый прием на прошлой неделе. Ваш статус изменен на Тестер и теперь у вас есть доступ к закрытому разделу где есть вся информация для продолжения банкета. Всем спасибо
  4. Final invitations have been sent and member status updated to tester. You now have access to a testing forum which has all the necessary information to proceed. Thanks everyone
  5. if open world prototype works many of things you mentioned could be possible.
  6. Hello Captain Estimated time to arrival in the age of sail was usually very vague - keeping the spirit of that time we will use same ETA standards. Ship will most likely arrive in July.. but.who knows what might happen.
  7. Wow.. thank you Firetight
  8. Hopefully yes . But as we found in game development nothing can be said with certainty.
  9. not in July of course also "release" is a strong definition.. we prefer early access alpha
  10. spacebar
  11. HOME button detach the camera from the ship and brings it back you can move the detached camera with WASD and increase speed of movement with mouse wheel
  12. wow it lags so much .. strange. what software are you using for recording?
  13. у нас все на сервере даже вода
  14. почти всех позвали кого не позвали добавим завтра просьба всех у кого ники киррилицей переименоваться (англ буквы) - иначе в тест не попасть. прием закрыт
  15. Your status will be updated soon you will get access to the testing forum that has download links etc.
  16. he is very upset by the way that you did not like his invites.
  17. its impossible but will check asap
  18. will investigate thank you
  19. Some people like Picasso, some like Eminem. It is impossible to balance for everyone - some players will be unhappy with what we are doing and it's fine. "If you defend everything - you defend nothing" Frederick
  20. To a FSX or Ship simulator multiplayer focused game. CS GO could be a good alternative comparison.
  21. We promised to be direct and honest - so not going to provide marketing fluff here. We use community driven development. We develop MVP (minimal viable product) with 1-2 features that are awesome and best in the industry and then work with users to iterate and improve. So far we were able to create 1) Best looking age of sail visuals 2) Fun, deep and realistic representation of age of sail combat (that will become even better with tweaking) 3) Multiplayer functionality On early access release we will have these. Hopefully Open world prototype will also be launched at the same time - (prototype only). If OW prototype is not fun - we will cut it and focus on player requested features only. Like custom battles, custom servers etc. If open world is fun and awesome - we will be spending more time on sandbox.
  22. we plan to close applications thursday. and will send keys and links to the registration form in the PM.
  23. we switched it off because we thought it looked ugly... but can bring it back. if more requests come
  24. hmm it should not be officially available yet. Will check asap. Probably you were able to download it during a test of steam functionality for Mac. Patch and full version is going to be provided this week (most likely).
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