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  1. you mean something like Cha Ching... ching ching ching.. and floating numbers flying away from the enemy ship that you have to click fast to increase XP rewards?
  2. Тут спорный вопрос В реальной жизни капитан не занимался ничем из вышеуказанного (кроме тюнинга корабля, указанием где класть балласт и как, как подрезать мачты или какие паруса покупать). Провиант покупал интендант, выплачивал жалование казначей, он же получал деньги в портах, он же иногда воровал. Мы бы очень хотели эти элементы в игру НО, как представим что это надо делать 1000 раз после каждого выхода (у меня уже 800 часов в игре) как то не хочется морочится. Поддержание корабля сейчас заложено в ремонт. Некоторые классы кораблей можно сделать намного дороже в ремонте.
  3. Pirate mechanics were discussed extensively on the forum. We assumed that many players read the forums and actively participate It was also claimed that pirates are not a nation, but a collective of captains who are free to attack whoever they want. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/4637-open-world-prototype-starting-nations/?hl=starting+nations Teamkills you mention in your comment was clarified recently. Green on green is not allowed. But if you attack another pirate properly you can sink them.
  4. If the fire is far from the magazine of that vessel And if the player has enough crew to put down the fire on survival Then explosion will not happen. Explosions currently happen ONLY if fire reaches the magazine.
  5. Спокойней товарищи Капитан Блекетт. Мы долго обсуждали идею стоимости поддержания корабля. Частично она будет реализована повышением стоимости аутпостов в финальной игре (сейчас они дешевые чтобы игроки быстрее находили баги). Дешево будет поддерживать 5 кораблей. Дальше аутпосты будут расти в геометрической прогрессии. Но само поддержание и деградацию корабля считаем не нужным. Так как это игра. А жизнь это жизнь. Наказывать игрока за то что он не заходит в игру особенно учитывая что он за нее уже заплатил считаем не нужным. Это дорога - возвращайтесь на нее когда вам удобно. У многих семьи, дети, командировки, учеба и так далее. Рейты сейчас легко доступны потому что мы так решили для тестов. Как только в требования к званиям добавятся так называемые honor kills (потопления кораблей вашего или выше ранга с условием приблизительно равных батлрейтингов боя) количество рейтов в море уменьшится.
  6. thank you Darby
  7. we have 10x better tech. Unity wanted to buy it but we refused. Nvidia wave works works only on the huge exhibition computers with 1 ship with no moving parts.
  8. We always post patch notes within 24 hour window after patch if there is something to say. And usually those posts are pinned. We are working on boarding and crafting right now.
  9. Don't join pirates. Pirate gameplay = hardcore gameplay. On average you should not expect anything good from a pirate, with some exceptions.
  10. Durability loss is intended. What should not happen is repair cost after you surrender.
  11. Warning - ruleset change. Friendly fire for pirates was initially allowed to provide the opportunity for group vs group fights. OW was always pulling all the pirates to one side in the instance (even reinforcements) and as a result 6 v 6 were always 11 v 1 in the instance. Many pirates started to use this mechanic always joining the friendly side to sink the opponent. No group fights were happening.. only abuse. We have to change the rules as a result. Rule change. Sinking, boarding, or denial of the derelicts is not allowed against friendlies for anyone. Any green on green kills are forbidden. If friendlies sink you file a F11 report from the battle, make screenshots, and report it to Tribunal.
  12. On the surrenders it is a bug. We will investigate. Surrenders have to just take durability down and leave ship intact. On the team damage we will make a statement in a separate post.
  13. You can say so. National stores and admiraltys are very easy to do and they can bring a lot of flavor.
  14. Don't forget to visit the store near HMS Victory, you can even buy a Luger there.
  15. You are missing a point - right now no battle has formal win or loss. By resolve I mean, you are very damaged, but demolished an opponent, having a satisfaction of victory. And now at this point a third side who lingered 3 km away ruins everything. There are no 3sides in football.
  16. I am sure you can sail our ship selection like Renommee, Mercury and Constitution in ... what was that game's name? I always keep forgetting ....... we want some vessels to be locked to a nation and Some extremely rare. Unique vessels will be available: From national admiralty stores From developers for the contribution to the game or to community (together with court ranks and plantations) From capture or from rogue traders Certain resources will be required to build those ships, and you can deny Superfrigates to USA if you capture live oak sources in port battles.
  17. Mercury is available for testing. It does not mean it will be available so freely. if there is no Mercury available you will buy a Brig. Do you see a lot of privateers or trincomalees for example?
  18. Why you are forcing yourself into those vessels? Renommee is a great ship. Those ships from Mercury you mentioned are not going to be easily accessible in the full game. Average player progression will look more like cutter, brig, snow, Cerberus, frigate, bigger frigate, that's it. Constitution will be a US only ship. To sail it as a Frenchman you will have to capture it or find a rogue US captain to sell this ship in your port. Some vessels will be PVP rewards only. Lineships will definitely be tied to pvp honor kills only.
  19. 3 sided battles are not going to happen, because in such battles last side to join will always win. In battle you need a clear friend or foe identification + a clear resolve.
  20. It's a second report we got. Can you please send your dxdiag and zipped log files from naval action folder to our support email
  21. will review but not next patch.. please remind us in 2 weeks
  22. вес всех орудий несопоставим с весом корабля... 12фунтовка весила около 1.5 тонн.. тяжелый фрегат 2000-2500 тонн водоизмещение
  23. Not trying to protect anyone but as far as I know they attacked you some good distance away from plymouth.. (at least day away or something). + They did not know such events were happening. When they found out about such battle they arrived to plymouth area and followed the truce. + They don't speak english so not sure they were able to comprehend your requests to let you go + RAE attacked them before and sank them, are you saying that if in the future if they ask RAE to let them go to some event you will do it?
  24. Это вызывалось наклоном от повреждений.. сильное повреждение кренило корабль очень сильно несколько вариантов потоплений будут в игре. с креном на борт, на нос, на корму и как сейчас возможно для увеличения разнообразия крен от повреждений надо вернуть (они есть но не такие сильные)
  25. ROE encouraging PvP will be addressed in depth after boarding, basic crafting, and port battles.
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