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  1. Some time ago this painting could sell for millions of dollars
  2. Users who get stuck with a camera under water with no ship please report in this topic Issue is caused by stuck items. If you buy ships or move items or upgrades right before maintenance. They don't get enough time to update and this can cause your character to get stuck. Please avoid doing transactions with your upgrades or ships when maintenance (server restart) was announced in game.
  3. Problem was caused by the start of maintenance when you were doing something with your items In the future please avoid buying ships or changing or moving items right before maintenance (server restart) starts as this might get you stuck. We will fix this in the future Your player was sent to port - should be working well now.
  4. whats your nickname in game? is it the one in chat?
  5. its always centered if it is not in a full right or full left position. So if you lock it to the right by double click .. just press left and it will center.
  6. We will experiment with entering other national battles for one of the sides.
  7. Thank you for the kind words You will have to wait for Steam store. We cannot set up alternative payment methods unfortunately at this stage.
  8. You lost all durabilities on your vessel and need to buy a ship in this port. Basic Lynx is always free.
  9. Attacking enemy players is a valid mechanic and is not considered toxic behavior. For example during the glorious first of June events Vanstabel convoy 170 - ships captured 40 british prizes on its way to France. You might consider it a realistic mega gank fleet. Howe fleet also captured a lot of smaller vessels, including unarmed traders with no combat experience. During napoleonic wars a lot of frigate captains received promotions for capturing multiple smaller prizes. That small vessel could be carrying precious exceptional frigate drawings or repairs for a damaged fleet which will later sink you. Delaying it might help you defend a port. But at this stage there is no cargo and attacking a lynx gives no rewards to high level players. The reward is the fact of catching and sinking someone, and apparently it is good enough for some. BUT if the player is griefing then it is bad and should be reported. As far as I remember no ship can catch a Lynx in instance. Ow curves are getting fixed this patch.
  10. We moved some instances from PVP to PvE to add some PVE servers for easier levelling in sea trials but bot behavior got bugged as a result.
  11. перекинул команду на весла, не можешь перезаряжаться (все на веслах) но зато гребешь против ветра. но пока не до весел.
  12. that topic referred to sea trials only (which are still running)
  13. We believe that pod mechanic from EvE online will create unnecessary hassle for players who sank.
  14. Thanks for answering for us Konali
  15. When you click on the game on steam before launching it there is a second option (radio button) - report crash It will send us the logs IMPORTANT If you launch the game (Before sending the crashlogs) they will disappear. Launching the game overwrites the logs. So you have to send the crashlogs before launching the game.
  16. Да только недавно сами узнали что Павел был любимчиком Ушакова. Будем активно пиарить значит Меркурий, который "потомкам в пример" имел весла! но мы их пока не закодили. возможно резко поменяет геймплей для некоторых кораблей
  17. То что мы его выбрали не значит что он кого то победил мы любим все корабли. и если бы могли сделали все.
  18. кого он победил?
  19. there is an indicator on TOP of the screen telling "Can leave" if you can leave the battle
  20. В тестеры только купив игру. Напишите письмо плиз на адрес компании указанный на сайте с просьбой.. возможно помогут. Все обещанные корабли в работе тему посмотрим крафт пока даже не приступали но уже ближе к началу работы.
  21. its a Russian 2nd rate ship of the line Saint Paul.
  22. Rattlesnake - тесты размера пушек. Бриг Меркурий
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