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Everything posted by admin

  1. You just don't see it yet. But you will see in game. Because reinforcement is positional people in battles can sail out in front of you (from behind the island). We believe that 1.5x is great anti-ganking balancer for cases when you DID NOT SEE the ships on the horizon (hiding in battles, ports etc).
  2. In battle you can capture and continue the fight in an NPC ship. After the battle it will be taken over by the god and the country
  3. Thats a good change - because it allows a lot more content for pve actually. for example 25 first rates pve fleets to fight
  4. you can capture traders
  5. Monthly content patch will be deployed tomorrow 13th of April. What's new: Main and the most exciting feature: Land in battles We developed an amazing tech fully replicating open world land in battle instances. This will bring an extra dimension to combat visually and in gameplay (especially when fighting close to land). Expect multiple bugs with this feature including performance related issues. Very large battles close to land will most likely lower your FPS. To minimize the problem we suggest tweaking the settings. Rules of engagement changes Land in battles changed Rules of Engagement. Players who are pulled into instance will spawn in exact positions form the open world. If you have enemies ahead of you they will be ahead of you in battle. Please be more careful when engaging enemies and avoid situation where you can spawn surrounded. Lag compensation visual circle is added. When you select a ship you will see a small circle around it. If you attack the enemy within that small circle your spawn positions are not guaranteed. If you want to guarantee exact position for spawns attack outside of that small circle. The land in battles spawning has not been tested in large player base environment and we will need your feedback. Reinforcements changes. Reinforcements are now positional, but they always come a good distance away from the main engagement. Because spawns are now fully positional and you can place yourself very close to the enemy – ships now start the battles with guns unloaded (as it was some time before in early testing) Important: Port battles will continue to be played in separate instances (old system) until their full rework in the next content patches. Soften the ganking. Ganking is considered a main problem by a large portion of the community and needs to be lessened a bit. We are bringing back an old feature FOR TESTING that was in game before the release. Initial attack does not have any limitations as before. But entering the battle is only possible if there is less than 1.5x BR difference. In this case if you got yourself into an even fight enemies close by will not be able to unbalance the battle. Of course if you see a large fleet on the horizon its still better to run. Attacks in the protected areas are now prohibited by design (even on NPCs) to avoid pulling your fleets into battles by hidden alts or by mistakes We are aware of the counter-tag issues and ROE will be addressed eventually. Mortar brig added Historically accurate mortar vessel has been added to the game. Its main purpose is to destroy land fortifications and stationary ships. It is not fully tuned gameplay wise and we expect you to provide a lot of feedback on the mortar brig gameplay and potential improvements. Mortars are switched on by pressing K. Min fire distance is 1.5 km. Ball takes 30 seconds on average to reach the target. Duel room added If you enter the duel room the combat will automatically start with another player waiting in the lobby if he has the same ship as you. In the future the threshold might be increased. Please provide feedback on the battle timers and exit timers in duels. PvE content Large NPC fleets added to open world Generated Epic events adjusted to your group size have been added to the open world (randomly placed) Fleet orders added to mission list – allowing players to participate in group NPC battles Fleet orders can be entered as a group You can now take missions of every level (both fleet and single ship missions) Important: Combat NPC ships are now transferred to the admiralty after capture – admiralty immediately provides the compensation for the captured ship durability. But you cannot capture NPC ships any more. Trading ships can be captured. Other changes You can now disable reload (by keeping the ability to fire) for the whole broadside by pressing F5 - this will free up men if you don't plan to use that side of the ship in combat Leak system reworked. If you shoot at the right places when ship or waves are in the right heel or position you can sink the ship by just generating enough leaks. Group size has been increased to 12 people for the open world combat and events. Small and large battle events only accept groups up to 6 men to avoid un-balanced fights in the events. All ships up to heavy frigates have been added to NPC stores. Extra notifications added for creating new characters and for deleting the outposts. Hopefully this will reduce the accidental deletion of outposts Clan officers can change the clan descriptions and kick members from the clan. When installing cannons you will see their effect on speed in the port ship description. Known blueprints no longer drop for the crafter Enable/Disable enemy communications option now works in instances Ignore list now does not allow trade invite spam Extra graphical options are added for land visual settings (to lessen the land effect in large battles close to the shores) Disengage command now cost 45 preparation (works both ways) Unprepared ships start with 25 preparation when boarding begins (you are in battle and are somewhat prepared to boarding fight anyway) Price movements are disabled for NPCs - producing ports make and sell goods at one price, purchasing ports buy goods at one price to fix several minor bugs allowing random high income in several cases. NPC resource consumption increased for several goods NPC purchase price bonuses removed Bot behavior bugs fixed before major overhaul in the future - no work on bots will be done for 1-2 months Penetration systems slightly improved Hammocks bonuses increased Grind has been somewhat addressed by lowering the XP thresholds Fixed bugs: Several redundant messages removed Battle circle of death synchronization bug fixed Ingermanland is now a proper 4th rate Steel tool box now gives absolute bonus not % bonus Several bugs for NPC behavior fixed Several boarding visualization bugs fixed Several repair time bugs fixed Several graphical bugs fixed on Le Gros Ventre FXAA can now be switched off forever (it was enabled every time you launched a client) Several minor bugs with crew management fixed Bot reload bugs fixed Cutter positioning on water in the OW somewhat improved Multiple bugs and problems probably introduced. Expect the patch tomorrow. Steam announcement will come out tomorrow as well. Next content patch will focus on issues mentioned in the development priorities poll
  6. Attack rules and ROE will be reworked. It has some legacy problems that needs addressing After land patch hits we will update it fixing the holes in the system
  7. choose a side is a left over mechanic that was added when the online was lower in testing to allow more varied battles
  8. admin

    Premium Ships

    Crowd funded ships are not premium ships they will be added to all players.
  9. Pirate discussions are everywhere these days Lets stop them until the discussion on the politics patch will start. Right now there is no point to talk about obvious things as other things are being worked on.
  10. Тема закрыта оставлена тут для примера 1) во первых тег тирлимпомпом - как бы показывает ее несерьезность 2) во вторых неструктурированный текст - непонятно что тут писать и кому большинство предложений пишется в конкретных темах есть тема про абордаж про крафт про торговлю каждые в своих разделах интересные предложения писать надо туда - новые темы информацию только теряют
  11. Too many alts openly admit it and disrupt national chats this is not allowed from now on.
  12. тема превращается в треш модераторы мышей не ловят 70% постов про онлайн и прочее мое твое закрыто
  13. From this document Articles of war 1757 http://southseas.nla.gov.au/biogs/P000354b.htm 3. If any officer, mariner, soldier, or other person of the fleet, shall give, hold, or entertain intelligence to or with any enemy or rebel, without leave from the King’s majesty, or the lord high admiral, or the commissioners for executing the office of lord high admiral, commander in chief, or his commanding officer, every such person so offending and being thereof convicted by the sentence of a court-martial, shall be punished with death. 4 of not acquainting the superior Officer with any Message from an enemy If any Letter or Message from any Enemy or Rebel, be conveyed to any Officer, Mariner, or Soldier, or other in the Fleet, and the said Officer, Mariner, Soldier, or other as aforesaid, shall not, within twelve Hours, having Opportunity so to do, acquaint his superior Officer, or the Officer commanding in Chief, with it; or if any superior Officer being acquainted therewith, shall not in convenient Time reveal the same to the Commander in Chief of the Squadron, every such Person so offending, and being convicted thereof by the Sentence of the Court-martial, shall be punished with Death, or such other Punishment as the Nature and Degree of the Offence shall deserve, and the Court-martial shall impose. 5 of Spies, and of delivering seducing Letters &c All Spies, and all Persons whatsoever, who shall come or be found, in the Nature of Spies, to bring or deliver any seducing Letters or Messages from any Enemy or Rebel, or endeavour to corrupt any Captain, Officer, Mariner, or other in the Fleet, to betray his Trust, being convicted of any such Offence by the Sentence of the Court-martial, shall be punished with Death, or such other Punishment as the Nature and Degree of the Offence shall deserve, and the Court-martial shall impose. XVI of deserting, or inticing others….Every Person in or belonging to the Fleet, who shall desert or intice others so to do, shall suffer Death, or such other Punishment as the Circumstances of the Offence shall deserve, and a Court-martial shall judge fit: And if any Commanding Officer of any of his Majesty’s Ships or Vessels of War shall receive or entertain a Deserter from any other of his Majesty’s Ships or Vessels, after discovering him to be such Deserter, and shall not with all convenient Speed give Notice to the Captain of the Ship or Vessel to which such Deserter belongs; or if the said Ships or Vessels are at any considerable distance from each other, to the Secretary of the Admiralty, or to the Commander in Chief; every Person so offending, and being convicted thereof by the Sentence of the Court-martial, shall be cashiered. Hereto. Open admission of being an alt, enticing to join another nation, trolling national chat to disrupt it is from now on prohibited. If you are a spy - stay silent. If you admit you are an alt of another nation your alt will be permanently banned from chat. Report open alts by using the report function.
  14. National news disabled until further notice Captains are requested to be nice to each other from now on.
  15. This is an example when the idea is not thought through properly. Because Relative direction will make ganks easier not harder. You sail further than swords - and voila you are near the enemy or maybe even ahead of him Relative direction existed before in early version. It did not work .... short timers reduce gank for me. If the fleet cannot organize themselves the stragglers will be sank. This actually happened multiple times during napoleonic wars. Short timers teach players to sail as a fleet, not as a disorganized mob. Losing a station position was a punishable offense. Exactly for the above mentioned reasons (losing station = possible loss of a ship or death)
  16. все что на гринлайте обещали уже сдано и шикарно работает - особенно 10 кораблей и три типа погодных условий на главной странице тоже как бы все аккуратно обещалось
  17. well it was done to spec (blueprints) It does look small
  18. если ввести зарплаты и провиант на рейтах ездить перестанут, но в игре останется 30 дедов тестеров
  19. Чего в игре нет это зарплат стоимость виктори 66 тыс фунтов (с учетом перестроек еще +100 тыс фунтов) Основные расходы были еда и зарплаты из 19 млн фунтов в год 18 млн фунтов это не корабли - это провиант зарплаты обслуживание в портах и тд и тп
  20. Окей давайте посмотрим в 1808 году Англией было спущено на воду 111 кораблей общим весом 120 тыс тонн Общий размер флота 1100 кораблей Расходы в 1808 году на флот составили 19 млн фунтов. Численность матросов и офицеров 130 тыс человек Для сравнения Российский флот (заказы флоту с 1800 года только для балтийского флота за 10 лет было построено 5 первых рейтов 5 вторых рейтов 32 третих 6 четвертых и 50 24ф фрегатов Кстати классный фрегат нашли - Спешный - копия Endymion который мог идти 15 узлов
  21. You are underestimating time required to police the NN section; time that can be used elsewhere for example on helping new players, searching for great design ideas and monitoring the gameplay discussions.
  22. Британский флот на 1815 год имел 30 первых рейтов 25 вторых рейтов и 300-400 третьих рейтов Вполне достаточно чтобы приводить на портовую битву 25 рейтов. Мы уже писали что если бы нельсон догнал вильнева на карибах (он гонялся за ним по всей атлантике) то Трафальгар был бы в районе Густавии
  23. Так получилось Игра делается с ориентацией на то как было в эпоху парусников и почему. Поэтому получается вот так Такой расклад возможно устраивает не всех - вопрос проблема это или нет? если цель показать как было...
  24. It will be fine. You are exaggerating the forum pvp harm
  25. i also heard origin laptops are good i had one before - worked very well. it is a company launched by the guy who created alienware.
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