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Everything posted by admin

  1. We doubt ports will be undefended in the new system. It seems that you either did not read my original post AT ALL! Decorated war heroes are mentioned in the original post as well as potential to purchase the title Our comment referred to the proposal = everyone votes like it is 1920 Statement to all This topic is moderated. Think before posting and read statements carefully BEFORE JUMPING TO CONCLUSIONS Otherwise you might be deemed as an off topic poster and ranter.
  2. You probably have read the steam page before buying. Steam page warns about the UI and the bugs. qui locutus est paratum praemonitus praemunitus
  3. You can be very influential but if you don't login in the right time your votes don't matter.
  4. Representation through Participation. If you have not captured land for your country - why should you vote? You need 2 hours to capture the port in mexico. Maybe 20-30 mins if it is undefended
  5. Simple rules. Ask a question if you need a clarification – if you have questions in your post – just leave questions and post comments in other post. Dont mix questions with comments If you don’t like something – propose alternative explaining how yours will work better If you don’t like something but have nothing to say – stay silent. Always quote the point you are referring to Off topic/Ranting = friendly silence will be applied for a week. Topic describes who can vote and how in determining national policies and nothing else. Alliances All nations are at war with each other/ Unless you have signed an alliance Alliance gives the following options You can support each other in port battles You can enter each other battles You can enter each other ports You can build in each other ports Any nation can have 2 alliances (maybe three) to eventually force all nations into 3 blocks. Potential other states of national relationship Neutrality/Peace agreement Trade war War The rulers/parliament initiate the proposal. The proposal is voted by lords. If both nations have proposed and voted the peaceful change in the national relationship it is formally signed for 30 days (or longer?) and must be mutual War can be shorter (until war points level reached declaring a winner) and does not have to be mutual Who can vote: Voting system is based on the simplest and oldest mechanic of all. Owning land. If you own land you can vote – you are the landlord – or simply lord If you don’t own land you can exhibit heroic feats – then you can become a lord and get land by lets say winning a lot in PVP If you don’t have heroic feats you can marry into the Lordship by buying a special item To get land you have to capture a port. Thats why all ports start neutral (except for capitals) Every port grants from 25 to X estates depending on port size After you won the port battle you are allocated estates based on your rank If there are less winners than 25 lord protector gets the difference Lord protector is a person who earned most victory points in the port battle (port assault flag will be abandoned) Number of estates owned determines your court rank. Your court rank might give you additional points. Person with most estates will become a ruler Top 50 (or maybe more) estate owners become parliament They get a separate parliament chat for private political discussions Ports are controlled by lords. Lord protector can determine entry rights National decisions are enforced by design. If captains don't like national policies - capture more ports and change the decision. Maybe a large guild in opposition to a government should get an option to become a rebel, starting a civil war allowing them to capture ports from existing owners getting votes to change national decision deposing a current ruler. Foreign nations can incite civil wars and pay rebels to weaken enemy nations Making ports valuable. Owning ports = owning land If you own land you have more people More people means 2 things: Increase labor hours generation for estate owner which could spill to the nation as well Increase crew regeneration – because crew has to be hired and fed and rehired in case of full loss of the ship Short inspirational guide on the differences between lords The baron wears a cap with 6 pearls. The Viscount wears a coronet of which the pearls are without number. The Earl the coronet with the pears upon points mingled with strawberry leaves. The Marquis one with pearls and leaves. The Duke, one with strawberry leaves – no pearls. The Royal Duke, a circlet of crosses and fleurs de lys. The Prince, crown like that of the King but unclosed. The Duke is his Grace; the other Peers their Lordshps. Most honorable is higher than right honorable. Lords who are peers are lords in their own right. Lords who are not peers are lords by courtesy. There are no real lords excepting such as are peers. This document does not discuss piracy vs privateering: this will be discussed in a separate topic. Do not bring pirate discussions into this!
  6. Hello Captains Many players have expressed concerns with the positional reinforcements after 1.5 BR limit was disabled. The main concern is the positional reinforcement that allows to circumvent the time compression and spawn ahead of the enemy in battle. Its a critical issue and we are working on fixing it. Old positional spawns are not solving the problem because of the land. We have figured out on how to fix it but it will take time to code in. Meanwhile we can suggest bringing 1.5x limit temporarily to make positional reinforcements bearable.
  7. They do give the best results per battle if the battle is even. The problem likes in results per hour - good pvp battle is harder to find.
  8. Stop posting pve vs pvp topics please. PvP provides 3x xp and money compared to pve. People get up to 15,000 xp and 500-800k gold for port battles. People don't PvP for other reasons and giving more rewards for PvP wont change anything. You can have 10x reward for pvp and you will still get nothing in a 10v1 gank losing your ship. The majority of people talking about PvP rewards also were against anti gank 1.5 BR limiters. Hardcore pvpers were all supporting 1.5 limits. PS. You pvp to hear lamentations of enemy women not because you need rewards.
  9. Did you ever win a 25v25 port battle? Do you know what rewards people get when they sink 25 lineships in the port batle? In addition to that if pve rewards are so huge - why dont you use it to your advantage - level up to your favorite ship and never visit pve again. Whats the problem AP?? People go to pve because the love it.
  10. it was around 1.5br diff not more From the challenge letter send by HMS Shannon As the Chesapeake appears now ready for sea, I request you will do me the favour to meet the Shannon with her, ship to ship, to try the fortune of our respective flags. The Shannon mounts twenty-four guns upon her broadside and one light boat-gun; 18 pounders upon her maindeck, and 32-pounder carronades upon her quarterdeck and forecastle; and is manned with a complement of 300 men and boys, beside thirty seamen, boys, and passengers, who were taken out of recaptured vessels lately. I entreat you, sir, not to imagine that I am urged by mere personal vanity to the wish of meeting the Chesapeake, or that I depend only upon your personal ambition for your acceding to this invitation. We have both noble motives. You will feel it as a compliment if I say that the result of our meeting may be the most grateful service I can render to my country; and I doubt not that you, equally confident of success, will feel convinced that it is only by repeated triumphs in even combats that your little navy can now hope to console your country for the loss of that trade it can no longer protect. Favour me with a speedy reply. We are short of provisions and water, and cannot stay long here.
  11. Its just your opinion and we disagree with it. But that's the purpose of the forum - to disagree. USS Chesapeake frigate was lost to Britain because of the honor duel. Other ships in harbor did not come out to help uss Chesapeake. I dont see it happening in NA - thus rules must be tuned and searched until Age of Sail honor is provided (FORCED) by design.
  12. Stop creating 20 topics about telepor (temp title) Tow permits (fast travel) is not going away because I like it. Some things might change about it but its not going away
  13. 1.5 rule might come back I tried the positional reinforcement with it and without it . I like it less without it - thus it might come back if we don't come up with the better thing people learnt to stick together. and there were more even fights.
  14. People shoot sails a lot less in battles that are somewhat equal. Sails are involved in battles where enemy can run away. Thats the only way to stop the ship. Unless there is POTBS magic (slow down enemy by 50% by magic shot) that will remain the only way.
  15. 1.5 br limit was removed based on the player feedback
  16. will investigate thanks for signal Captain
  17. we approve all posts about naval warfare in the tavern!
  18. the 1.5 br limit was a test and i don't think it achieves its goals
  19. what about just food for sailors
  20. мы не знаем насколько финальна система стрельбы - полная информация будет выдаваться когда она будет закончена
  21. в корсарах было неправильно - там еще и крысы жрали ядра Пушки не взрывались. Посмотрите фильм про Петра первого где он за пушку не выдерживающую тройной заряд обещал купцам головы рубить. Их проверяли и делали на совесть. Информации о том что на больших сражениях врывались от выстрелов орудия в источниках нет
  22. they travelled there before but it was greatly reducing the ability to find them - now they sail closer to land so you can find your enemies easier.
  23. admin

    Hotfix 9.73

    What's new: Orders and Fleet orders now give XP to the whole group Contract bug fixed - that forced players to sell to contracts lower than NPC prices Invisibility and invulnerability timers unified - 30sec invis, 60 sec invul for all parties Fixed bugs: Spawns in lands chanced reduced Mixed decks gunnery bugs fixed (carronades no longer affect long guns distance) Prices fixed for several resource production buildings Tunings: Minor changes for guns and carronades. Reload slightly increased for lower class guns, damage reduced. 6 lb guns are most affected. Ram leaks briefly reduced before further rebalances Bots have lost the ability to equip best reload mods Low ranked bots accuracy has been reduced.
  24. таран уже с четверга приведен к старым значениям таранить стали потому что вспомнили старый способ
  25. эта проблема точно решится позже если ввести теряемую команду и офицеров но тогда точно станет меньше пвп
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