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  1. По реалистичной реализации ценных и важных ресурсов 3 идеи пока золото - с изменением крафта под это - есть золото = лучше корабли офицеры и прочие перки рабочие часы - город дает добавку к часам. Нет портов = нет часов или вообще матросы - в городе много людей - там можно нанимать больше матросов (когда экипаж станет наемным) = нет портов - нет матросов Но - Все идеи повышения ценности портов упираются в то что они дают возможность сильной нации завалить все остальные захватив эти порты. Все остальные решения эту ценность приводят к текущей реализации. Когда все есть у всех Можно конечно не парится и как тут ктото предлагал ввести марки победы и ресетить карту - убрав ряд кораблей с крафта выдавая только в адмиралтействе за победы на карте (или как токены в ВОВ)
  2. Hello all. We see a lot of commenters who oppose this change (implemented for testing). We would like to issue a statement regarding it. Goals of the 1.5x change Reason 1. Reduce ganking This change affects only the following player He sails in a large ganking group looking for smaller groups to sink He can't keep station and sail as an organized group - spreading out to find more targets so they all could gang up on them He wants to join already unbalanced battles (for example he wants to join the 10v1 and make it 11v1) He wants to sit in battle and then jump out and join the instance after their tackler tagged someone on the OW It will not affect majority of players, especially those who already fight mostly outnumbered. Reason 2. Reinforcements are now positional. You can sail further from the swords and enter from another side - spawning at some distance ahead of the enemy - replicating reinforcements coming from another side. If 1.5x was not added ganks would be a lot worse. There will be no chance to escape. Commenters opposing 1.5x do not think about this (yet). Our goal is to protect interests of an average player. They are silent and only read the forums; not speaking up much. We are their voice on this forum. Players who complain about 1.5 are advised to attack enemy fleets of equal size or bigger. 1.5x won't exist when you attack a superior enemy. Finally this change only concerns reinforcing players. Those who are pulled in during attack all get in. So you can still have a 25v1.
  3. Exactly. People not keeping station will suffer. Pro-Ganking will still happen. But lazy gankers (who can't keep station) will start providing food for actual pvpers.
  4. If hardcore players say xp is too easy now - it means its just right for an average player. XP change is a great change allowing players to try ships they want and sail their favorite ship or move on.
  5. there is no blueprint for mortar brig yet its coming in the future.
  6. We are all family here so we will tell it as it is. People who oppose 1.5 change are supporting ganking from our opinion. Wolves will always find ways to find food.
  7. Lets ask toyota's 5 why's Why they are sitting outside of the fight? Because they were away from the pulling zone Why they were away from the pulling zone? Because they were sailing away from the main group Why they were not keeping station sailing away from the main group? Because they were slower Why the avant guard got ahead of themselves knowing the group could be split up?
  8. Tackling did not exist in the age of sail. You could not expect a tackler to stop a large fleet.
  9. all movies end. You got the last rank - experienced things you wanted. Why somebody needs to put you on some imaginary treadmill with a carrot in front of you? Ah.. actually You can reroll to spain and bring caribbean back to the spanish crown- how does that sound? Or Suppress the piracy for example.
  10. pressing k is not enough you will figure it out
  11. dont ram until its fixed or tuned its not penetrating leaks related... leaks could be generated by rams and they depend on speed and relative mass and vectors during the collisions. If you hit the enemy bow into bow with both ships going at max speed you both will sink
  12. Port battles mechanics have a lot of posts on the forums (incl alliances and wars etc) Yet Over the last month 800 people participated in the port battles out of 20,000 players who logged even once.
  13. its not a bug the old ship was a 3rd rate and has 3 durabilities
  14. players have not yet fully experienced the benefits and negatives of positional reinforcements after they do 1.5 br limiter will sound like a blessing
  15. That means world collide In our world most pvp players disagree with this statement. 2 min timers made pvp better especially for smaller groups. Its hard to find middle ground here. Our position is and was always this: ganking has to be reduced by design.
  16. just a little bit is a relative term 2 mins = 2.4 hours sailing
  17. You are not thinking your comment through.
  18. not really.
  19. the position on the BP has changed over time and the way they work might change in the future even more. If you learnt a skill - lets say a skill building a certain ship a certain way - we believe its kind of hard to transfer it to someone who has not.
  20. NPCs sailing all ships now. Including large fleets of first rates. To avoid problems with imbalances caused by this capture is switched off. Its just a checkbox on the server. if its wrong its going to be changed. Don't let us question the open development .
  21. If you wanted to join a 3v1 gank as a 4th player - turning it into 4v1 - yes, you won't enter that battle. thats exactly what 80% of the players wanted
  22. the only difference between those servers is ability to attack players and buy assault flags. no other difference. so changes affect all servers.
  23. In early access is the best time to test things. We suggest to lessen doomsaying and experiment - together.
  24. Statistically people don't lose ships much on the pve servers. I am sure it is 10x easier to build ships on PVE1. We are ok with cutting something people like if it brings other things that are a lot better - which is much better variety of enemies on the OW. If we want to improve pve content the ability to capture must go - + its somewhat historical. Admiralty always took the captured ships away.
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