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  1. To reduce kill xp farming by ramming or surrendering kills are given only if you actually destroyed the ship. Thus you might not get kill xp in several cases. perhaps it needs to be reviewed in addition our view is this xp replicates battle experience. If your enemy sinks himself with no influence from your vessel perhaps you would not gain battle experience in real life? so if enemy kills himself for some reason - you are not getting battle xp but main reason is xp farming.
  2. Docking rights wont be affected initially = you can park ships of the line in all deep water ports - the limit only concerns port battles. We will see how it goes and listen to users. Niagara is too strong for shallow water ports - not sure about it yet. 32lb carronades melts other ships Defenders get points for owning the capture zones but in design they might not need them. Battle flow will change and will revolve around capture zones - enemy fleet can sail wherever they want to but if you control the zones you will win the battle. For example. Enemy fleet sailed away - their return path is against the wind. Then your hiding cutter can win the port battle recapturing the zones back when enemy cannot realistically return to them in time. It will also bring more variability to port battles making fast ships more valuable.
  3. Feature that definitely will get in Port battles will split into 3 levels next patch (eta mid may) Regional deep water capitals (unless its a shallow water port) - will accept all ships Normal deep water ports - will accept ships up to 4th rates Shallow water - will accept ships up to brigs Request: Please change outposts docks accordingly and start re-positioning your forces Feature that might get in with patch or in a next hotfix Port battle flow will change dramatically and will be rolled out for testing Port battles will still be not connected to land (next patch) Changes Battle circle of death will be removed Towers will remain but will not be an objective BR difference will be removed from the objective 3 capture zones will be added to port battles to win the port battle you have to do one of the following destroy enemy fleet completely or Gain enough victory points Victory points are gained by the following Losing ships loses points based on the BR of the vessel Killing ships gives points based on the BR of the vessel Controlling zones gives points Zone can be captured by any ship If enemy ship is present in the zone capture stops and the enemy must be destroyed first The zone will be 1 -1.5 km in diameter to disable trolling and line hugging What we will be testing - distance between circles, victory point allocation, bugs etc. Warning - you will lose ports with the new port battle systems because they are new and will take practice. You are doing port battles for testing and improvements not for pride and glory (it will come later). Points, circle sizes and distances might change dramatically during testing. One thing we are unsure about is wind. We are proposing to just use the wind from the OW forcing attacker to pick the right moment and the day (if wind strenght is implemented). Initially the wind will stay as it is right now.
  4. Это будет после изменений портовых битв в бой в течении х минут сможет зайти только группа атакующего порт после х мин вход свободный так если у вас есть 25 человек вы зайдете тем составом который нужен
  5. вам сейчас кто мешает с друзьями купить флаг и захватить порт?
  6. that's a bullshit statement for 2 reasons sea trials 1 end of march online was 0 - but you could get into a santi in 1-1.5 weeks tops much longer progession increased retention and online never touched zero after OW introduction. If you were right (about the real fun) 7000 of players would play in their favorite ship in april 2015 once they leveled up In reality 0 people were playing when they could get something they wanted very fast If it was so fun and fast (with pointless barrier) why online fell from 400 PCU in Jan to 0 in March when people opened their "the real fun" ships. Your statement is wrong, but strangely you don't acknowledge the possibility of being potentially wrong in your post. Which makes your statement bullshit to me (respectfully)
  7. если оффтопик и флуд будет продолжаться тема будет закрыта в теме можно 1) писать конкретные предложения структурированно и по пунктам 2) критиковать и хвалить или либо то либо другое и предлагать альтернативы предложений других с указанием цитаты на контент который критикуется (обязательно) 3) критические замечание принимаются только с расшифровкой почему идея критикуется с обязательным указаним что будет работать не так в случае внедрения предложений. 4) Комментарии типа (фигня, мои интересы не учтены, жаль, и прочее являются шитпостингом и не принимаются во внимание) остальные посты = флуд и оффтопик и не соотвествуют "разговору по делу"
  8. если вы топите корабли тоннами - то вы а) в клане б) дружите с каким то кланом с) в состоянии утопить корабли тоннами на портовой битве вариант с) даст вам все что вам нужно перефразируя: не важно сколько вы т-34ок подбили будучи крутым танковым асом. если вы потеряли берлин то голосов у вас больше нет - теперь они у Жукова ценность для нации это захват земель если вы отцепом помогли кому то захватить землю мы уверены они учтут ваше мнение. Но имхо вам их мнение и не надо - так как см. выше вы топите корабли тоннами и сможете 25 тыс тонн утопить на фрегатной битве все и сразу только в сказках - вообще тут дорога в обе стороны - от вас например гениальных ходов конем не поступало = тоже жаль и разочарование поэтому сделаем как изначально предложили простое и работающее лучше чем отсуствующее идеальное земля = влияние остальное можно начитерить или обойти на твинках
  9. Clan invites requires both players to be online. Works perfectly and not useless at all. Some clans have more than 150 members no plans to change this in the near future
  10. зайти не смогут мортирные бриги - будет ценз от лорда протектора или чтото в этом роде в целом по советам игроков вердикт такой варианта два либо простая схема - земля = голос. либо оставляем все как сейчас и решайте сами в вентрилах у кого с кем альянс и записывайте на бумажку других вариантов нет - так как все остальные можно нафармить и начитерить (ктото тут писал про черепки потбса например - которые ничего не решат так как игрок может удалить перса и сразу сесть на сантисиму - в потбсе нельзя сесть на корабль не по левелу - мы как то вводли подготовку по цензу так плач братьев вайнеров затмил все на свете)
  11. Теряются конечно автоматически настраиваемая система владений и голосов - захватываешь и удерживаешь порты = получаешь влияние в нации города теряешь = теряешь влияние
  12. Its too early Getting more users now is sending water into the bucket with holes in it Main leaks are Conquest/port battles are not well done UI Jingles loved the game when it was session based battles. He will not like sailing long hours hunting for prey and then getting ganked repeatedly. He will say the game sucks and it will affect potential users negatively (even those who might love long hours sailing). BTW will you take him to an important British port battle in a Santisima? If you do then its possible to get him to showable content immediately We are very unorthodox Have you ever seen ads for our games? Yet our first 2 hardcore games sold almost 400k copies combined across 3 platforms (PC/Mac/Ipad). All of our content creators levelled up themselves. The question is why Jingles or other guy should get the benefit over lets say Dekie or Olav or Steelsandwich or Babay (indexcomfort) But we might provide press accounts just before the release and we do need a program providing benefits for content creators. This will come but not now
  13. Sabotage is allowed, its not a friendly golf game its an all out war. Keeping enemy in battle, tackling their fleets, providing mis information is allowed, faking attacks. is allowed. BUT Open trolling and admissions that you are an alt is not allowed Using alts to gain unfair advantage is not allowed by locking access to other ships is not allowed. Using alts to pull people into battle is not allowed What is hard is getting proof If you prove that he is an saboteur - i will transfer him to Britain or to pirates. Topic will be locked
  14. The game will be localized into several languages We plan to start this after UI rework (by mid/end summer) also thank you for the proposal. hidden your email and sent in pm
  15. answer no smoke = FPS heavy rolling guns were in game and were disabled = FPS heavy same with ports = FPS heavy It is impossible in 25v25 battle sizes will have to be cut to small engagements to make it happen or we have to wait 10 years for next GPU/CPU cycle and engine improvements Also in real life the average Captain never seen any combat and his main enemy was hernia (90% cause of casualties in the British navy in the age of sail).
  16. Players like you will not be comfortable here on our forums. You escalate conflict immediately without any consideration for other people opinions, without reading what they are trying to say to you. You only want YOU and don't care about other opinions or statements. I will repeat - mostly for others. You said they are cheating - Sabotage is not cheating. Cheating is hacking the code gaining unfair advantage. Sabotaging is different and IS NOT cheating. You called him a cheater. If he is a spy or an alt he is not cheating - he is a saboteur (if he is) and game does not give national officers tools to handle those people. But - joining a battle could be sabotaging or could be just honest mistake Maybe he wanted to help (he joined because it was his first port battle) Maybe he crashed and could not log in (ship surrenders then) (his video card could not handle so many large textured (50 large ships) Maybe he could not leave and surrendered thinking it will free up space in battle You have not spent time investigating this. You have not even asked this guy who he is. Talk to him in game before posting here. Then you proceed and tell us - GO INVESTIGATE. in a condescending tone, just because you want it and you dont want to gather evidence. Answer is no. We wont investigate cases with no evidence. There are ways to get your danish friends to spy on this guy. If i was that captain in a cerberus i would surrender again in the next port battle. I can guarantee he received a lot of negativity after he joined the battle in a light ship and surrendered in disguist. POTBS players made this mistake - they shhhed their rookies, valuing their precious pixels so much that they denied opportunity for lower level players to get battle experience. Thus forcing them out of the game. TLDR We take cheating very seriously - everything is on the server as a result. We take abuse very seriously we enforce clean chat and other rules. You posted a screen and said - "someone go investigate" answer - no. reason - not enough evidence to move forwards. You were given this explanation before but continued posting about it. Please dont. Also your exact phrase - "someone go investigate because i want you to" sounds very weird. Thus the responses. Change the tone and we can move mountains together.
  17. two reasons (as usual being brutally honest with our customers) main - to recreate the experience of learning the ship building craft as a real captain (slow and painful as it was those days). To replicate slow rate of ship building where a good ship could take 5 years to make. secondary - hardcore players lobby, many players want to only sail first rates themselves and keep others in cutters (especially if you are a pirate) Going forward - labor hours might get addressed some time in the future. Please dont stay silent about them if you think it is REALLY wrong.
  18. Its an unfortunate bug caused by our testing the live transfer of governorship in case of deletion of the account or lack of timer whatsoever. The option was thinly hinted in this topic http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/13693-timer-warning-please-repost-in-nations/ the bug will be fixed in code (applying the transfer before battle results - not after), BUT in this particular case US will have to capture the port again. Loot and xp second time Sorry for the inconvenience Captain
  19. currently it does not mean anything
  20. Sabotage is not Cheating Everyone is innocent until proven guilty Joining the battle in a Cerberus is not against the rules Tribunal is used for many reasons including clarifications false cases will always happen and will be closed. Raising suspicion is not enough, but perhaps you can shadow this character for 7 days and provide this evidence. I want you take a look at this character and sail with (follow) him for 1 week non stop. This will help you gather the evidence. Maybe we can open a detective agency - Pinkerton something... If you cannot do it i can ask one of our volunteers do it for you - it will cost you $500 dollars and we will try to gather evidence by spending time on this character for a week shadowing him, just because you are raising this suspicion. You can pay by paypal
  21. За пвп урон 3х экспы а за кил так вообще сыпет как из ведра (даже если тонешь!) сверх комфортная система поэтому вопрос кто заставляет бежать? атакуйте и на дно как варяг - но с экспой и славой (и опытом сражений в неравных условиях)
  22. Sorry Captain Charognard Report should have come from Putgm or Mister Zero. If it did not come they were ok with green on green. Denying enemy capture is a valid tactic and is not forbidden by the rules. For example if you are on fire you might choose to explode or maybe sink like a famous Russian ship Varyag (Viking).
  23. ask them to log in the rule states clearly we will transfer the port lord protector to one of the top 3 landowners in 2 cases only 1) lord protector has switched nation 2) lord protector has deleted account (or permanently banned)
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