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  1. if you are close to la tortue you will remain at la tortue as it is a deep water port.
  2. its not a bug. If you are stuck you are sent to the nearest deepwater port now.
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  3. The problem with all rewards is this - as soon as you start giving them generously (good for individual players) it starts breaking the monetary system (bad for the game). If economy prices change on supply then Every individual player is happy ONLY until loot prices fall to 0 (because everyone gets a lot), but if the economy is fixed price then everyone makes a lot of money turning money into worthless item as a result. In this iteration of the economy you will get rich if you help other players. You can do it by a) trading b ) crafting items used by players c) crafting ships d) conquering ports (getting conquest marks) e) pvp ing and capturing player ships, refits, upgrades, guns and cargo We dont know why bot grinding should be extremely profitable. Because of reasons in the first paragraph. But it will get better once market for PVE marks trading and conversion becomes active.. Once they get value you will be able to sell them and make money on PVE. Rich players will buy them from you to save time and you will make a lot of money based on the demand. Perhaps there should be a point f) being in the OW should be rewarded better than it is now as you are a target then for someone else. At least thats the experiment we are running.
  4. Why should you get something if you lost? We stopped giving out participation trophies
  5. It is possible. You hunt players who trade. And they DO trade. the most common player ship i have seen has been this players are not forced to do missions. But again missions are the system that actually make it feel worse due to low variety. Same bots are there in the OW. Group up with someone and hit bigger ships. You might level up faster and will actually see the world.
  6. 3rd rates are excellent and several times cheaper. You don't have to grind anything. You can just capture it from those who grind.
  7. 400,000 missions mattered on live. Now with ship of the line prices being planned to reach 10 million and above those quest rewards are peanuts (especially taking into account no safe travel - to make those 400,000 (including cost of goods) you have to sail and risk being a target. + I doubt those missions matter to rookies. We are talking about new player experience right? We are playing as rookies every day things that you propose to improve/increase are not satisfactory. Your proposals are just welfare - buy ships at higher price, drop more goods etc. We need something better and deeper and maybe more structured for a rookie specifically - more than just drop more resources from deconstruct. We have some ideas but would like to hear yours and from players like you (those who level up from zero on testbed)
  8. inflation control starts from 0 money. Then if there is not enough money it is easy to add. but if there is too much money its much harder to take back
  9. what do you mean? I hope you did not mean - "Hey, as a pirate i want to jump from FT to FT like a grasshopper attacking poor traders in instantly closing battles with a teleport to safety from the BRS?" Starter pack did not work. Players sold the starter pack and traded cash, deleted the account, created new, sold the pack, traded cash, deleted the account. One particular player have created 200 characters this way until we closed the loophole the next day. now we have a free cutter with free cannons and free repairs.
  10. does it sail with 24 guns? and shoot 24 guns i wonder. You cant currently install less than the max guns per deck. We wanted to see if this basic system will work first.
  11. well. we cant. there are multiple ship state problem that are impossible to solve. For example he exited. bought another ship and does not a slot any more and you went for a smoke and decided to give him a ship back. We have nowhere to send it.
  12. hmmm this was working just yesterday we will check
  13. no.. we just did not include them yet. next week.
  14. what is back?
  15. YES. thank you. more than 50 bugs and issues were found and fixed just this week because of you guys. Some very serious. We just dont want players to be upset when testbed is reset and thus do not recommend to actually try to conquer the Caribbean there as they will burned out and tired doing it over and over. We will try to recover as much as we can during such occasional resets.
  16. Some expensive upgrades were RNG and were sold at millions of dollars. Cannons are a natural replaceable part of the ship. Dont lose them. BTW. NPC prices will spike for ships. And lineships will become a lot more expensive than they are now. Expect to dish out from 10mln and more for a 1st rate (not including guns).
  17. trader lynx and cutter have been forgotten)) the rest of the list is not going to be crafteable and will either be mission chain rewards or... who knows.
  18. But if you redeemed craft xp how could you lost it? please file the F11 report ticket attn to Ink if you lost more than expected. regarding testbed please dont overwork yourself, by levelling, farming etc. serious changes will require asset removal and you will feel upset - its a test server for testing/wiping/fixing so it happens less on the live.
  19. same as in the real life you could see a sail in the distance and knew nothing about it. sometimes you could not even make out the ship type until it was too late
  20. no reason. ignore it until next week. other converters are coming. right now everything is for pve marks just to test for bugs you can trade marks on the market through contracts too
  21. endymion is fast.. so probably it does not require a lot of speed upgrades because its already built fast and cannot be improved much in the speed related arena. Thus there is no need to install a lot of speed upgrades on the endymion as no ship could sail more than 15 those times (physics water hull other reasons). But you don't like the endymion and like indiaman more (as a bait ship). So you fit it with 8 speed upgrades and it might sail 15 knots.
  22. if you are still in the BRS screen just exit it (accepting warnings and pop ups) and you will be fine if you already deleted your character and have not yet created a new one just create new one (new redeems will be in the redeem box) if you already created a new one - redeems will be in the redeems box
  23. those are lost but we are providing new during the patch.
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