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  1. no more instant travel. the die is cast
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  2. As far as i remember you started testing when open world was not even under consideration.
  3. Proposals and discussions are not promises. The official promise remains here https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=259130636 The game will be shipped in 3 stages. Episode 1: Multiplayer combat. Episode 2: Upgradeable ships, crews, ranks, boarding Episode 3: Sandbox open world, crafting and conquest We plan to deliver what we promised.
  4. Carronade fit-out died in reality when americans have decided to build 32lb and 24lb frigates. If carronades were so great then they would have stayed longer.
  5. Because it requires less iron (being lighter)
  6. we don't know the date Captain. We can estimate it but things come up. Nation transfer consumable solves a lot of player problems and its worth delaying to get it into the game before the wipe. We guarantee players will have problems with redeemables and xp loss if that item is not in game.
  7. main post will be updated shortly
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  8. thats temporary
  9. You can capture everything + everyone must be sailing in the open world, with no shortcuts. Pure pvp lifestyle is more viable than before.
  10. flags for pvp marks are under consideration. No final design yet. We will keep players posted on this and provide info once we have it.
  11. this will be fixed soon (they currently generate enemy bots instead of national bots for hostility and slight protection)
  12. if you login to all three before the wipe yes. you will have 3 redeems - 1 per server
  13. yes . you can have 3 characters on 3 servers = 1 character per server.
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  14. NPC ships are not higher quality. In general they are no different from crafted vessels. thats the issue.
  15. Minimal crew checks are only done in port. In battle you can sail it with 10 (if you lost half crew during boarding but still want to continue). Port authorities do not allow you to sail out under crewed. But do not control your crew distribution at sea. This also solves several problems with alts.
  16. We are unsure now. We have initially decided to make NPC captured ships useless by providing a Captured from NPC debuff to promote crafters. But need more time to think about alternatives in light of the current situation on the testbed.
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  17. no. min crew means how many men you need to sail this ship out of port. All of them can be on guns (if you switch off sailing crew focus)
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  18. yes. its needed asap. Some things will be updated after the wipe patch is deployed
  19. Steam only counts copies sold through Steam in the reviews. All keys sold OUTSIDE of steam are not counted as reviews and are placed in other category. This includes pre-orders through paypal, purchases through humble bundles, or purchases in retail (when developers sell steam keys in boxes through retail instead of the disk) or Kickstarter keys. If you key did not sell through steam (steam did not make money on it) it is not counted in the reviews. NA have sold 11000 pre-orders all those copies were received outside of steam.
  20. Congrats!
  21. The community knows if the game is a scam or not. If the community wants to grow in size they will act on the reviews that misrepresent the product - for example calling the game a scam (attempt to take money and run) - because those reviews limit the community growth.
  22. The first step was fishing. We have historical fish types that spawn in the places where they would normally live in the caribbean. There are spawn zones, density etc. But unfortunately its not working. It is impossible to design great exploration systems in MMO environment without a randomized world. Exploration described in a blog was a great idea for a single player game where the world revolves around you. We did not understand it then.
  23. We have fleets that many players use and love fleets now are useful because captured vessels have to be transported back to safe place (friendly port teleport is going away soon) If capture from npc awards kills then players can use their fleets for easy farming of rewards. We already encountered it before with reinforcement supports from ports - if you give the player the option to command bots - they give them stop command and farm free xp and money. Removing xp and money for capture is currently the only way to provide interesting reward systems with some depth.
  24. can you program in C#? - write to me in private
  25. Right now there is a bug that does not give xp if you sink a surrendered ship. Once it fixed. Rob it and sink it. But if you captured it and brought it home.. well - you have the ship - its your reward
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